| # Intro |
| |
| This repository provides a set of spark ETL jobs able to extract, transform and persist data from |
| gerrit projects with the purpose of performing analytics tasks. |
| |
| Each job focuses on a specific dataset and it knows how to extract it, filter it, aggregate it, |
| transform it and then persist it. |
| |
| The persistent storage of choice is *elasticsearch*, which plays very well with the *kibana* dashboard for |
| visualizing the analytics. |
| |
| All jobs are configured as separate sbt projects and have in common just a thin layer of core |
| dependencies, such as spark, elasticsearch client, test utils, etc. |
| |
| Each job can be built and published independently, both as a fat jar artifact or a docker image. |
| |
| # Spark ETL jobs |
| |
| Here below an exhaustive list of all the spark jobs provided by this repo, along with their documentation. |
| |
| ## Git Commits |
| |
| Extracts and aggregates git commits data from Gerrit Projects. |
| |
| Requires a [Gerrit 2.13.x](https://www.gerritcodereview.com/releases/README.md) or later |
| with the [analytics](https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/analytics/) |
| plugin installed and [Apache Spark 2.11](https://spark.apache.org/downloads.html) or later. |
| |
| Job can be launched with the following parameters: |
| |
| ```bash |
| bin/spark-submit \ |
| --class com.gerritforge.analytics.gitcommits.job.Main \ |
| --conf spark.es.nodes=es.mycompany.com \ |
| $JARS/analytics-etl-gitcommits.jar \ |
| --since 2000-06-01 \ |
| --aggregate email_hour \ |
| --url http://gerrit.mycompany.com \ |
| -e gerrit \ |
| --username gerrit-api-username \ |
| --password gerrit-api-password |
| ``` |
| |
| You can also run this job in docker: |
| |
| ```bash |
| docker run -ti --rm \ |
| -e ES_HOST="es.mycompany.com" \ |
| -e GERRIT_URL="http://gerrit.mycompany.com" \ |
| -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--since 2000-06-01 --aggregate email_hour -e gerrit" \ |
| gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-gitcommits:latest |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Parameters |
| - since, until, aggregate are the same defined in Gerrit Analytics plugin |
| see: https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/analytics/+/master/README.md |
| - -u --url Gerrit server URL with the analytics plugins installed |
| - -p --prefix (*optional*) Projects prefix. Limit the results to those projects that start with the specified prefix. |
| - -e --elasticIndex Elastic Search index name. If not provided no ES export will be performed. _Note: ElastiSearch 6.x |
| requires this index format `name/type`, while from ElasticSearch 7.x just `name`_ |
| - -r --extract-branches Extract and process branches information (Optional) - Default: false |
| - -o --out folder location for storing the output as JSON files |
| if not provided data is saved to </tmp>/analytics-<NNNN> where </tmp> is |
| the system temporary directory |
| - -a --email-aliases (*optional*) "emails to author alias" input data path. |
| - -k --ignore-ssl-cert allows to proceed even for server connections otherwise considered insecure. |
| |
| CSVs with 3 columns are expected in input. |
| |
| Here an example of the required files structure: |
| ```csv |
| author,email,organization |
| John Smith,john@email.com,John's Company |
| John Smith,john@anotheremail.com,John's Company |
| David Smith,david.smith@email.com,Indipendent |
| David Smith,david@myemail.com,Indipendent |
| ``` |
| |
| You can use the following command to quickly extract the list of authors and emails to create part of an input CSV file: |
| ```bash |
| echo -e "author,email\n$(git log --pretty="%an,%ae%n%cn,%ce"|sort |uniq )" > /tmp/my_aliases.csv |
| ``` |
| Once you have it, you just have to add the organization column. |
| |
| *NOTE:* |
| * **organization** will be extracted from the committer email if not specified |
| * **author** will be defaulted to the committer name if not specified |
| |
| ### Build |
| |
| #### JAR |
| To build the jar file, simply use |
| |
| `sbt analyticsETLGitCommits/assembly` |
| |
| #### Docker |
| |
| To build the *gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-gitcommits* docker container just run: |
| |
| `sbt analyticsETLGitCommits/docker`. |
| |
| If you want to distribute use: |
| |
| `sbt analyticsETLGitCommits/dockerBuildAndPush`. |
| |
| The build and distribution override the `latest` image tag too |
| Remember to create an annotated tag for a release. The tag is used to define the docker image tag too |
| |
| ## Audit Logs |
| |
| Extract, aggregate and persist auditLog entries produced by Gerrit via the [audit-sl4j](https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/audit-sl4j/) plugin. |
| AuditLog entries are an immutable trace of what happened on Gerrit and this ETL can leverage that to answer questions such as: |
| |
| - How is GIT incoming traffic distributed? |
| - Git/SSH vs. Git/HTTP traffic |
| - Git receive-pack vs. upload-pack |
| - Top#10 users of receive-pack |
| |
| and many others questions related to the usage of Gerrit. |
| |
| Job can be launched, for example, with the following parameters: |
| |
| ```bash |
| spark-submit \ |
| --class com.gerritforge.analytics.auditlog.job.Main \ |
| --conf spark.es.nodes=es.mycompany.com \ |
| --conf spark.es.port=9200 \ |
| --conf spark.es.index.auto.create=true \ |
| $JARS/analytics-etl-auditlog.jar \ |
| --gerritUrl https://gerrit.mycompany.com \ |
| --elasticSearchIndex gerrit \ |
| --eventsPath /path/to/auditlogs \ |
| --ignoreSSLCert false \ |
| --since 2000-06-01 \ |
| --until 2020-12-01 |
| ``` |
| |
| You can also run this job in docker: |
| |
| ```bash |
| docker run \ |
| --volume <source>/audit_log:/app/events/audit_log -ti --rm \ |
| -e ES_HOST="<elasticsearch_url>" \ |
| -e GERRIT_URL="http://<gerrit_url>:<gerrit_port>" \ |
| -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--elasticSearchIndex gerrit --eventsPath /app/events/audit_log --ignoreSSLCert false --since 2000-06-01 --until 2020-12-01 -a hour" \ |
| gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-auditlog:latest |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Parameters |
| |
| * -u, --gerritUrl - gerrit server URL (Required) |
| * --username - Gerrit API Username (Optional) |
| * --password - Gerrit API Password (Optional) |
| * -i, --elasticSearchIndex - elasticSearch index to persist data into (Required) |
| * -p, --eventsPath - path to a directory (or a file) containing auditLogs events. Supports also _.gz_ files. (Required) |
| * -a, --eventsTimeAggregation - Events of the same type, produced by the same user will be aggregated with this time granularity: 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'week', 'month', 'quarter'. (Optional) - Default: 'hour' |
| * -k, --ignoreSSLCert - Ignore SSL certificate validation (Optional) - Default: false |
| * -s, --since - process only auditLogs occurred after (and including) this date (Optional) |
| * -u, --until - process only auditLogs occurred before (and including) this date (Optional) |
| * -a, --additionalUserInfoPath - path to a CSV file containing additional user information (Optional). Currently it is only possible to add user `type` (i.e.: _bot_, _human_). |
| If the type is not specified the user will be considered _human_. |
| |
| Here an additional user information CSV file example: |
| ```csv |
| id,type |
| 123,"bot" |
| 456,"bot" |
| 789,"human" |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Build |
| |
| #### JAR |
| To build the jar file, simply use |
| |
| `sbt analyticsETLAuditLog/assembly` |
| |
| #### Docker |
| |
| To build the *gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-auditlog* docker image just run: |
| |
| `sbt analyticsETLAuditLog/docker`. |
| |
| If you want to distribute it use: |
| |
| `sbt analyticsETLAuditLog/dockerBuildAndPush`. |
| |
| The build and distribution override the `latest` image tag too. |
| |
| |
| # Development environment |
| |
| A docker compose file is provided to spin up an instance of Elastisearch with Kibana locally. |
| Just run `docker-compose up`. |
| |
| ## Caveats |
| |
| * If you want to run the git ETL job from within docker against containerized elasticsearch and/or gerrit instances, you need |
| to make them reachable by the ETL container. You can do this by spinning the ETL within the same network used by your elasticsearch/gerrit container (use `--network` argument) |
| |
| * If elasticsearch or gerrit run on your host machine, then you need to make _that_ reachable by the ETL container. |
| You can do this by providing routing to the docker host machine (i.e. `--add-host="gerrit:<your_host_ip_address>"` `--add-host="elasticsearch:<your_host_ip_address>"`) |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| * Run gitcommits ETL: |
| ```bash |
| HOST_IP=`ifconfig en0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}'` \ |
| docker run -ti --rm \ |
| --add-host="gerrit:$HOST_IP" \ |
| --network analytics-etl_ek \ |
| -e ES_HOST="elasticsearch" \ |
| -e GERRIT_URL="http://$HOST_IP:8080" \ |
| -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--since 2000-06-01 --aggregate email_hour -e gerrit" \ |
| gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-gitcommits:latest |
| ``` |
| |
| * Run auditlog ETL: |
| ```bash |
| HOST_IP=`ifconfig en0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}'` \ |
| docker run -ti --rm --volume <source>/audit_log:/app/events/audit_log \ |
| --add-host="gerrit:$HOST_IP" \ |
| --network analytics-wizard_ek \ |
| -e ES_HOST="elasticsearch" \ |
| -e GERRIT_URL="http://$HOST_IP:8181" \ |
| -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--elasticSearchIndex gerrit --eventsPath /app/events/audit_log --ignoreSSLCert true --since 2000-06-01 --until 2020-12-01 -a hour" \ |
| gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-auditlog:latest |
| ``` |
| |
| * If Elastisearch dies with `exit code 137` you might have to give Docker more memory ([check this article for more details](https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/22211)) |
| |
| * Should ElasticSearch need authentication (i.e.: if X-Pack is enabled), credentials can be passed through the *spark.es.net.http.auth.pass* and *spark.es.net.http.auth.user* parameters. |
| |
| * If the dockerized spark job cannot connect to elasticsearch (also, running on docker) you might need to tell elasticsearch to publish |
| the host to the cluster using the \_site\_ address. |
| |
| ``` |
| elasticsearch: |
| ... |
| environment: |
| ... |
| - http.host= |
| - network.host=_site_ |
| - http.publish_host=_site_ |
| ... |
| ``` |
| |
| See [here](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-network.html#network-interface-values) for more info |
| |
| ## Build all |
| |
| To perform actions across all jobs simply run the relevant *sbt* task without specifying the job name. For example: |
| |
| * Test all jobs: `sbt test` |
| * Build jar for all jobs: `sbt assembly` |
| * Build docker for all jobs: `sbt docker` |