This repository provides a set of spark ETL jobs able to extract, transform and persist data from gerrit projects with the purpose of performing analytics tasks.
Each job focuses on a specific dataset and it knows how to extract it, filter it, aggregate it, transform it and then persist it.
The persistent storage of choice is elasticsearch, which plays very well with the kibana dashboard for visualizing the analytics.
All jobs are configured as separate sbt projects and have in common just a thin layer of core dependencies, such as spark, elasticsearch client, test utils, etc.
Each job can be built and published independently, both as a fat jar artifact or a docker image.
Here below an exhaustive list of all the spark jobs provided by this repo, along with their documentation.
Extracts and aggregates git commits data from Gerrit Projects.
Requires a Gerrit 2.13.x or later with the analytics plugin installed and Apache Spark 2.11 or later.
Job can be launched with the following parameters:
bin/spark-submit \ --class \ --conf \ $JARS/analytics-etl-gitcommits.jar \ --since 2000-06-01 \ --aggregate email_hour \ --url \ -e gerrit \ --username gerrit-api-username \ --password gerrit-api-password
You can also run this job in docker:
docker run -ti --rm \ -e ES_HOST="" \ -e GERRIT_URL="" \ -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--since 2000-06-01 --aggregate email_hour -e gerrit" \ gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-gitcommits:latest
since, until, aggregate are the same defined in Gerrit Analytics plugin see:
-u --url Gerrit server URL with the analytics plugins installed
-m --manifest Repo manifest XML path. Absolute path of the Repo manifest XML to import project from. Each project will be imported from the revision specified in the revision
-n --manifest-branch (optional) Manifest branch. Manifest file git branch.
-l --manifest-label (optional) Manifest label. A manifest_label
is an aggregation of projects imported from the same manifest. Add it to allow filtering by manifest_label
-p --prefix (optional) Projects prefix. Limit the results to those projects that start with the specified prefix.
-e --elasticIndex Elastic Search index name. If not provided no ES export will be performed. Note: ElastiSearch 6.x requires this index format name/type
, while from ElasticSearch 7.x just name
-r --extract-branches Extract and process branches information (Optional) - Default: false
-o --out folder location for storing the output as JSON files if not provided data is saved to /analytics- where is the system temporary directory
-a --email-aliases (optional) “emails to author alias” input data path.
-k --ignore-ssl-cert allows to proceed even for server connections otherwise considered insecure.
CSVs with 3 columns are expected in input.
Here an example of the required files structure:
author,email,organization John Smith,,John's Company John Smith,,John's Company David Smith,,Indipendent David Smith,,Indipendent
You can use the following command to quickly extract the list of authors and emails to create part of an input CSV file:
echo -e "author,email\n$(git log --pretty="%an,%ae%n%cn,%ce"|sort |uniq )" > /tmp/my_aliases.csv
Once you have it, you just have to add the organization column.
To build the jar file, simply use
sbt analyticsETLGitCommits/assembly
To build the gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-gitcommits docker container just run:
sbt analyticsETLGitCommits/docker
If you want to distribute use:
sbt analyticsETLGitCommits/dockerBuildAndPush
The build and distribution override the latest
image tag too Remember to create an annotated tag for a release. The tag is used to define the docker image tag too
Extract, aggregate and persist auditLog entries produced by Gerrit via the audit-sl4j plugin. AuditLog entries are an immutable trace of what happened on Gerrit and this ETL can leverage that to answer questions such as:
and many others questions related to the usage of Gerrit.
Job can be launched, for example, with the following parameters:
spark-submit \ --class \ --conf \ --conf \ --conf \ $JARS/analytics-etl-auditlog.jar \ --gerritUrl \ --elasticSearchIndex gerrit \ --eventsPath /path/to/auditlogs \ --ignoreSSLCert false \ --since 2000-06-01 \ --until 2020-12-01
You can also run this job in docker:
docker run \ --volume <source>/audit_log:/app/events/audit_log -ti --rm \ -e ES_HOST="<elasticsearch_url>" \ -e GERRIT_URL="http://<gerrit_url>:<gerrit_port>" \ -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--elasticSearchIndex gerrit --eventsPath /app/events/audit_log --ignoreSSLCert false --since 2000-06-01 --until 2020-12-01 -a hour" \ gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-auditlog:latest
-u, --gerritUrl - gerrit server URL (Required)
--username - Gerrit API Username (Optional)
--password - Gerrit API Password (Optional)
-i, --elasticSearchIndex - elasticSearch index to persist data into (Required)
-p, --eventsPath - path to a directory (or a file) containing auditLogs events. Supports also .gz files. (Required)
-a, --eventsTimeAggregation - Events of the same type, produced by the same user will be aggregated with this time granularity: ‘second’, ‘minute’, ‘hour’, ‘week’, ‘month’, ‘quarter’. (Optional) - Default: ‘hour’
-k, --ignoreSSLCert - Ignore SSL certificate validation (Optional) - Default: false
-s, --since - process only auditLogs occurred after (and including) this date (Optional)
-u, --until - process only auditLogs occurred before (and including) this date (Optional)
-a, --additionalUserInfoPath - path to a CSV file containing additional user information (Optional). Currently it is only possible to add user type
(i.e.: bot, human). If the type is not specified the user will be considered human.
Here an additional user information CSV file example:
id,type 123,"bot" 456,"bot" 789,"human"
To build the jar file, simply use
sbt analyticsETLAuditLog/assembly
To build the gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-auditlog docker image just run:
sbt analyticsETLAuditLog/docker
If you want to distribute it use:
sbt analyticsETLAuditLog/dockerBuildAndPush
The build and distribution override the latest
image tag too.
A docker compose file is provided to spin up an instance of Elastisearch with Kibana locally. Just run docker-compose up
If you want to run the git ETL job from within docker against containerized elasticsearch and/or gerrit instances, you need to make them reachable by the ETL container. You can do this by spinning the ETL within the same network used by your elasticsearch/gerrit container (use --network
If elasticsearch or gerrit run on your host machine, then you need to make that reachable by the ETL container. You can do this by providing routing to the docker host machine (i.e. --add-host="gerrit:<your_host_ip_address>"
For example:
HOST_IP=`ifconfig en0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}'` \ docker run -ti --rm \ --add-host="gerrit:$HOST_IP" \ --network analytics-etl_ek \ -e ES_HOST="elasticsearch" \ -e GERRIT_URL="http://$HOST_IP:8080" \ -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--since 2000-06-01 --aggregate email_hour -e gerrit" \ gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-gitcommits:latest
HOST_IP=`ifconfig en0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}'` \ docker run -ti --rm --volume <source>/audit_log:/app/events/audit_log \ --add-host="gerrit:$HOST_IP" \ --network analytics-wizard_ek \ -e ES_HOST="elasticsearch" \ -e GERRIT_URL="http://$HOST_IP:8181" \ -e ANALYTICS_ARGS="--elasticSearchIndex gerrit --eventsPath /app/events/audit_log --ignoreSSLCert true --since 2000-06-01 --until 2020-12-01 -a hour" \ gerritforge/gerrit-analytics-etl-auditlog:latest
If Elastisearch dies with exit code 137
you might have to give Docker more memory (check this article for more details)
Should ElasticSearch need authentication (i.e.: if X-Pack is enabled), credentials can be passed through the and parameters.
If the dockerized spark job cannot connect to elasticsearch (also, running on docker) you might need to tell elasticsearch to publish the host to the cluster using the _site_ address.
elasticsearch: ... environment: ... - - - http.publish_host=_site_ ...
See here for more info
To perform actions across all jobs simply run the relevant sbt task without specifying the job name. For example:
sbt test
sbt assembly
sbt docker