Model audit events and test deserialization

Modeled SshAuditEvent, HttpAuditEvent and ExtendedHttpAuditEvent
and tested ability to deserialize json strings into case classes

Feature: Issue 9866
Change-Id: I8dc738b9300e6a24afd97ac8dfde96ec7fd02be1
diff --git a/auditlog/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/auditlog/model/AuditEvent.scala b/auditlog/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/auditlog/model/AuditEvent.scala
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index 0000000..c577e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auditlog/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/auditlog/model/AuditEvent.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
+import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, _}
+import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
+object AuditEvent {
+  implicit private val formats = DefaultFormats
+  def fromJsonString(json: String): Try[AuditEvent] = {
+    Try(parse(json)).flatMap { jsValueEvent =>
+      jsValueEvent \ "type" match {
+        case JString(eventType) if eventType == "HttpAuditEvent" =>
+          Success((jsValueEvent \ "event").camelizeKeys.extract[HttpAuditEvent])
+        case JString(eventType) if eventType == "ExtendedHttpAuditEvent" =>
+          Success((jsValueEvent \ "event").camelizeKeys.extract[ExtendedHttpAuditEvent])
+        case JString(eventType) if eventType == "SshAuditEvent" =>
+          Success((jsValueEvent \ "event").camelizeKeys.extract[SshAuditEvent])
+        case _ => Failure(new MappingException(s"Could not parse json into an audit event: $json"))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+sealed trait AuditEvent {
+  def sessionId: String
+  def timeAtStart: Long
+  def what: String
+  def elapsed: Int
+  def uuid: AuditUUID
+final case class SshAuditEvent(
+  sessionId: String,
+  who: Option[CurrentUser],
+  timeAtStart: Long,
+  what: String,
+  elapsed: Int,
+  uuid: AuditUUID
+) extends AuditEvent
+sealed trait BaseHttpAuditEvent extends AuditEvent {
+  def httpMethod: String
+  def httpStatus: Int
+  def who: CurrentUser
+final case class HttpAuditEvent(
+    httpMethod: String,
+    httpStatus: Int,
+    sessionId: String,
+    who: CurrentUser,
+    timeAtStart: Long,
+    what: String,
+    elapsed: Int,
+    uuid: AuditUUID
+) extends BaseHttpAuditEvent
+final case class ExtendedHttpAuditEvent(
+    httpMethod: String,
+    httpStatus: Int,
+    sessionId: String,
+    who: CurrentUser,
+    timeAtStart: Long,
+    what: String,
+    elapsed: Int,
+    uuid: AuditUUID
+) extends BaseHttpAuditEvent
+final case class CurrentUser(
+  accessPath: String,
+  accountId: Option[AccountId]
+final case class AccountId(id: Int)
+final case class AuditUUID(uuid: String)
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diff --git a/auditlog/src/test/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/auditlog/model/AuditEventSpec.scala b/auditlog/src/test/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/auditlog/model/AuditEventSpec.scala
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index 0000000..a6ec23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auditlog/src/test/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/auditlog/model/AuditEventSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+import org.json4s.MappingException
+import org.json4s.ParserUtil.ParseException
+import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Inside, Matchers}
+import org.scalatest.TryValues._
+class AuditEventSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Inside {
+  "parsing a string that is not json" should "result in a ParseException failure" in {
+    val someJson = """this_is_not_a_valid_json"""
+    AuditEvent.fromJsonString(someJson).failure.exception shouldBe a[ParseException]
+  }
+  "parsing a json not representing an audit event log" should "result in a MappingException failure" in {
+    val someJson = """{"some": "json", "not": "expected"}"""
+    AuditEvent.fromJsonString(someJson).failure.exception shouldBe a[MappingException]
+  }
+  "A json representing an http audit event log" should "be parsed into a success of HttpAuditEvent" in {
+    val httpMethod = "POST"
+    val httpStatus = 200
+    val sessionId  = "1r7ywi4vd3jk410dv60pvd19vk"
+    val accountId  = 1009124
+    val accessPath = "GIT"
+    val timeAtStart       = 1542240322369L
+    val what       = ""
+    val elapsed    = 12
+    val auditUUID = "audit:fe4cff68-d094-474a-9d97-502270b0b2e6"
+    val jsonEvent =
+      s"""
+         |{
+         |  "type": "HttpAuditEvent",
+         |  "event": {
+         |    "http_method": "$httpMethod",
+         |    "http_status": $httpStatus,
+         |    "session_id": "$sessionId",
+         |    "who": {
+         |      "account_id": {
+         |        "id": $accountId
+         |      },
+         |      "real_user": {
+         |        "account_id": {
+         |          "id": $accountId
+         |        },
+         |        "access_path": "UNKNOWN",
+         |        "last_login_external_id_property_key": {}
+         |      },
+         |      "access_path": "$accessPath",
+         |      "last_login_external_id_property_key": {}
+         |    },
+         |    "when": $timeAtStart,
+         |    "what": "$what",
+         |    "params": {},
+         |    "time_at_start": $timeAtStart,
+         |    "elapsed": $elapsed,
+         |    "uuid": {
+         |      "uuid": "$auditUUID"
+         |    }
+         |  }
+         |}
+       """.stripMargin
+    val triedEvent = AuditEvent.fromJsonString(jsonEvent)
+    inside (triedEvent.success.value) {
+      case HttpAuditEvent(gotHttpMethod, gotHttpStatus, gotSessionId, gotWho, gotTimeAtStart, gotWhat, gotElapsed, gotUUID) =>
+        gotHttpMethod  shouldBe httpMethod
+        gotHttpStatus  shouldBe httpStatus
+        gotSessionId   shouldBe sessionId
+        gotWho         shouldBe CurrentUser(accessPath = accessPath, accountId = Some(AccountId(accountId)))
+        gotTimeAtStart shouldBe timeAtStart
+        gotWhat        shouldBe what
+        gotElapsed     shouldBe elapsed
+        gotUUID.uuid   shouldBe auditUUID
+    }
+  }
+  "A json representing a SSH audit event log" should "be parsed into a success of SshAuditEvent" in {
+    val sessionId   = "2adc5bef"
+    val accountId   = 1009124
+    val accessPath  = "SSH_COMMAND"
+    val timeAtStart = 1542240322369L
+    val what        = ""
+    val elapsed     = 12
+    val auditUUID   = "audit:dd74e098-9260-4720-9143-38a0a0a5e500"
+    val jsonEvent =
+      s"""
+         |{
+         |  "type": "SshAuditEvent",
+         |  "event": {
+         |    "session_id": "$sessionId",
+         |    "who": {
+         |      "account_id": {
+         |        "id": $accountId
+         |      },
+         |      "access_path": "$accessPath",
+         |      "last_login_external_id_property_key": {}
+         |    },
+         |    "when": $timeAtStart,
+         |    "what": "$what",
+         |    "params": {},
+         |    "result": "0",
+         |    "time_at_start": $timeAtStart,
+         |    "elapsed": $elapsed,
+         |    "uuid": {
+         |      "uuid": "$auditUUID"
+         |    }
+         |  }
+         |}
+       """.stripMargin
+    inside (AuditEvent.fromJsonString(jsonEvent).success.value) {
+      case SshAuditEvent(gotSessionId, gotWho, gotTimeAtStart, gotWhat, gotElapsed, gotUUID) =>
+        gotSessionId   shouldBe sessionId
+        gotWho         shouldBe Some(CurrentUser(accessPath = accessPath, accountId = Some(AccountId(accountId))))
+        gotTimeAtStart shouldBe timeAtStart
+        gotWhat        shouldBe what
+        gotElapsed     shouldBe elapsed
+        gotUUID.uuid   shouldBe auditUUID
+    }
+  }
+  "A json representing a failed SSH authentication failure" should "be parsed into a success of SshAuditEvent" in {
+    val sessionId   = "000000000000000000000000000"
+    val timeAtStart = 1542240154088L
+    val what        = "AUTH"
+    val elapsed     = 0
+    val auditUUID   = "audit:8d40c495-7b51-4003-81f2-718bc04addf3"
+    val jsonEvent =
+      s"""
+         |{
+         |  "type": "SshAuditEvent",
+         |  "event": {
+         |    "session_id": "$sessionId",
+         |    "when": 1542240154088,
+         |    "what": "$what",
+         |    "params": {},
+         |    "result": "FAIL",
+         |    "time_at_start": $timeAtStart,
+         |    "elapsed": $elapsed,
+         |    "uuid": {
+         |      "uuid": "$auditUUID"
+         |    }
+         |  }
+         |}
+       """.stripMargin
+    inside (AuditEvent.fromJsonString(jsonEvent).success.value) {
+      case SshAuditEvent(gotSessionId, gotWho, gotTimeAtStart, gotWhat, gotElapsed, gotUUID) =>
+        gotSessionId   shouldBe sessionId
+        gotWho         shouldBe None
+        gotTimeAtStart shouldBe timeAtStart
+        gotWhat        shouldBe what
+        gotElapsed     shouldBe elapsed
+        gotUUID.uuid   shouldBe auditUUID
+    }
+  }
+  "A json representing an extended http audit event log" should "be parsed into a success of ExtendedHttpAuditEvent" in {
+    val httpMethod  = "GET"
+    val httpStatus  = 200
+    val sessionId   = "aQ3Dprttdq3tT25AMDHhF7zKpMOph64XnW"
+    val accountId   = 1011373
+    val accessPath  = "REST_API"
+    val timeAtStart = 1542242297450L
+    val what        = "/config/server/info"
+    val elapsed     = 177
+    val auditUUID   = "audit:5f10fea5-35d1-4252-b86f-99db7a9b549b"
+    val jsonEvent   =
+      s"""
+         |{
+         |  "type": "ExtendedHttpAuditEvent",
+         |  "event": {
+         |    "http_method": "$httpMethod",
+         |    "http_status": $httpStatus,
+         |    "session_id": "$sessionId",
+         |    "who": {
+         |      "account_id": {
+         |        "id": $accountId
+         |      },
+         |      "access_path": "$accessPath",
+         |      "last_login_external_id_property_key": {}
+         |    },
+         |    "when": 1542242297450,
+         |    "what": "$what",
+         |    "params": {},
+         |    "time_at_start": $timeAtStart,
+         |    "elapsed": $elapsed,
+         |    "uuid": {
+         |      "uuid": "$auditUUID"
+         |    }
+         |  }
+         |}
+       """.stripMargin
+    inside (AuditEvent.fromJsonString(jsonEvent).success.value) {
+      case ExtendedHttpAuditEvent(gotHttpMethod, gotHttpStatus, gotSessionId, gotWho, gotTimeAtStart, gotWhat, gotElapsed, gotUUID) =>
+        gotHttpMethod  shouldBe httpMethod
+        gotHttpStatus  shouldBe httpStatus
+        gotSessionId   shouldBe sessionId
+        gotWho         shouldBe CurrentUser(accessPath = accessPath, accountId = Some(AccountId(accountId)))
+        gotTimeAtStart shouldBe timeAtStart
+        gotWhat        shouldBe what
+        gotElapsed     shouldBe elapsed
+        gotUUID.uuid   shouldBe auditUUID
+    }
+  }
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