Extract organization field to ElasticSearch.

Obtained by the @domain part of committer email.

Change-Id: Ib5b3b9996ec78780007cd6f95a47e2dccd570364
3 files changed
tree: 2624fce9eb14f8e6893fb32015b9010707d2bdc4
  1. kibana/
  2. project/
  3. src/
  4. .gitignore
  5. build.sbt
  7. README.md


Spark ETL to extra analytics data from Gerrit Projects.

Job can be launched with the following parameters:

bin/spark-submit \
    --conf spark.es.nodes=es.mycompany.com \
    --conf spark.es.net.http.auth.user=elastic \
    --conf spark.es.net.http.auth.pass=changeme \
    $JARS/SparkAnalytics-assembly-1.0.jar \
    --since 2000-06-01 \
    --aggregate email_hour \
    --url http://gerrit.mycompany.com \
    -e gerrit/analytics


  • since, until, aggregate are the same defined in Gerrit Analytics plugin see: https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/analytics/+/master/README.md
  • -u --url Gerrit server URL with the analytics plugins installed
  • -e --elasticIndex specify as / to be loaded in Elastic Search if not provided no ES export will be performed
  • -o --out folder location for storing the output as JSON files if not provided data is saved to /analytics- where is the system temporary directory