Sunday Agenda

8:45 am Breakfast

Coffee and breakfast in breakout area.

9:30 am Gerrit at Qualcomm

Nasser Grainawi, Qualcomm

9:50 am Scaling Gerrit at Ericsson


Vladimir Cantiru, Ericsson

10:30 am Scaling Gerrit: active-active masters


Shawn Pearce, Google

11:00 am Break

11:30 am Tuning Gerrit

How to Properly Tune and Size your Gerrit Backend

So you decided to host your Git repositories yourself - great! How many servers will you need? Which cloning protocols to offer? How many CPUs and how much RAM will you need? What the heck is pack size? How often should you run garbage collection? Does it make any difference whether you go with a native Git or JGit based backend? How do you handle hundreds of polling CI users without compromising performance for your human end users? What about clustering and replication? This talk will provide you with background knowledge to better answer those questions (and some more). It is based on the scaling and tuning experience of many companies with 10k+ Git repositories and users, dozens of servers, terabytes of source code, and millions of fetch requests per day.

Every participant will get a Gerrit Performance Tuning Cheat Sheet which summarizes the most important factors, gerrit.config options and formula.

Johannes Nicolai, CollabNet

12:30 pm Lunch

Buffet served in breakout area.

1:30 pm Continuous Delivery in Big Data

BigData is now everywhere, from mobile media analytics, banking, industry, avionics and even in medicine to monitor expansion of epidemics.

We are showing how Code Review can be integrated with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery in a Big Data scenario that poses new challenges to the existing Jenkins framework. We are going to describe how we managed to implement our agile build and deployment process working with distributed teams in BigData Software Development Projects for media and financial organizations in London. The talk will start with a presentation of our workflow and then will explain how we leveraged Gerrit and Jenkins and how we integrated with Docker, Mesos and the Hadoop ecosystem.

Stefano Galarraga GerritForge

1:30 pm Monitoring Gerrit

Stephen Williams, Qualcomm

2:00 pm Prolog file-level whitelists

How I use Prolog to implement file-level whitelist and blacklist if there are any interests. (I am a Prolog novice myself!) [15 min]

Kenny Ho, AMD

2:30 pm Non-Prolog submit rules

You shall not pass – Control your code quality gates with a wizard.

For those of us who does not speak Prolog, there is an easier way to configure your submit rules. The quality gate wizard lets you to set up your submit rules in less than 3 minutes.

This presentation is about a gerrit plugin that provides an alternative to writing submit rules in Prolog.

Eryk Szymanski, CollabNet

3:00 pm Break and snack

Coffee and snacks served in breakout area.

3:30 pm notedb: Code reviews in Git

Dave Borowitz, Google

4:00 pm Docker-ization of Gerrit

Packaging and Docker-ization for faster enterprise deployment.

Luca Milanesio GerritForge

4:30 pm Jenkins & Gerrit

CloudBees has a fully integrated & Dockerized Gerrit/Jenkins demonstration. This is based on the real-world use case of a mobile development team using repo to manage multiple repositories in Gerrit. It illustrates how Jenkins workflow can be tied into Gerrit processes to simplify a complex review/build/test pipeline.

This builds on and uses the Dockerized Gerrit image that is being presented by GerritForge, and I will discuss some of the challenges & solutions, with an eye towards integrated solutions in Docker.

Sam Van Oort, CloudBees, Inc.

4:30 pm PolyGerrit: New Polymer UI

Dave Borowitz, Google