Kill Buck, welcome Bazel build

Introduce Gerrit in-tree Bazel build and get rid of all
references to Buck.

Change-Id: Ia4ad2fe1a86cb40f22ae625dda24d22da3c28010
diff --git a/.buckconfig b/.buckconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 109b4c0..0000000
--- a/.buckconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  uploadvalidator = //:uploadvalidator
-  plugin = //:uploadvalidator
-  src_roots = java, resources
-  ignore = .git
-  mode = dir
-  dir = buck-out/cache
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 43838b0..80d6257 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/BUCK b/BUCK
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d8c705..0000000
--- a/BUCK
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-  name = 'uploadvalidator',
-  srcs = glob(['src/main/java/**/*.java']),
-  resources = glob(['src/main/resources/**/*']),
-  manifest_entries = [
-    'Gerrit-PluginName: uploadvalidator',
-    'Gerrit-ApiType: plugin',
-    'Gerrit-ApiVersion: 2.12-SNAPSHOT',
-    'Gerrit-Module: com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.uploadvalidator.Module',
-  ],
-  deps = [
-    ':commons-io',
-    ':tika-core',
-  ],
-# this is required for bucklets/tools/eclipse/ to work
-  name = 'classpath',
-  deps = [':uploadvalidator__plugin'],
-  name = 'commons-io',
-  id = 'commons-io:commons-io:1.4',
-  sha1 = 'a8762d07e76cfde2395257a5da47ba7c1dbd3dce',
-  license = 'Apache2.0',
-  name = 'tika-core',
-  id = 'org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.12',
-  sha1 = '5ab95580d22fe1dee79cffbcd98bb509a32da09b',
-  license = 'Apache2.0',
-  name = 'uploadvalidator_tests',
-  srcs = glob(['src/test/java/**/*.java']),
-  labels = ['uploadvalidator'],
-    ':commons-io',
-    ':uploadvalidator__plugin',
-  ],
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c83ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+load("//tools/bzl:junit.bzl", "junit_tests")
+load("//tools/bzl:plugin.bzl", "gerrit_plugin", "PLUGIN_DEPS", "PLUGIN_TEST_DEPS")
+    name = "uploadvalidator",
+    srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
+    manifest_entries = [
+        "Gerrit-PluginName: uploadvalidator",
+        "Gerrit-ApiVersion: 2.14-SNAPSHOT",
+        "Gerrit-Module: com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.uploadvalidator.Module",
+    ],
+    resources = glob(["src/main/resources/**/*"]),
+    deps = [
+        "@commons_io//jar",
+        "@tika_core//jar",
+    ],
+TEST_SRCS = "src/test/java/**/*"
+    "@commons_io//jar",
+    ":uploadvalidator__plugin",
+    name = "testutils",
+    testonly = 1,
+    srcs = glob(
+        include = ["src/test/java/**/*.java"],
+        exclude = [TEST_SRCS],
+    ),
+    deps = TEST_DEPS,
+    name = "uploadvalidator_tests",
+    testonly = 1,
+    srcs = glob([TEST_SRCS]),
+    tags = ["uploadvalidator"],
+    deps = TEST_DEPS + [
+        ":testutils",
+    ],
diff --git a/external_plugin_deps.bzl b/external_plugin_deps.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8ca858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external_plugin_deps.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+load("//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl", "maven_jar")
+def external_plugin_deps():
+  maven_jar(
+      name = 'tika_core',
+      artifact = 'org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.12',
+      sha1 = '5ab95580d22fe1dee79cffbcd98bb509a32da09b',
+  )
diff --git a/lib/gerrit/BUCK b/lib/gerrit/BUCK
deleted file mode 100644
index 235ddf9..0000000
--- a/lib/gerrit/BUCK
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-VER = '2.12'
-  name = 'plugin-api',
-  id = '' + VER,
-  sha1 = '8ce1f6e65078bbcf03a1758f96b3ebca19b7fe3c',
-  attach_source = False,
-  repository = REPO,
-  license = 'Apache2.0',
-  name = 'acceptance-framework',
-  id = '' + VER,
-  sha1 = 'f35140148294239012b1a5052181783c0c9f4ffd',
-  attach_source = False,
-  repository = REPO,
-  license = 'Apache2.0',
diff --git a/src/main/resources/Documentation/ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/
index 8b5de99..13f24bc 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/Documentation/
+++ b/src/main/resources/Documentation/
@@ -1,59 +1,52 @@
-This plugin is built using Buck.
-Two build modes are supported: Standalone and in Gerrit tree.
-The standalone build mode is recommended, as this mode doesn't require
-the Gerrit tree to exist locally.
-Clone bucklets library:
-  git clone
-and link it to @PLUGIN@ plugin directory:
-  cd @PLUGIN@ && ln -s ../bucklets .
-Add link to the .buckversion file:
-  cd @PLUGIN@ && ln -s bucklets/buckversion .buckversion
-To build the plugin, issue the following command:
-  buck build plugin
-The output is created in
-  buck-out/gen/@PLUGIN@.jar
+This plugin is built using Bazel.
+Only the Gerrit in-tree build is supported.
 Clone or link this plugin to the plugins directory of Gerrit's source
-tree, and issue the command:
-  buck build plugins/@PLUGIN@
+  git clone
+  git clone
+  cd gerrit/plugins
+  ln -s ../../@PLUGIN@ .
+Put the external dependency Bazel build file into the Gerrit /plugins
+directory, replacing the existing empty one.
+  cd gerrit/plugins
+  rm external_plugin_deps.bzl
+  ln -s @PLUGIN@/external_plugin_deps.bzl .
+From Gerrit source tree issue the command:
+  bazel build plugins/@PLUGIN@
 The output is created in
-  buck-out/gen/plugins/@PLUGIN@/@PLUGIN@.jar
+  bazel-genfiles/plugins/@PLUGIN@/@PLUGIN@.jar
+To execute the tests run:
+  bazel test plugins/@PLUGIN@:@PLUGIN@_tests
+or filtering using the comma separated tags:
+  bazel test --test_tag_filters=@PLUGIN@ //...
 This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE: