blob: 394e4ee48013896c122ef42d547947bf930ac126 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package fs
import (
// gitilesRoot is the root for a FUSE filesystem backed by a Gitiles
// service.
type gitilesRoot struct {
nodeCache *nodeCache
cache *cache.Cache
service *gitiles.RepoService
tree *gitiles.Tree
opts GitilesRevisionOptions
handleLessIO bool
// OID => path
shaMap map[plumbing.Hash]string
lazyRepo *cache.LazyRepo
fetchingCond *sync.Cond
fetching map[plumbing.Hash]bool
// gitilesNode represents a read-only blob in the FUSE filesystem.
type gitilesNode struct {
root *gitilesRoot
// Data from Git metadata.
mode uint32
size int64
id plumbing.Hash
linkTarget []byte
// if set, clone the repo on reading this file.
clone bool
// The timestamp is writable; protect it with a mutex.
mtimeMu sync.Mutex
mtime time.Time
// This is to verify that FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE is working as expected.
readCount uint32
var _ = (fs.NodeReadlinker)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Readlink(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, syscall.Errno) {
return n.linkTarget, 0
var _ = (fs.NodeGetattrer)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Getattr(ctx context.Context, h fs.FileHandle, out *fuse.AttrOut) (code syscall.Errno) {
out.Size = uint64(n.size)
out.Mode = n.mode
t := n.mtime
out.SetTimes(nil, &t, nil)
return 0
var _ = (fs.NodeSetattrer)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Setattr(ctx context.Context, h fs.FileHandle, in *fuse.SetAttrIn, out *fuse.AttrOut) (code syscall.Errno) {
if 0 != in.Valid&(fuse.FATTR_MODE|
return syscall.ENOTSUP
if mt, ok := in.GetMTime(); ok {
n.mtime = mt
return n.Getattr(ctx, h, out)
return 0
const xattrName = "user.gitsha1"
var _ = (fs.NodeGetxattrer)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Getxattr(ctx context.Context, attribute string, dest []byte) (uint32, syscall.Errno) {
if attribute != xattrName {
return 0, syscall.ENODATA
sz := copy(dest,
return uint32(sz), 0
var _ = (fs.NodeListxattrer)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Listxattr(ctx context.Context, dest []byte) (uint32, syscall.Errno) {
sz := copy(dest, xattrName)
dest[sz] = 0
return uint32(sz + 1), 0
var _ = (fs.NodeOpener)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Open(ctx context.Context, flags uint32) (h fs.FileHandle, fuseFlags uint32, code syscall.Errno) {
if n.root.handleLessIO {
// We say ENOSYS so FUSE on Linux uses handle-less I/O.
return nil, 0, syscall.ENOSYS
f, err := n.root.openFile(, n.clone)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, fs.ToErrno(err)
return fs.NewLoopbackFile(int(f.Fd())), fuse.FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE, 0
var _ = (fs.NodeReader)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *gitilesNode) Read(ctx context.Context, file fs.FileHandle, dest []byte, off int64) (fuse.ReadResult, syscall.Errno) {
if off == 0 {
atomic.AddUint32(&n.readCount, 1)
if n.root.handleLessIO {
return n.handleLessRead(file, dest, off)
return file.(fs.FileReader).Read(ctx, dest, off)
func (n *gitilesNode) handleLessRead(file fs.FileHandle, dest []byte, off int64) (fuse.ReadResult, syscall.Errno) {
// TODO(hanwen): for large files this is not efficient. Should
// have a cache of open file handles.
f, err := n.root.openFile(, n.clone)
if err != nil {
return nil, fs.ToErrno(err)
m, err := f.ReadAt(dest, off)
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
return fuse.ReadResultData(dest[:m]), fs.ToErrno(err)
// openFile returns a file handle for the given blob. If `clone` is
// given, we may try a clone of the git repository
func (r *gitilesRoot) openFile(id plumbing.Hash, clone bool) (*os.File, error) {
f, ok := r.cache.Blob.Open(id)
if ok {
return f, nil
f, err := r.fetchFile(id, clone)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("fetchFile(%s): %v", id.String(), err)
return nil, syscall.ESPIPE
return f, nil
func (r *gitilesRoot) fetchFile(id plumbing.Hash, clone bool) (*os.File, error) {
defer r.fetchingCond.L.Unlock()
for r.fetching[id] {
f, ok := r.cache.Blob.Open(id)
if ok {
return f, nil
r.fetching[id] = true
defer func() { delete(r.fetching, id) }()
err := r.fetchFileExpensive(id, clone)
if err == nil {
f, ok = r.cache.Blob.Open(id)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetch succeeded, but blob %s not there", id.String())
return f, nil
return nil, err
func readBlob(blob *object.Blob) ([]byte, error) {
r, err := blob.Reader()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer r.Close()
return ioutil.ReadAll(r)
func (r *gitilesRoot) fetchFileExpensive(id plumbing.Hash, clone bool) error {
repo := r.lazyRepo.Repository()
if clone && repo == nil {
var content []byte
if repo != nil {
blob, err := repo.BlobObject(id)
if err == nil {
content, err = readBlob(blob)
if err != nil {
content = nil
if content == nil {
path := r.shaMap[id]
var err error
content, err = r.service.GetBlob(r.opts.Revision, path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("GetBlob(%s, %s): %v", r.opts.Revision, path, err)
if err := r.cache.Blob.Write(id, content); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// dataNode makes arbitrary data available as a file.
type dataNode struct {
data []byte
var _ = (fs.NodeGetattrer)((*dataNode)(nil))
func (n *dataNode) Getattr(ctx context.Context, file fs.FileHandle, out *fuse.AttrOut) syscall.Errno {
out.Size = uint64(len(
out.Mode = fuse.S_IFREG | 0644
t := time.Unix(1, 0)
out.SetTimes(nil, &t, nil)
return 0
var _ = (fs.NodeOpener)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *dataNode) Open(ctx context.Context, flags uint32) (fs.FileHandle, syscall.Errno) {
return fs.MemRegularFile{Data:}, 0
var _ = (fs.NodeGetxattrer)((*gitilesNode)(nil))
func (n *dataNode) GetXAttr(ctx context.Context, attribute string) (data []byte, code syscall.Errno) {
return nil, syscall.ENODATA
// NewGitilesRoot returns the root node for a file system.
func NewGitilesRoot(c *cache.Cache, tree *gitiles.Tree, service *gitiles.RepoService, options GitilesRevisionOptions) *gitilesRoot {
r := &gitilesRoot{
service: service,
nodeCache: newNodeCache(),
cache: c,
shaMap: map[plumbing.Hash]string{},
tree: tree,
opts: options,
lazyRepo: cache.NewLazyRepo(options.CloneURL, c),
fetchingCond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
fetching: map[plumbing.Hash]bool{},
return r
var _ = (fs.NodeGetxattrer)((*gitilesRoot)(nil))
func (r *gitilesRoot) Getxattr(ctx context.Context, attribute string, data []byte) (sz uint32, code syscall.Errno) {
return 0, syscall.ENODATA
func (r *gitilesRoot) pathTo(dir string) *fs.Inode {
p := &r.Inode
for _, c := range strings.Split(dir, "/") {
if len(c) == 0 {
ch := p.GetChild(c)
if ch == nil {
ch = p.NewPersistentInode(context.Background(),
fs.StableAttr{Mode: syscall.S_IFDIR})
p.AddChild(c, ch, true)
p = ch
return p
var _ = (fs.NodeOnAdder)((*gitilesRoot)(nil))
func (r *gitilesRoot) OnAdd(ctx context.Context) {
for _, e := range r.tree.Entries {
if e.Type == "commit" {
// TODO(hanwen): support submodules. For now,
// we pretend we are plain git, which also
// leaves an empty directory in the place of a submodule.
if e.Type != "blob" {
log.Panicf("unexpected object type %s", e.Type)
p := e.Name
dir, base := filepath.Split(p)
parent := r.pathTo(dir)
id, err := parseID(e.ID)
if err != nil {
// Determine if file should trigger a clone.
clone := r.opts.CloneURL != ""
if clone {
for _, e := range r.opts.CloneOption {
if e.RE.MatchString(p) {
clone = e.Clone
xbit := e.Mode&0111 != 0
n := r.nodeCache.get(id, xbit)
if n == nil {
n = &gitilesNode{
id: *id,
mode: uint32(e.Mode),
clone: clone,
root: r,
// Ninja uses mtime == 0 as "doesn't exist"
// flag, (see ninja/files/src/graph.h:66), so
// use a nonzero timestamp here.
mtime: time.Unix(1, 0),
if e.Size != nil {
n.size = int64(*e.Size)
mode := uint32(syscall.S_IFREG)
if e.Target != nil {
n.linkTarget = []byte(*e.Target)
n.size = int64(len(n.linkTarget))
mode = syscall.S_IFLNK
r.shaMap[*id] = p
ch := parent.NewPersistentInode(ctx, n, fs.StableAttr{Mode: mode})
parent.AddChild(base, ch, true)
} else {
parent.AddChild(base, n.EmbeddedInode(), true)
slothfsNode := r.NewPersistentInode(ctx, &fs.Inode{}, fs.StableAttr{Mode: syscall.S_IFDIR})
r.AddChild(".slothfs", slothfsNode, true)
idFile := r.NewPersistentInode(ctx, &fs.MemRegularFile{
Data: []byte(r.tree.ID)}, fs.StableAttr{Mode: syscall.S_IFREG})
slothfsNode.AddChild("treeID", idFile, false)
treeContent, err := json.MarshalIndent(r.tree, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("json.Marshal: %v", err)
jsonFile := r.NewPersistentInode(ctx, &fs.MemRegularFile{
Data: treeContent}, fs.StableAttr{Mode: syscall.S_IFREG})
slothfsNode.AddChild("tree.json", jsonFile, false)
// We don't need the tree data anymore.
r.tree = nil
// XXX
// if fsConn.Server().KernelSettings().Flags&fuse.CAP_NO_OPEN_SUPPORT != 0 {
// r.handleLessIO = true
// }