blob: 064215cf0e73f59e9910b83f5a4a10bce10af27b [file] [log] [blame]
Remote Tracking Branch - Checkout
* it is OK to checkout a remote tracking branch
git checkout origin/release1.0
* `HEAD` gets detached - doesn't point to any branch
* detached heads means there is no current branch
* what if someone now changes some files and commits changes?
digraph {
node [style=bold, shape=circle, color="#385d8a", fontname=arial, fontsize=18]
edge [style=bold, color="#385d8a", arrowhead=none]
F -> E
E -> B [weight=0]
D -> C -> B -> A
edge [arrowhead=normal]
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey, color=black]
HEAD [fillcolor="#555555", fontcolor=white]
"origin/release1.0" [fillcolor=lightskyblue]
"origin/master" [fillcolor=lightskyblue]
HEAD -> master -> D
"origin/release1.0" -> F
"origin/master" -> D
{ rank=same; F; D; master; "origin/release1.0" }
{ rank=same; E; C }
D -> F [style=invis]
digraph {
node [style=bold, shape=circle, color="#385d8a", fontname=arial, fontsize=18]
edge [style=bold, color="#385d8a", arrowhead=none]
F -> E
E -> B [weight=0]
D -> C -> B -> A
edge [arrowhead=normal]
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey, color=black]
HEAD [fillcolor="#555555", fontcolor=white]
"origin/release1.0" [fillcolor=lightskyblue]
"origin/master" [fillcolor=lightskyblue]
HEAD [color=red, fillcolor=red]
HEAD -> F [color=red]
master -> D
"origin/release1.0" -> F
"origin/master" -> D
{ rank=same; F; D; master; "origin/release1.0" }
{ rank=same; E; C }
{ ranke=same; "origin/master"; HEAD }
D -> F [style=invis]
C -> E [style=invis]