| Branches |
| -------- |
| |
| [graphviz] |
| ---- |
| digraph { |
| node [style=bold, shape=circle, color="#385d8a", fontname=arial, fontsize=18] |
| edge [style=bold, color="#385d8a", arrowhead=none] |
| |
| F -> E -> B -> A |
| D -> C -> B |
| G -> B |
| |
| edge [arrowhead=normal] |
| node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey, color=black] |
| |
| bugfix15 -> F |
| "origin/master" -> E |
| "origin/master" [fillcolor=lightskyblue] |
| feature1 -> D |
| feature2 [style=dashed, color=grey, fontcolor=grey] |
| feature2 -> G [style=dashed, color=grey] |
| |
| { rank=same; F; D bugfix15; feature1 } |
| { rank=same; "origin/master"; E; C; G; feature2 } |
| |
| D -> F [style=invis] |
| G -> E [style=invis] |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| Usualy there are many branches in a Git repository |
| |
| * branch can also be deleted |
| [role="incremental"] |
| -- |
| * 'Q:' how does Git know which branch to update on next commit operation? |
| -- |