blob: a090f9835bfec6472f878ab03b7fdb87b1202a79 [file] [log] [blame]
Cherry Pick
digraph {
node [style=bold, shape=circle, color="#385d8a", fontname=arial, fontsize=18]
edge [style=bold, color="#385d8a", arrowhead=none, fontname=arial, fontsize=16]
G [style=filled, fillcolor=coral1, color=red]
G -> D [color=red, label=" diff-2", fontcolor=red, labelfloat]
D -> C -> B -> A
F -> E [label=" diff-2", fontcolor=red, labelfloat]
E -> B [weight=0, label=" diff-1", fontcolor=red, labelfloat]
edge [arrowhead=normal]
node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgrey, color=black]
HEAD [fillcolor="#555555", fontcolor=white]
master [color=red, fontcolor=red]
HEAD -> master
master -> G [color=red]
feature1 -> F [weight=0]
old_master [label=master, style=dashed, color=grey, fontcolor=grey]
old_master -> D [style=dashed, color=grey]
{ rank=same; old_master; D }
{ rank=same; G; HEAD; master }
{ rank=same; D; F; feature1 }
{ rank=same; C; E }
L [style=invis]
old_master -> L [style=invis]
L -> A [style=invis]
{ rank=same; L; A }
git cherry-pick feature1
* applies only changes done by `F`, means the 'diff-2'
* no parent realtion to `F`