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# Gerrit User Summit 2022 - Schedule
## Hackathon - 7,8 and 9 November
Three days of hacking on Gerrit Code Review and for building new plugins
by contributors and people passionate about understanding and extending
The hackathon will take place at [Spaces Aurora](,
in the historical borough of [Ealing](,
well known for being the birthplace of [Ada Lovelace](,
the very first software developer in history.
All the three days will follow this schedule:
| Time | Session
| 9:00 | Welcome to the Hackathon
| 9:30 | Coffee and breakfast nearby
| 10:00 | _Hacking together_
| 12:00 | Lunch & Networking
| 13:00 | _Hacking together_
| 18:00 | End of the day
Remote contributors and maintainers will be able to interact remotely
using the [Discord Event](
and [Discord Channel](
*** note
__By invitation only__
The number of places available is very limited.
The primary purpose of the hackathon is to speed up the communication
between Gerrit contributors with white-boarding face-to-face sessions
and pair programming in a quiet and co-located roundtable.
The contributors and maintainers attending the hackathon will also
help with the release of the forthcoming Gerrit v3.7.0.
## Gerrit User Summit, 10-11 November
Introduction, intermediate and advanced sessions on Gerrit Code Review.
### Thursday, 10th of November
| Time | Session
| 9:00 | Registration Opens, Breakfast & Networking
| 9:30 | Welcome introduction
| 9:45 | [What's new in Gerrit 3.6 and 3.7](sessions/
| 10:30 | [Wrestling large repos with JGit an Gerrit](sessions/
| 11:15 | [Q&A with the Gerrit Maintainers](sessions/
| 12:00 | Lunch & Networking
| 14:00 | [Gerrit for smoothly switching from SVN to Git](sessions/
| 14:45 | __Talk available__
| 15:30 | Break & Networking
| 16:00 | [Using Gerrit with Zuul](sessions/
| 16:45 | __Talk available__
| 17:30 | Party and free drinks
### Friday, 11th of November
| Time | Session
| 9:00 | Breakfast & Networking
| 9:30 | [Import Gerrit projects across servers](sessions/
| 10:15 | [What's new in the UI](sessions/
| 11:00 | [What's new in pull-replication plugin](sessions/
| 12:00 | Lunch& Networking
| 14:00 | [Keeping an eye on your repository metrics](sessions/
| 14:10 | [Status update of the "Gerrit on Kubernetes" project](sessions/
| 14:20 | [Submit requirements - Goodbye Prolog](sessions/
| 14:30 | __Lightning talk available__
| 14:40 | __Lightning talk available__
| 14:50 | __Lightning talk available__
| 15:00 | Break & Networking
| 15:30 | Final retrospective and proposals
| 16:30 | Conference wrap-up and Closing Keynote