Fix typo in healthcheck agenda schedule

Change-Id: If8174cc774d24508bd7f06fba1730348e8327181
diff --git a/ b/
index 574d768..f8ee1eb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 | 14:45 | [Gerrit adoption and NoteDb migration user story](sessions/
 | 15:30 | Break & Networking
 | 16:00 | [Using Gerrit with Zuul](sessions/
-| 16:45 | [How healthcheck and multi-site saves keep your sleep at night](sessions/
+| 16:45 | [How healthcheck and multi-site saves your sleep at night](sessions/
 | 17:30 | Party and free drinks
 ### Friday, 11th of November