An introduction to the pull-replication plugin

Over the last year GerritForge took an effort to improve Gerrit replication performance by introducing the pull-replication plugin.

This presentation will show the current state of the pull-replication plugin, introduce the main concepts behind it and explain how they can improve replication performance, provide more predictable behaviour and help to avoid split-brain scenario.

I will also explain how the pull-replication plugin can be setup as a standalone solution or work together with the replication plugin.

At the end of the talk I would like to show the pull-replication plugin in action.


What is your average replication execution time?

  • around 1 second
  • around 30 seconds
  • around 1 minute
  • around 5 minutes
  • around 10 minutes
  • around 30 minutes
  • over 30 minutes

Marcin Czech, GerritForge