Gerrit User Summit 2019 - Speakers

Edwin Kempin - Google

Edwin is a long-time Gerrit contributor. He joined the Gerrit project in 2010, became a maintainer in 2012 and assumed the role as community manager in 2019.

Since 2015 he's working at Google in the Gerrit backend team that develops Gerrit core and maintains the Gerrit infrastructure at Google. Previously Edwin worked 10+ years at SAP where he was responsible for Gerrit development and hosting as well.

Luca Milanesio - GerritForge


Luca is the co-founder of GerritForge and has over 25 years of software development and application lifecycle management experience. He is a Gerrit Contributor since 2012 and member of the Engineering Steering Committee in 2019. Luca maintains, the Open Service for Gerrit Code Review on top of GitHub repositories.

Nicholas Mucci - Volvo Cars


Nicholas is a Technical Expert in Continuous Deployment and a System Architect for the Electrical Propulsion Systems group at Volvo Cars. He has worked on modernizing software engineering processes using Gerrit and other CM/CI systems previously at Garmin and Apple and has been a member of the Gerrit community since 2009.

Fabio Ponciroli - GerritForge


Fabio is a Senior Software Engineer at GerritForge where he contributes to the OpenSource Gerrit Code Review project. He has been involved since the beginning in the design and development of DevOps analytics tools for Gerrit. He has extensive experience in working on backend systems, on-premise and cloud-based, with different programming languages, such as Scala, Java, NodeJS and related ecosystems.