| # Gerrit User Summit 2017 - Speakers |
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| ### Dave Borowitz - Google {#dborowitz} |
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| [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dborowitz/) |
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| Dave Borowitz is Staff Software Engineer at Google and principal |
| project maintainer. |
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| ### David Ostrovsky - Unaffiliated {#davido} |
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| David is a contributor to Gerrit since 2013 and a maintainer/committer |
| since 2016. David has been an open source and free software enthusiast |
| for many years and has contribited to a number of open source projects. |
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| ### David Pursehouse - CollabNet {#dpursehouse} |
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| [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpursehouse/) |
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| David is a contributor to Gerrit since 2011 and a maintainer/committer |
| since 2012. He is based in Japan and works remotely as part of |
| CollabNet's Git Engineering team in Berlin. |
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| ### Luca Milanesio - GerritForge {#lmilanesio} |
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| [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucamilanesio/) |
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| Luca is co-founder of GerritForge and has over 20 years of software development |
| and application lifecycle management experience. |
| He is a Gerrit Contributor for over five years and is the maintainer |
| of [GerritHub.io](https://gerrithub.io), the Open Service for Gerrit Code Review |
| on top of GitHub repositories. |
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| ### Luke Ashe-Browne - GerritForge {#lashebrowne} |
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| [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukeab/) |
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| Luke is a contract engineer working on CICD workflows, deployment automation |
| practicing devops for companies in London. |
| Luke has recently joined the Gerrit project focusing on containerisation, |
| kubernetes and the cloud readiness of Gerrit. |
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| ### Shane McIntosh - McGill University {#mcintosh} |
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| [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/shane-mcintosh) |
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| Shane is an assistant professor and leader of the Software REBELs — a research |
| group that develops tool and decision support for modern development and release |
| teams. |