| %:- op(1150, fx, (package)). |
| %package(_). |
| :- package 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'. |
| :- public system_predicate/1. |
| |
| system_predicate(system_predicate(_)). |
| % Control constructs |
| system_predicate(true). |
| system_predicate(therwise). |
| system_predicate(fail). |
| system_predicate(false). |
| system_predicate((!)). |
| system_predicate('$get_level'(_)). |
| system_predicate('$neck_cut'). |
| system_predicate('$cut'(_)). |
| system_predicate((_ ^ _)). |
| system_predicate((_ , _)). |
| system_predicate((_ ; _)). |
| system_predicate((_ -> _)). |
| system_predicate(call(_)). |
| system_predicate(catch(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(throw(_)). |
| system_predicate(on_exception(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(raise_exception(_)). |
| % Term unification |
| system_predicate((_ = _)). |
| system_predicate('$unify'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ \= _)). |
| system_predicate('$not_unifiable'(_,_)). |
| % Type testing |
| system_predicate(var(_)). |
| system_predicate(atom(_)). |
| system_predicate(integer(_)). |
| system_predicate(float(_)). |
| system_predicate(atomic(_)). |
| system_predicate(compound(_)). |
| system_predicate(nonvar(_)). |
| system_predicate(number(_)). |
| system_predicate(java(_)). |
| system_predicate(java(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(closure(_)). |
| system_predicate(ground(_)). |
| system_predicate(callable(_)). |
| % Term comparison |
| system_predicate((_ == _)). |
| system_predicate('$equality_of_term'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ \== _)). |
| system_predicate('$inequality_of_term'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ @< _)). |
| system_predicate('$before'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ @> _)). |
| system_predicate('$after'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ @=< _)). |
| system_predicate('$not_after'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ @>= _)). |
| system_predicate('$not_before'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(?=(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$identical_or_cannot_unify'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(compare(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(sort(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(keysort(_,_)). |
| %system_predicate(merge(_,_,_)). |
| % Term creation and decomposition |
| system_predicate(arg(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(functor(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ =.. _)). |
| system_predicate('$univ'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(copy_term(_,_)). |
| % Arithmetic evaluation |
| system_predicate(is(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$abs'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$asin'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$acos'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$atan'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$bitwise_conj'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$bitwise_disj'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$bitwise_exclusive_or'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$bitwise_neg'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$ceil'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$cos'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$degrees'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$exp'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$float'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$float_integer_part'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$float_fractional_part'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$float_quotient'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$floor'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$int_quotient'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$log'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$max'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$min'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$minus'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$mod'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$multi'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$plus'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$pow'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$radians'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$rint'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$round'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$shift_left'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$shift_right'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$sign'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$sin'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$sqrt'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$tan'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$truncate'(_,_)). |
| % Arithmetic comparison |
| system_predicate((_ =:= _)). |
| system_predicate('$arith_equal'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ =\= _)). |
| system_predicate('$arith_not_equal'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ < _)). |
| system_predicate('$less_than'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ =< _)). |
| system_predicate('$less_or_equal'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ > _)). |
| system_predicate('$greater_than'(_,_)). |
| system_predicate((_ >= _)). |
| system_predicate('$greater_or_equal'(_,_)). |
| % Clause retrieval and information |
| system_predicate(clause(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(initialization(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$new_indexing_hash'(_,_,_)). |
| % Clause creation and destruction |
| system_predicate(assert(_)). |
| system_predicate(assertz(_)). |
| system_predicate(asserta(_)). |
| system_predicate(retract(_)). |
| system_predicate(abolish(_)). |
| system_predicate(retractall(_)). |
| % All solutions |
| system_predicate(findall(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(bagof(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(setof(_,_,_)). |
| % Stream selection and control |
| system_predicate(current_input(_)). |
| system_predicate(current_output(_)). |
| system_predicate(set_input(_)). |
| system_predicate(set_output(_)). |
| system_predicate(open(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(open(_,_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(close(_)). |
| system_predicate(close(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(flush_output(_)). |
| system_predicate(flush_output). |
| system_predicate(stream_property(_,_)). |
| % Character input/output |
| system_predicate(get_char(_)). |
| system_predicate(get_char(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(get_code(_)). |
| system_predicate(get_code(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(peek_char(_)). |
| system_predicate(peek_char(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(peek_code(_)). |
| system_predicate(peek_code(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(put_char(_)). |
| system_predicate(put_char(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(put_code(_)). |
| system_predicate(put_code(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(nl). |
| system_predicate(nl(_)). |
| system_predicate(get0(_)). |
| system_predicate(get0(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(get(_)). |
| system_predicate(get(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(put(_)). |
| system_predicate(put(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(tab(_)). |
| system_predicate(tab(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(skip(_)). |
| system_predicate(skip(_,_)). |
| % Byte input/output |
| system_predicate(get_byte(_)). |
| system_predicate(get_byte(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(peek_byte(_)). |
| system_predicate(peek_byte(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(put_byte(_)). |
| system_predicate(put_byte(_,_)). |
| % Term input/output |
| system_predicate(read(_)). |
| system_predicate(read(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(read_with_variables(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(read_with_variables(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(read_line(_)). |
| system_predicate(read_line(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(write(_)). |
| system_predicate(write(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(writeq(_)). |
| system_predicate(writeq(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(write_canonical(_)). |
| system_predicate(write_canonical(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(write_term(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(write_term(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(op(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(current_op(_,_,_)). |
| % Logic and control |
| system_predicate(\+(_)). |
| system_predicate(once(_)). |
| system_predicate(repeat). |
| % Atomic term processing |
| system_predicate(atom_length(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(atom_concat(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(sub_atom(_,_,_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(atom_chars(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(atom_codes(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(char_code(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(number_chars(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(number_codes(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(name(_,_)). |
| % Implementation defined hooks |
| system_predicate(set_prolog_flag(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(current_prolog_flag(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(halt). |
| system_predicate(halt(_)). |
| system_predicate(abort). |
| % DCG |
| system_predicate('C'(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(expand_term(_,_)). |
| % Hash creation and control |
| system_predicate(new_hash(_)). |
| system_predicate(new_hash(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_clear(_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_contains_key(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_get(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_is_empty(_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_keys(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_map(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_put(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_remove(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(hash_size(_,_)). |
| system_predicate('$get_hash_manager'(_)). |
| % Java interoperation |
| system_predicate(java_constructor0(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_constructor(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_declared_constructor0(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_declared_constructor(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_method0(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_method(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_declared_method0(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_declared_method(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_get_field0(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_get_field(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_get_declared_field0(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_get_declared_field(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_set_field0(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_set_field(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_set_declared_field0(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_set_declared_field(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(synchronized(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(java_conversion(_,_)). |
| % Prolog interpreter |
| system_predicate(cafeteria). |
| system_predicate(consult(_)). |
| system_predicate(trace). |
| system_predicate(notrace). |
| system_predicate(debug). |
| system_predicate(nodebug). |
| system_predicate(leash(_)). |
| system_predicate(spy(_)). |
| system_predicate(nospy(_)). |
| system_predicate(nospyall). |
| system_predicate(listing). |
| system_predicate(listing(_)). |
| % Misc |
| system_predicate(length(_,_)). |
| system_predicate(numbervars(_,_,_)). |
| system_predicate(statistics(_,_)). |
| % END |