| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Builtin Predicates of Prolog Cafe |
| % |
| % Mutsunori Banbara (banbara@kobe-u.ac.jp) |
| % Naoyuki Tamura (tamura@kobe-u.ac.jp) |
| % Kobe University |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- op(1150, fx, (package)). |
| package(_). |
| :- package 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.builtin'. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Control constructs |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public true/0, therwise/0. |
| :- public fail/0, false/0. |
| :- public (!)/0. |
| :- public (^)/2. |
| :- public (',')/2. |
| :- public (;)/2. |
| :- public (->)/2. |
| :- public call/1. |
| |
| true. |
| otherwise. |
| |
| fail :- fail. |
| false :- fail. |
| |
| !. |
| |
| (_ ^ G) :- call(G). |
| |
| (P, Q) :- call(P), call(Q). |
| |
| (P; _Q) :- P \= (_ -> _), call(P). |
| (_P; Q) :- Q \= (_ -> _), call(Q). |
| |
| (IF -> THEN) :- call(IF), !, call(THEN). |
| |
| (IF -> THEN; _ELSE) :- call(IF), !, call(THEN). |
| (_IF -> _THEN; ELSE) :- call(ELSE). |
| |
| call(Term) :- |
| '$get_current_B'(Cut), |
| '$meta_call'(Term, user, Cut, 0, interpret). |
| |
| '$meta_call'(X, _, _, _, _) :- var(X), !, illarg(var, call(X), 1). |
| '$meta_call'(X, _, _, _, _) :- closure(X), !, '$call_closure'(X). |
| '$meta_call'(true, _, _, _, _) :- !. |
| '$meta_call'(trace, _, _, _, _) :- !, trace. |
| '$meta_call'(debug, _, _, _, _) :- !, debug. |
| '$meta_call'(notrace, _, _, _, _) :- !, notrace. |
| '$meta_call'(nodebug, _, _, _, _) :- !, nodebug. |
| '$meta_call'(spy(L), _, _, _, _) :- !, spy(L). |
| '$meta_call'(nospy(L), _, _, _, _) :- !, nospy(L). |
| '$meta_call'(nospyall, _, _, _, _) :- !, nospyall. |
| '$meta_call'(leash(L), _, _, _, _) :- !, leash(L). |
| '$meta_call'([X|Xs], _, _, _, _) :- !, consult([X|Xs]). |
| '$meta_call'(_^X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| '$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode). |
| '$meta_call'(P:X, _, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| '$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode). |
| '$meta_call'(!, _, no, _, _) :- !, illarg(context(if,cut), !, 0). |
| '$meta_call'(!, _, Cut, _, _) :- !, '$cut'(Cut). |
| '$meta_call'((X,Y), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| '$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode), |
| '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode). |
| '$meta_call'((X->Y;Z), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| ( '$meta_call'(X, P, no, Depth, Mode) -> '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) |
| ; '$meta_call'(Z, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) |
| ). |
| '$meta_call'((X->Y), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| ( '$meta_call'(X, P, no, Depth, Mode) -> '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) ). |
| '$meta_call'((X;Y), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| ( '$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) ; '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode) ). |
| '$meta_call'(\+(X), P, _, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| \+ '$meta_call'(X, P, no, Depth, Mode). |
| '$meta_call'(findall(X,Y,Z), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| findall(X, '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode), Z). |
| '$meta_call'(bagof(X,Y,Z), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| bagof(X, '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode), Z). |
| '$meta_call'(setof(X,Y,Z), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| setof(X, '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode), Z). |
| '$meta_call'(once(X), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| once('$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode)). |
| '$meta_call'(on_exception(X,Y,Z), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| on_exception(X, '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode), '$meta_call'(Z, P, Cut, Depth, Mode)). |
| '$meta_call'(catch(X,Y,Z), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| catch('$meta_call'(X, P, Cut, Depth, Mode), Y, '$meta_call'(Z, P, Cut, Depth, Mode)). |
| %'$meta_call'(freeze(X,Y), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, ??? |
| % freeze(X, '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode)). |
| '$meta_call'(synchronized(X,Y), P, Cut, Depth, Mode) :- !, |
| synchronized(X, '$meta_call'(Y, P, Cut, Depth, Mode)). |
| '$meta_call'(clause(X, Y), P, _, _, _) :- !, clause(P:X, Y). |
| '$meta_call'(assert(X), P, _, _, _) :- !, assertz(P:X). |
| '$meta_call'(assertz(X), P, _, _, _) :- !, assertz(P:X). |
| '$meta_call'(asserta(X), P, _, _, _) :- !, asserta(P:X). |
| '$meta_call'(retract(X), P, _, _, _) :- !, retract(P:X). |
| '$meta_call'(abolish(X), P, _, _, _) :- !, abolish(P:X). |
| '$meta_call'(retractall(X), P, _, _, _) :- !, retractall(P:X). |
| '$meta_call'(X, P, _, Depth, Mode) :- atom(P), callable(X), !, |
| '$meta_call'(Mode, Depth, P, X). |
| '$meta_call'(X, P, _, _, _) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), call(P:X), 1). |
| |
| '$meta_call'(trace, Depth, P, X) :- !, |
| functor(X, F, A), |
| '$trace_goal'(X, P, F/A, Depth). |
| '$meta_call'(interpret, Depth, P, X) :- |
| functor(X, F, A), |
| '$call_internal'(X, P, F/A, Depth, interpret). |
| |
| '$call_internal'(X, P, FA, Depth, Mode) :- |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| hash_contains_key(P, FA), |
| !, |
| '$get_current_B'(Cut), |
| Depth1 is Depth + 1, |
| clause(P:X, Body), |
| '$meta_call'(Body, P, Cut, Depth1, Mode). |
| '$call_internal'(X, P, _, _, _) :- '$call'(P, X). |
| |
| |
| :- public catch/3, throw/1. |
| :- public on_exception/3. |
| |
| catch(Goal, Catch, Recovery) :- |
| on_exception(Catch, Goal, Recovery). |
| |
| throw(Msg) :- raise_exception(Msg). |
| |
| on_exception(Catch, Goal, Recovery) :- |
| callable(Goal), |
| !, |
| '$on_exception'(Catch, Goal, Recovery). |
| on_exception(Catch, Goal, Recovery) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), on_exception(Catch,Goal,Recovery), 2). |
| |
| '$on_exception'(_Catch, Goal, _Recovery) :- |
| '$set_exception'('$none'), |
| '$begin_exception'(L), |
| call(Goal), |
| '$end_exception'(L). |
| '$on_exception'(Catch, _Goal, Recovery) :- |
| '$get_exception'(Msg), |
| Msg \== '$none', |
| '$catch_and_throw'(Msg, Catch, Recovery). |
| |
| '$catch_and_throw'(Msg, Msg, Recovery) :- !, |
| '$set_exception'('$none'), |
| call(Recovery). |
| '$catch_and_throw'(Msg, _, _) :- |
| raise_exception(Msg). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Term unification |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public (=)/2, '$unify'/2. |
| :- public (\=)/2, '$not_unifiable'/2. |
| |
| X = Y :- X = Y. |
| '$unify'(X, Y) :- '$unify'(X, Y). |
| |
| X \= Y :- X \= Y. |
| '$not_unifiable'(X, Y) :- '$not_unifiable'(X, Y). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Type testing |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public var/1, atom/1, integer/1, float/1, atomic/1, compound/1, nonvar/1, number/1. |
| :- public java/1, java/2, closure/1. |
| :- public ground/1, callable/1. |
| |
| var(X) :- var(X). |
| |
| atom(X) :- atom(X). |
| |
| integer(X) :- integer(X). |
| |
| float(X) :- float(X). |
| |
| atomic(X) :- atomic(X). |
| |
| nonvar(X) :- nonvar(X). |
| |
| number(X) :- number(X). |
| |
| java(X) :- java(X). |
| java(X, Y) :- java(X, Y). |
| |
| closure(X) :- closure(X). |
| |
| ground(X) :- ground(X). |
| |
| compound(X) :- nonvar(X), functor(X, _, A), A > 0. |
| |
| callable(X) :- atom(X), !. |
| callable(X) :- compound(X), !. |
| callable(X) :- closure(X). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Term comparison |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public (==)/2, '$equality_of_term'/2. |
| :- public (\==)/2, '$inequality_of_term'/2. |
| :- public (@<)/2, '$before'/2. |
| :- public (@>)/2, '$after'/2. |
| :- public (@=<)/2, '$not_after'/2. |
| :- public (@>=)/2, '$not_before'/2. |
| :- public (?=)/2, '$identical_or_cannot_unify'/2. |
| :- public compare/3. |
| % :- public sort/2. witten in Java |
| % :- public keysort/2. witten in Java |
| % :- public merge/3. |
| |
| X == Y :- X == Y. |
| '$equality_of_term'(X, Y) :- '$equality_of_term'(X, Y). |
| |
| X \== Y :- X \== Y. |
| '$inequality_of_term'(X, Y) :- '$inequality_of_term'(X, Y). |
| |
| X @< Y :- X @< Y. |
| '$before'(X, Y) :- '$before'(X, Y). |
| |
| X @> Y :- X @> Y. |
| '$after'(X, Y) :- '$after'(X, Y). |
| |
| X @=< Y :- X @=< Y. |
| '$not_after'(X, Y) :- '$not_after'(X, Y). |
| |
| X @>= Y :- X @>= Y. |
| '$not_before'(X, Y) :- '$not_before'(X, Y). |
| |
| ?=(X, Y) :- ?=(X, Y). |
| '$identical_or_cannot_unify'(X, Y) :- '$identical_or_cannot_unify'(X, Y). |
| |
| compare(Op, X, Y) :- '$compare0'(Op0, X, Y), '$map_compare_op'(Op0, Op). |
| |
| '$map_compare_op'(Op0, Op) :- Op0 =:= 0, !, Op = (=). |
| '$map_compare_op'(Op0, Op) :- Op0 < 0, !, Op = (<). |
| '$map_compare_op'(Op0, Op) :- Op0 > 0, !, Op = (>). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Term creation and decomposition |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| %:- public arg/3. --> written in Java |
| %:- public functor/3. --> written in Java |
| :- public (=..)/2. |
| :- public copy_term/2. |
| |
| Term =.. List :- Term =.. List. |
| |
| copy_term(X, Y) :- copy_term(X, Y). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Arithmetic evaluation |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public (is)/2. |
| :- public '$abs'/2, '$asin'/2, '$acos'/2, '$atan'/2. |
| :- public '$bitwise_conj'/3, '$bitwise_disj'/3, '$bitwise_exclusive_or'/3, '$bitwise_neg'/2. |
| :- public '$ceil'/2, '$cos'/2. |
| :- public '$degrees'/2. |
| :- public '$exp'/2. |
| :- public '$float'/2, '$float_integer_part'/2, '$float_fractional_part'/2, '$float_quotient'/3, '$floor'/2. |
| :- public '$int_quotient'/3. |
| :- public '$log'/2. |
| :- public '$max'/3, '$min'/3, '$minus'/3, '$mod'/3, '$multi'/3. |
| :- public '$plus'/3, '$pow'/3. |
| :- public '$radians'/2, '$rint'/2, '$round'/2. |
| :- public '$shift_left'/3, '$shift_right'/3, '$sign'/2, '$sin'/2, '$sqrt'/2. |
| :- public '$tan'/2, '$truncate'/2. |
| |
| Z is Y :- Z is Y. |
| |
| '$abs'(X, Y) :- '$abs'(X, Y). |
| '$asin'(X, Y) :- '$asin'(X, Y). |
| '$acos'(X, Y) :- '$acos'(X, Y). |
| '$atan'(X, Y) :- '$atan'(X, Y). |
| '$bitwise_conj'(X, Y, Z) :- '$bitwise_conj'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$bitwise_disj'(X, Y, Z) :- '$bitwise_disj'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$bitwise_exclusive_or'(X, Y, Z) :- '$bitwise_exclusive_or'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$bitwise_neg'(X, Y) :- '$bitwise_neg'(X, Y). |
| '$ceil'(X, Y) :- '$ceil'(X, Y). |
| '$cos'(X, Y) :- '$cos'(X, Y). |
| '$degrees'(X, Y) :- '$degrees'(X, Y). |
| '$exp'(X, Y) :- '$exp'(X, Y). |
| '$float'(X, Y) :- '$float'(X, Y). |
| '$float_integer_part'(X, Y) :- '$float_integer_part'(X, Y). |
| '$float_fractional_part'(X, Y) :- '$float_fractional_part'(X, Y). |
| '$float_quotient'(X, Y, Z) :- '$float_quotient'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$floor'(X, Y) :- '$floor'(X, Y). |
| '$int_quotient'(X, Y, Z) :- '$int_quotient'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$log'(X, Y) :- '$log'(X, Y). |
| '$max'(X, Y, Z) :- '$max'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$min'(X, Y, Z) :- '$min'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$minus'(X, Y, Z) :- '$minus'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$mod'(X, Y, Z) :- '$mod'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$multi'(X, Y, Z) :- '$multi'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$plus'(X,Y,Z) :- '$plus'(X,Y,Z). |
| '$pow'(X, Y, Z) :- '$pow'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$radians'(X, Y) :- '$radians'(X, Y). |
| '$rint'(X, Y) :- '$rint'(X, Y). |
| '$round'(X, Y) :- '$round'(X, Y). |
| '$shift_left'(X, Y, Z) :- '$shift_left'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$shift_right'(X, Y, Z) :- '$shift_right'(X, Y, Z). |
| '$sign'(X, Y) :- '$sign'(X, Y). |
| '$sin'(X, Y) :- '$sin'(X, Y). |
| '$sqrt'(X, Y) :- '$sqrt'(X, Y). |
| '$tan'(X, Y) :- '$tan'(X, Y). |
| '$truncate'(X, Y) :- '$truncate'(X, Y). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Arithmetic comparison |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public (=:=)/2, '$arith_equal'/2. |
| :- public (=\=)/2, '$arith_not_equal'/2. |
| :- public (<)/2, '$less_than'/2. |
| :- public (=<)/2, '$less_or_equal'/2. |
| :- public (>)/2, '$greater_than'/2. |
| :- public (>=)/2, '$greater_or_equal'/2. |
| |
| X =:= Y :- X =:= Y. |
| '$arith_equal'(X, Y) :- '$arith_equal'(X, Y). |
| |
| X =\= Y :- X =\= Y. |
| '$arith_not_equal'(X, Y) :- '$arith_not_equal'(X, Y). |
| |
| X < Y :- X < Y. |
| '$less_than'(X, Y) :- '$less_than'(X, Y). |
| |
| X =< Y :- X =< Y. |
| '$less_or_equal'(X, Y) :- '$less_or_equal'(X, Y). |
| |
| X > Y :- X > Y. |
| '$greater_than'(X, Y) :- '$greater_than'(X, Y). |
| |
| X >= Y :- X >= Y. |
| '$greater_or_equal'(X, Y) :- '$greater_or_equal'(X, Y). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Clause retrieval and information |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public clause/2. |
| :- public (initialization)/2. |
| :- public '$new_indexing_hash'/3. |
| |
| clause(Head, B) :- |
| '$head_to_term'(Head, H, P:PI, clause(Head,B)), |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:PI, access, private_procedure, clause(Head, B)), |
| '$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, _), |
| %(ground(Cl) -> Cl = (H :- B) ; copy_term(Cl, (H :- B))). ??? |
| copy_term(Cl, (H :- B)). |
| |
| % head --> term |
| '$head_to_term'(H, T, Pkg:F/A, Goal) :- |
| '$head_to_term'(H, T, user, Pkg, Goal), |
| functor(T, F, A). |
| |
| '$head_to_term'(H, _, _, _, Goal) :- var(H), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$head_to_term'(P:H, T, _, Pkg, Goal) :- !, |
| '$head_to_term'(H, T, P, Pkg, Goal). |
| '$head_to_term'(H, H, Pkg, Pkg, _) :- callable(H), atom(Pkg), !. |
| '$head_to_term'(_, _, _, _, Goal) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), Goal, 1). |
| |
| % creates an internal database for A if no exists. |
| '$new_internal_database'(A) :- |
| atom(A), |
| '$get_hash_manager'(HM), |
| '$new_internal_database'(HM, A). |
| |
| '$new_internal_database'(HM, A) :- |
| hash_contains_key(HM, A), |
| !. |
| '$new_internal_database'(_, A) :- |
| new_hash(_, [alias(A)]), |
| '$init_internal_database'(A). |
| |
| '$init_internal_database'(A) :- |
| '$compiled_predicate'(A, '$init', 0), |
| call(A:'$init'), |
| !. |
| '$init_internal_database'(_). |
| |
| % checks if the internal database of A exists. |
| '$defined_internal_database'(A) :- |
| atom(A), |
| '$get_hash_manager'(HM), |
| hash_contains_key(HM, A). |
| |
| % repeatedly finds dynamic clauses. |
| '$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, Ref) :- |
| hash_contains_key(P, PI), |
| '$get_indices'(P, PI, H, RevRefs), |
| '$get_instances'(RevRefs, Cls_Refs), |
| % ??? |
| %length(Cls_Refs,N), |
| %'$fast_write'([clause_internal,N,for,P,PI]),nl, |
| % |
| '$clause_internal0'(Cls_Refs, Cl, Ref). |
| |
| '$clause_internal0'([], _, _) :- fail. |
| '$clause_internal0'([(Cl,Ref)], Cl, Ref) :- !. |
| '$clause_internal0'(L, Cl, Ref) :- |
| '$builtin_member'((Cl,Ref), L). |
| |
| '$get_indices'(P, PI, H, Refs) :- |
| '$new_indexing_hash'(P, PI, IH), |
| '$calc_indexing_key'(H, Key), |
| ( hash_contains_key(IH, Key) -> hash_get(IH, Key, Refs) |
| ; |
| hash_get(IH, var, Refs) |
| ). |
| |
| % finds the indexing hashtable for P:PI. creates it if no exist. |
| '$new_indexing_hash'(P, PI, IH) :- |
| hash_contains_key(P, PI), |
| !, |
| hash_get(P, PI, IH). |
| '$new_indexing_hash'(P, PI, IH) :- |
| new_hash(IH), |
| hash_put(IH, all, []), |
| hash_put(IH, var, []), |
| hash_put(IH, lis, []), |
| hash_put(IH, str, []), |
| hash_put(P, PI, IH). |
| |
| '$calc_indexing_key'(H, all) :- atom(H), !. |
| '$calc_indexing_key'(H, Key) :- |
| arg(1, H, A1), |
| '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1, Key). |
| |
| '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1, all) :- var(A1), !. |
| '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1, lis) :- A1 = [_|_], !. |
| '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1, str) :- compound(A1), !. |
| '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1, Key) :- ground(A1), !, '$term_hash'(A1, Key). |
| '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1, Key) :- illarg(type(term), '$calc_indexing_key0'(A1,Key), 1). |
| |
| % checks the permission of predicate P:F/A. |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:F/A, _Operation, _ObjType, _Goal) :- |
| hash_contains_key(P, F/A), |
| !. |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:F/A, Operation, ObjType, Goal) :- |
| '$compiled_predicate_or_builtin'(P, F, A), |
| !, |
| illarg(permission(Operation,ObjType,P:F/A,_), Goal, _). |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(_, _, _, _). |
| |
| % initialize internal databases of given packages. |
| initialization([], Goal) :- !, once(Goal). |
| initialization([P|Ps], Goal) :- |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| initialization(Ps, Goal). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Clause creation and destruction |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public assert/1. |
| :- public assertz/1. |
| :- public asserta/1. |
| :- public retract/1. |
| :- public abolish/1. |
| :- public retractall/1. |
| |
| assert(T) :-assertz(T). |
| |
| assertz(T) :- |
| '$term_to_clause'(T, Cl, P:PI, assertz(T)), |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:PI, modify, static_procedure, assertz(T)), |
| copy_term(Cl, NewCl), |
| '$insert'(NewCl, Ref), |
| %'$fast_write'([intert,NewCl,Ref]), nl, %??? |
| '$update_indexing'(P, PI, Cl, Ref, 'z'), |
| fail. |
| assertz(_). |
| |
| asserta(T) :- |
| '$term_to_clause'(T, Cl, P:PI, asserta(T)), |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:PI, modify, static_procedure, asserta(T)), |
| copy_term(Cl, NewCl), |
| '$insert'(NewCl, Ref), |
| %'$fast_write'([insert,NewCl,Ref]), nl, %??? |
| '$update_indexing'(P, PI, Cl, Ref, 'a'), |
| fail. |
| asserta(_). |
| |
| abolish(T) :- |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, P:PI, abolish(T)), |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:PI, modify, static_procedure, abolish(T)), |
| '$new_indexing_hash'(P, PI, IH), |
| hash_get(IH, all, Refs), |
| %'$fast_write'([erase_all,Refs]), nl, %??? |
| '$erase_all'(Refs), |
| hash_remove(P, PI), |
| fail. |
| abolish(_). |
| |
| retract(Cl) :- |
| '$clause_to_term'(Cl, T, P:PI, retract(Cl)), |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:PI, access, static_procedure, retract(Cl)), |
| T = (H :- _), |
| '$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl0, Ref), |
| copy_term(Cl0, T), |
| %'$fast_write'([erase,Cl0,Ref]), nl, %??? |
| '$erase'(Ref), |
| '$rehash_indexing'(P, PI, Ref). |
| |
| retractall(Head) :- |
| '$head_to_term'(Head, H, P:PI, retractall(Head)), |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| '$check_procedure_permission'(P:PI, access, static_procedure, retractall(Head)), |
| '$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, Ref), |
| copy_term(Cl, (H :- _)), |
| %'$fast_write'([erase,Cl,Ref]), nl, %??? |
| '$erase'(Ref), |
| '$rehash_indexing'(P, PI, Ref), |
| fail. |
| retractall(_). |
| |
| % term --> clause (for assert) |
| '$term_to_clause'(Cl0, Cl, Pkg:F/A, Goal) :- |
| '$term_to_clause'(Cl0, Cl, user, Pkg, Goal), |
| Cl = (H :- _), |
| functor(H, F, A). |
| |
| '$term_to_clause'(Cl0, _, _, _, Goal) :- var(Cl0), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_clause'(_, _, Pkg0, _, Goal) :- var(Pkg0), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_clause'(P:Cl0, Cl, _, Pkg, Goal) :- !, |
| '$term_to_clause'(Cl0, Cl, P, Pkg, Goal). |
| '$term_to_clause'(_, _, Pkg0, _, Goal) :- \+(atom(Pkg0)), !, |
| illarg(type(atom), Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_clause'((H0 :- B0), (H :- B), Pkg, Pkg, Goal) :- !, |
| '$term_to_head'(H0, H, Pkg, Goal), |
| '$term_to_body'(B0, B, Pkg, Goal). |
| '$term_to_clause'(H0, (H :- true), Pkg, Pkg, Goal) :- |
| '$term_to_head'(H0, H, Pkg, Goal). |
| |
| '$term_to_head'(H, H, _, _) :- atom(H), !. |
| '$term_to_head'(H, H, _, _) :- compound(H), !. |
| '$term_to_head'(_, _, _, Goal) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), Goal, 1). |
| |
| '$term_to_body'(B0, B, Pkg, _) :- |
| '$localize_body'(B0, Pkg, B). |
| |
| '$localize_body'(G, P, G1) :- var(G), !, |
| '$localize_body'(call(G), P, G1). |
| '$localize_body'(P:G, _, G1) :- !, |
| '$localize_body'(G, P, G1). |
| '$localize_body'((X,Y), P, (X1,Y1)) :- !, |
| '$localize_body'(X, P, X1), |
| '$localize_body'(Y, P, Y1). |
| '$localize_body'((X->Y), P, (X1->Y1)) :- !, |
| '$localize_body'(X, P, X1), |
| '$localize_body'(Y, P, Y1). |
| '$localize_body'((X;Y), P, (X1;Y1)) :- !, |
| '$localize_body'(X, P, X1), |
| '$localize_body'(Y, P, Y1). |
| '$localize_body'(G, P, G1) :- |
| functor(G, F, A), |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(F, A, M), %??? |
| !, |
| G =.. [F|As], |
| '$localize_args'(M, As, P, As1), |
| G1 =.. [F|As1]. |
| '$localize_body'(G, P, call(P:G)) :- var(P), !. |
| '$localize_body'(G, user, G) :- !. |
| '$localize_body'(G, _, G) :- system_predicate(G), !. |
| '$localize_body'(G, P, P:G). |
| |
| '$localize_args'([], [], _, []) :- !. |
| '$localize_args'([:|Ms], [A|As], P, [P:A|As1]) :- |
| (var(A) ; A \= _:_), |
| !, |
| '$localize_args'(Ms, As, P, As1). |
| '$localize_args'([_|Ms], [A|As], P, [A|As1]) :- |
| '$localize_args'(Ms, As, P, As1). |
| |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'((^), 2, [?,:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(call, 1, [:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(once, 1, [:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'((\+), 1, [:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(findall, 3, [?,:,?]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(setof, 3, [?,:,?]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(bagof, 3, [?,:,?]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(on_exception, 3, [?,:,:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(catch, 3, [:,?,:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(synchronized, 2, [?,:]). |
| '$builtin_meta_predicates'(freeze, 2, [?,:]). |
| |
| % clause --> term (for retract) |
| '$clause_to_term'(Cl, T, Pkg:F/A, Goal) :- |
| '$clause_to_term'(Cl, T, user, Pkg, Goal), |
| T = (H :- _), |
| functor(H, F, A). |
| |
| '$clause_to_term'(Cl, _, _, _, Goal) :- var(Cl), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$clause_to_term'(_, _, Pkg, _, Goal) :- var(Pkg), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$clause_to_term'(P:Cl, T, _, Pkg, Goal) :- !, |
| '$clause_to_term'(Cl, T, P, Pkg, Goal). |
| '$clause_to_term'(_, _, Pkg, _, Goal) :- \+(atom(Pkg)), !, |
| illarg(type(atom), Goal, 1). |
| '$clause_to_term'((H0 :- B), (H :- B), Pkg, Pkg, Goal) :- !, |
| '$head_to_term'(H0, H, _, Goal). |
| %'$body_to_term'(B0, B, Goal). |
| '$clause_to_term'(H0, (H :- true), Pkg, Pkg, Goal) :- |
| '$head_to_term'(H0, H, _, Goal). |
| |
| % term --> predicate indicator (for abolish) |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, Pkg:PI, Goal) :- |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, user, Pkg, Goal). |
| |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, _, _, _, Goal) :- var(T), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(_, _, Pkg, _, Goal) :- var(Pkg), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(P:T, PI, _, Pkg, Goal) :- !, |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, P, Pkg, Goal). |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, _, _, _, Goal) :- T \= _/_, !, |
| illarg(type('predicate_indicator'), Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(F/_, _, _, _, Goal) :- \+ atom(F), !, |
| illarg(type(atom), Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(_/A, _, _, _, Goal) :- \+ integer(A), !, |
| illarg(type(integer), Goal, 1). |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, T, Pkg, Pkg, _). |
| |
| '$update_indexing'(P, PI, Cl, Ref, A_or_Z) :- |
| '$new_indexing_hash'(P, PI, IH), |
| '$gen_indexing_keys'(Cl, IH, Keys), |
| %'$fast_write'([update_indexing,P,PI,Cl,Ref,Keys]), nl, %??? |
| '$update_indexing_hash'(A_or_Z, Keys, IH, Ref). |
| |
| '$gen_indexing_keys'((H :- _), _, [all]) :- atom(H), !. |
| '$gen_indexing_keys'((H :- _), IT, Keys) :- |
| arg(1, H, A1), |
| '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1, IT, Keys). |
| |
| '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1, IT, Keys) :- var(A1), !, hash_keys(IT, Keys). |
| '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1, _, [all,lis]) :- A1 = [_|_], !. |
| '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1, _, [all,str]) :- compound(A1), !. |
| '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1, IT, [all,Key]) :- ground(A1), !, |
| '$term_hash'(A1, Key), % get the hash code of A1 |
| ( hash_contains_key(IT, Key) -> true |
| ; |
| hash_get(IT, var, L), hash_put(IT, Key, L) |
| ). |
| '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1, IT, Keys) :- |
| illarg(type(term), '$gen_indexing_keys0'(A1,IT,Keys), 1). |
| |
| '$update_indexing_hash'(a, Keys, IH, Ref) :- !, '$hash_addz_all'(Keys, IH, Ref). |
| '$update_indexing_hash'(z, Keys, IH, Ref) :- !, '$hash_adda_all'(Keys, IH, Ref). |
| |
| '$hash_adda_all'([], _, _) :- !. |
| '$hash_adda_all'([K|Ks], H, X) :- |
| '$hash_adda'(H, K, X), |
| '$hash_adda_all'(Ks, H, X). |
| |
| '$hash_addz_all'([], _, _) :- !. |
| '$hash_addz_all'([K|Ks], H, X) :- |
| '$hash_addz'(H, K, X), |
| '$hash_addz_all'(Ks, H, X). |
| |
| '$erase_all'([]) :- !. |
| '$erase_all'([R|Rs]) :- '$erase'(R), '$erase_all'(Rs). |
| |
| '$rehash_indexing'(P, PI, Ref) :- |
| '$new_indexing_hash'(P, PI, IH), |
| hash_keys(IH, Keys), |
| %'$fast_write'([rehash_indexing,P,PI,Keys]), nl, %??? |
| '$remove_index_all'(Keys, IH, Ref). |
| |
| '$remove_index_all'([], _, _) :- !. |
| '$remove_index_all'([K|Ks], IH, Ref) :- |
| '$hash_remove_first'(IH, K, Ref), |
| '$remove_index_all'(Ks, IH, Ref). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % All solutions |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public findall/3. |
| :- public bagof/3. |
| :- public setof/3. |
| |
| % findall/3 |
| findall(Template, Goal, Instances) :- callable(Goal), !, |
| new_hash(H), |
| '$findall'(H, Template, Goal, Instances). |
| findall(Template, Goal, Instances) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), findall(Template,Goal,Instances), 2). |
| |
| '$findall'(H, Template, Goal, _) :- |
| call(Goal), |
| copy_term(Template, CT), |
| '$hash_adda'(H, '$FINDALL', CT), |
| fail. |
| '$findall'(H, _, _, Instances) :- |
| hash_get(H, '$FINDALL', Vs), |
| reverse(Vs, Instances). |
| |
| % bagof/3 & setof/3 |
| bagof(Template, Goal, Instances) :- callable(Goal), !, |
| '$bagof'(Template, Goal, Instances). |
| bagof(Template, Goal, Instances) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), bagof(Template,Goal,Instances), 2). |
| |
| setof(Template, Goal, Instances) :- callable(Goal), !, |
| '$bagof'(Template, Goal, Instances0), |
| sort(Instances0, Instances). |
| setof(Template, Goal, Instances) :- |
| illarg(type(callable), setof(Template,Goal,Instances), 2). |
| |
| '$bagof'(Template, Goal, Instances) :- |
| '$free_variables_set'(Goal, Template, FV), |
| %write('Goal = '), write(Goal), nl, |
| %write('Free variables set = '), write(FV), nl, |
| FV \== [], |
| !, |
| Witness =.. ['$witness'|FV], |
| findall(Witness+Template, Goal, S), |
| '$bagof_instances'(S, Witness, Instances0), |
| Instances = Instances0. |
| '$bagof'(Template, Goal, Instances) :- |
| findall(Template, Goal, Instances), |
| Instances \== []. |
| |
| '$bagof_instances'([], _Witness, _Instances) :- fail. |
| '$bagof_instances'(S0, Witness, Instances) :- |
| S0 = [W+T|S], |
| '$variants_subset'(S, W, WT_list, T_list, S_next), |
| '$bagof_instances0'(S_next, Witness, Instances, [W+T|WT_list], [T|T_list]). |
| |
| '$bagof_instances0'(_, Witness, Instances, WT_list, T_list) :- |
| '$unify_witness'(WT_list, Witness), |
| Instances = T_list. |
| '$bagof_instances0'(S_next, Witness, Instances, _, _) :- |
| '$bagof_instances'(S_next, Witness, Instances). |
| |
| '$variants_subset'([], _W, [], [], []) :- !. |
| '$variants_subset'([W0+T0|S], W, [W0+T0|WT_list], [T0|T_list], S_next) :- |
| '$term_variant'(W, W0), |
| !, |
| '$variants_subset'(S, W, WT_list, T_list, S_next). |
| '$variants_subset'([WT|S], W, WT_list, T_list, [WT|S_next]) :- |
| '$variants_subset'(S, W, WT_list, T_list, S_next). |
| |
| '$term_variant'(X, Y) :- new_hash(Hash), '$term_variant'(X, Y, Hash). |
| |
| '$term_variant'(X, Y, Hash) :- var(X), !, |
| ( hash_contains_key(Hash, X) -> |
| hash_get(Hash, X, V), Y == V |
| ; |
| var(Y), hash_put(Hash, X, Y) |
| ). |
| '$term_variant'(X, Y, _) :- ground(X), !, |
| X == Y. |
| '$term_variant'(_, Y, _) :- var(Y), !, |
| fail. |
| '$term_variant'([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Hash) :- !, |
| '$term_variant'(X, Y, Hash), |
| '$term_variant'(Xs, Ys, Hash). |
| '$term_variant'(X, Y, Hash) :- |
| X =.. Xs, |
| Y =.. Ys, |
| '$term_variant'(Xs, Ys, Hash). |
| |
| '$unify_witness'([], _) :- !. |
| '$unify_witness'([W+_|WT_list], W) :- |
| '$unify_witness'(WT_list, W). |
| |
| % Variable set of a term |
| '$variables_set'(X, Vs) :- '$variables_set'(X, [], Vs). |
| |
| '$variables_set'(X, Vs, Vs ) :- var(X), '$builtin_memq'(X, Vs), !. |
| '$variables_set'(X, Vs, [X|Vs] ) :- var(X), !. |
| '$variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs0 ) :- atomic(X), !. |
| '$variables_set'([X|Xs], Vs0, Vs) :- !, |
| '$variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs1), |
| '$variables_set'(Xs, Vs1, Vs). |
| '$variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs ) :- |
| X =.. Xs, |
| '$variables_set'(Xs, Vs0, Vs). |
| |
| '$builtin_memq'(X, [Y|_]) :- X==Y, !. |
| '$builtin_memq'(X, [_|Ys]) :- '$builtin_memq'(X, Ys). |
| |
| % Existential variables set of a term |
| '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs) :- |
| '$existential_variables_set'(X, [], Vs). |
| |
| '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs, Vs) :- var(X), !. |
| '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs, Vs) :- atomic(X), !. |
| '$existential_variables_set'(_:X, Vs0, Vs) :- !, |
| '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs). |
| %'$existential_variables_set'((X;Y), Vs0, Vs) :- !, |
| % '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs1), |
| % '$existential_variables_set'(Y, Vs1, Vs). |
| %'$existential_variables_set'((X->Y), Vs0, Vs) :- !, |
| % '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs1), |
| % '$existential_variables_set'(Y, Vs1, Vs). |
| %'$existential_variables_set'((X,Y), Vs0, Vs) :- !, |
| % '$existential_variables_set'(X, Vs0, Vs1), |
| % '$existential_variables_set'(Y, Vs1, Vs). |
| '$existential_variables_set'(^(V,G), Vs0, Vs) :- !, |
| '$variables_set'(V, Vs0, Vs1), |
| '$existential_variables_set'(G, Vs1, Vs). |
| '$existential_variables_set'('$meta_call'(G,_,_,_,_), Vs0, Vs) :- !, %??? |
| '$existential_variables_set'(G, Vs0, Vs). |
| '$existential_variables_set'(_, Vs, Vs). |
| |
| % Free variables set of a term |
| '$free_variables_set'(T, V, FV) :- |
| '$variables_set'(T, TV), |
| '$variables_set'(V, VV), |
| '$existential_variables_set'(T, VV, BV), |
| '$builtin_set_diff'(TV, BV, FV), |
| !. |
| |
| '$builtin_set_diff'(L1, L2, L) :- |
| sort(L1, SL1), |
| sort(L2, SL2), |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'(SL1, SL2, L). |
| |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'([], _, []) :- !. |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'(L1, [], L1) :- !. |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], L) :- X == Y, !, |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'(Xs, Ys, L). |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [X|L]) :- X @< Y, !, |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'(Xs, [Y|Ys], L). |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Y|L]) :- |
| '$builtin_set_diff0'([X|Xs], Ys, [Y|L]). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Stream selection and control |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| %:- public current_input/1 (written in Java) |
| %:- public current_output/1 (written in Java) |
| %:- public set_input/1, set_output/1. (written in Java) |
| %:- public open/4 (written in Java) |
| :- public open/3. |
| %:- public close/2 (written in Java) |
| :- public close/1. |
| %:- public flush_output/1.(written in Java) |
| :- public flush_output/0. |
| :- public stream_property/2. |
| |
| open(Source_sink, Mode, Stream) :- open(Source_sink, Mode, Stream, []). |
| |
| close(S_or_a) :- close(S_or_a, []). |
| |
| flush_output :- |
| current_output(S), |
| flush_output(S). |
| |
| stream_property(Stream, Stream_property) :- |
| var(Stream_property), |
| !, |
| '$stream_property'(Stream, Stream_property). |
| stream_property(Stream, Stream_property) :- |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(Stream_property), |
| !, |
| '$stream_property'(Stream, Stream_property). |
| stream_property(Stream, Stream_property) :- |
| illarg(domain(term,stream_property), stream_property(Stream, Stream_property), 2). |
| |
| '$stream_property'(Stream, Stream_property) :- |
| var(Stream), |
| !, |
| '$get_stream_manager'(SM), |
| hash_map(SM, Map), |
| '$builtin_member'((Stream,Vs), Map), |
| java(Stream), |
| '$builtin_member'(Stream_property, Vs). |
| '$stream_property'(Stream, Stream_property) :- |
| java(Stream), |
| !, |
| '$get_stream_manager'(SM), |
| hash_get(SM, Stream, Vs), |
| '$builtin_member'(Stream_property, Vs). |
| '$stream_property'(Stream, Stream_property) :- |
| illarg(domain(stream,stream), stream_property(Stream, Stream_property), 1). |
| |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(input). |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(output). |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(alias(_)). |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(mode(_)). |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(type(_)). |
| '$stream_property_specifier'(file_name(_)). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Character input/output |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| %:- public get_char/2, get_code/2. (written in Java) |
| %:- public peek_char/2, peek_code/2. (written in Java) |
| %:- public put_char/2, put_code/2. (written in Java) |
| %:- public nl/0. (written in Java) |
| |
| :- public get_char/1, get_code/1. |
| :- public peek_char/1, peek_code/1. |
| :- public put_char/1, put_code/1. |
| :- public nl/1. |
| |
| get_char(Char) :- current_input(S), get_char(S, Char). |
| get_code(Code) :- current_input(S), get_code(S, Code). |
| |
| peek_char(Char) :- current_input(S), peek_char(S, Char). |
| peek_code(Code) :- current_input(S), peek_code(S, Code). |
| |
| put_char(Char) :- current_output(S), put_char(S, Char). |
| put_code(Code) :- current_output(S), put_code(S, Code). |
| |
| nl(S) :- put_char(S, '\n'). |
| |
| :- public get0/1, get0/2. |
| :- public get/1. |
| %:- public get/2. (written in Java) |
| :- public put/1, put/2. |
| :- public tab/1. |
| %:- public tab/2. (written in Java) |
| :- public skip/1. |
| %:- public skip/2. (written in Java) |
| |
| get0(Code) :- current_input(S), get_code(S, Code). |
| get0(S_or_a, Code) :- get_code(S_or_a, Code). |
| |
| get(Code) :- current_input(S), get(S, Code). |
| |
| put(Exp) :- current_output(S), put(S, Exp). |
| put(S_or_a, Exp) :- Code is Exp, put_code(S_or_a, Code). |
| |
| tab(N) :- current_output(S), tab(S, N). |
| |
| skip(N) :- current_input(S), skip(S, N). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Byte input/output |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public get_byte/1, peek_byte/1, put_byte/1. |
| %:- public get_byte/2. % written in java |
| %:- public peek_byte/2. % written in java |
| %:- public put_byte/2. % written in java |
| |
| get_byte(Byte) :- |
| current_input(S), |
| get_byte(S, Byte). |
| |
| peek_byte(Byte) :- |
| current_input(S), |
| peek_byte(S, Byte). |
| |
| put_byte(Byte) :- |
| current_output(S), |
| put_byte(S, Byte). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Term input/output (read) |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public read/1, read/2. |
| :- public read_with_variables/2, read_with_variables/3. |
| :- public read_line/1. |
| %:- public read_line/2. (written in Java) |
| :- dynamic '$tokens'/1. |
| |
| read(X) :- current_input(S), read(S, X). |
| |
| read(S_or_a, X) :- |
| read_tokens(S_or_a, Tokens, _), |
| parse_tokens(X, Tokens), |
| !. |
| |
| read_with_variables(X, Vs) :- |
| current_input(S), |
| read_with_variables(S, X, Vs). |
| |
| read_with_variables(S_or_a, X, Vs) :- |
| read_tokens(S_or_a, Tokens, Vs), |
| parse_tokens(X, Tokens), |
| !. |
| |
| read_line(X) :- current_input(S), read_line(S, X). |
| |
| % read_token(S_or_a, Token) reads one token from the input, |
| % and unifies Token with: |
| % error(Atom), |
| % end_of_file, |
| % '.', ' ', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', ',', '|', |
| % number(Integer_or_Float), |
| % atom(Atom), |
| % var(Atom), |
| % string(CharCodeList) |
| |
| %read_token(Token) :- current_input(S), read_token(S, Token). |
| |
| read_token(S_or_a, Token) :- |
| '$read_token0'(S_or_a, Type, Token0), |
| '$read_token1'([Type], Token0, Token). |
| |
| '$read_token1'([-2], T, error(T)) :- !. % error('message') |
| '$read_token1'("I", T, number(T)) :- !. % number(intvalue) |
| '$read_token1'("D", T, number(T)) :- !. % number(floatvalue) |
| '$read_token1'("A", T, atom(T)) :- !. % atom('name') |
| '$read_token1'("V", T, var(T)) :- !. % var('name') |
| '$read_token1'("S", T, string(T)) :- !. % string("chars") |
| '$read_token1'(_, T, T) :- !. % others |
| |
| % read_tokens(Tokens, Vs) reads tokens from the input |
| % until full-stop-mark ('.') or end_of_file, |
| % unifies Tokens with a list of tokens. |
| % Token for a variable has a form of var(Name,Variable). |
| % Vs is a list of Name=Variable pairs. |
| |
| %read_tokens(Tokens, Vs) :- |
| % current_input(Stream), |
| % '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, []), |
| % !. |
| |
| read_tokens(Stream, Tokens, Vs) :- |
| '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, []), |
| !. |
| |
| '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, VI) :- |
| read_token(Stream, Token), |
| '$read_tokens1'(Stream, Token, Tokens, Vs, VI). |
| |
| '$read_tokens1'(Stream, error(Message), [], _, _) :- !, |
| write('{SYNTAX ERROR}'), nl, |
| write('** '), write(Message), write(' **'), nl, |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(Stream), |
| fail. |
| '$read_tokens1'(_Stream, end_of_file, [end_of_file,'.'], [], _) :- !. |
| '$read_tokens1'(_Stream, '.', ['.'], [], _) :- !. |
| '$read_tokens1'(Stream, var('_'), [var('_',V)|Tokens], ['_'=V|Vs], VI0) :- !, |
| '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, ['_'=V|VI0]). |
| '$read_tokens1'(Stream, var(Name), [var(Name,V)|Tokens], Vs, VI) :- |
| '$mem_pair'(Name=V, VI), !, |
| '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, VI). |
| '$read_tokens1'(Stream, var(Name), [var(Name,V)|Tokens], [Name=V|Vs], VI0) :- !, |
| '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, [Name=V|VI0]). |
| '$read_tokens1'(Stream, Token, [Token|Tokens], Vs, VI) :- |
| '$read_tokens'(Stream, Tokens, Vs, VI). |
| |
| '$mem_pair'(X1=V1, [X2=V2|_]) :- X1 == X2, !, V1 = V2. |
| '$mem_pair'(X, [_|L]) :- '$mem_pair'(X, L). |
| %'$mem_pair'(X, [_|L]) :- member(X, L). |
| |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(Stream) :- |
| read_token(Stream, Token), |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(Stream, Token). |
| |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(_Stream, end_of_file) :- !. |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(_Stream, '.') :- !. |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(Stream, _) :- |
| read_token(Stream, Token), |
| '$read_tokens_until_fullstop'(Stream, Token). |
| |
| parse_tokens(X, Tokens) :- |
| retractall('$tokens'(_)), |
| assertz('$tokens'(Tokens)), |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, 1201, Tokens, ['.']), |
| retract('$tokens'(Tokens)), |
| !. |
| |
| % '$parse_tokens'(X, Prec) parses the input whose precedecence =< Prec. |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, Prec0) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens1'(Prec0, X1, Prec1), |
| !, |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens2'(Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, _Prec), |
| !. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens1'(Prec0, X1, Prec1) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next), |
| {'$parse_tokens_is_starter'(Next)}, |
| !, |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(Prec0, X1, Prec1). |
| '$parse_tokens1'(_, _, _) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next), |
| '$parse_tokens_error'([Next,cannot,start,an,expression]). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens2'(Prec0, X, Prec, X, Prec) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next), |
| {'$parse_tokens_is_terminator'(Next)}, |
| {Prec =< Prec0}, |
| !. |
| '$parse_tokens2'(Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, Prec) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next), |
| {'$parse_tokens_is_post_in_op'(Next)}, |
| !, |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_ops'(Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, Prec). |
| '$parse_tokens2'(_, _, _, _, _) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_error'([operator,expected,after,expression]). |
| |
| % '$parse_tokens_before_op'(Prec0, X, Prec) |
| % parses the input until infix or postfix operator, |
| % and returns X and Prec |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(Prec0, X, Prec) --> [' '], !, |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(Prec0, X, Prec). |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, end_of_file, 0) --> [end_of_file], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, N, 0) --> [number(N)], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, N, 0) --> |
| [atom('-')], [number(N0)], !, {N is -N0}. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, V, 0) --> [var(_,V)], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, S, 0) --> [string(S)], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, X, 0) --> ['('], !, |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, 1201), |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'(')'). |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, X, 0) --> ['{'], !, |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_brace'(X). |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, X, 0) --> ['['], !, |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_list'(X). |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, X, 0) --> |
| [atom(F)], ['('], |
| !, |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_args'(Args), |
| {X =.. [F|Args]}. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(Prec0, X, PrecOp) --> |
| [atom(F)], {current_op(PrecOp,fx,F)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next), |
| {'$parse_tokens_is_starter'(Next)}, |
| {\+ '$parse_tokens_is_post_in_op'(Next)}, |
| !, |
| {Prec1 is PrecOp - 1}, |
| '$parse_tokens'(Arg, Prec1), |
| {functor(X, F, 1)}, |
| {arg(1, X, Arg)}. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(Prec0, X, PrecOp) --> |
| [atom(F)], {current_op(PrecOp,fy,F)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next), |
| {'$parse_tokens_is_starter'(Next)}, |
| {\+ '$parse_tokens_is_post_in_op'(Next)}, |
| !, |
| '$parse_tokens'(Arg, PrecOp), |
| {functor(X, F, 1)}, |
| {arg(1, X, Arg)}. |
| '$parse_tokens_before_op'(_, A, 0) --> |
| [atom(A)]. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_brace'('{}') --> ['}'], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_brace'(X) --> |
| '$parse_tokens'(X1, 1201), |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'('}'), |
| {X = {X1}}. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_list'('[]') --> [']'], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_list'([X|Xs]) --> |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, 999), |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_list_rest'(Xs). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_list_rest'(Xs) --> ['|'], !, |
| '$parse_tokens'(Xs, 999), |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'(']'). |
| '$parse_tokens_list_rest'([X|Xs]) --> [','], !, |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, 999), |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_list_rest'(Xs). |
| '$parse_tokens_list_rest'('[]') --> |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'(']'). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_args'('[]') --> [')'], !. |
| '$parse_tokens_args'([X|Xs]) --> |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, 999), |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_args_rest'(Xs). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_args_rest'([X|Xs]) --> [','], !, |
| '$parse_tokens'(X, 999), |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| '$parse_tokens_args_rest'(Xs). |
| '$parse_tokens_args_rest'('[]') --> |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'(')'). |
| |
| % '$parse_tokens_post_in_op'(Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, Prec) |
| % parses the input beginning from infix or postfix operator, |
| % and returns X and Prec |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_ops'(Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, Prec) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| [Op], |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(Op, Prec0, X1, Prec1, X2, Prec2), |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_ops'(Prec0, X2, Prec2, X, Prec). |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_ops'(Prec0, X, Prec, X, Prec) --> |
| {Prec =< Prec0}. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(',', Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> !, |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(','), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp). |
| '$parse_tokens_op'('|', Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> !, |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(';'), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp). |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(Op), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> |
| {current_op(PrecOp, xf, Op)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| {Prec1 < PrecOp}, |
| {functor(X, Op, 1)}, |
| {arg(1, X, X1)}. |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(Op), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> |
| {current_op(PrecOp, yf, Op)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| {Prec1 =< PrecOp}, |
| {functor(X, Op, 1)}, |
| {arg(1, X, X1)}. |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(Op), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> |
| {current_op(PrecOp, xfx, Op)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| {Prec1 < PrecOp}, |
| {Prec2 is PrecOp - 1}, |
| '$parse_tokens'(X2, Prec2), |
| !, |
| {functor(X, Op, 2)}, |
| {arg(1, X, X1)}, |
| {arg(2, X, X2)}. |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(Op), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> |
| {current_op(PrecOp, xfy, Op)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| {Prec1 < PrecOp}, |
| {Prec2 is PrecOp}, |
| '$parse_tokens'(X2, Prec2), |
| !, |
| {functor(X, Op, 2)}, |
| {arg(1, X, X1)}, |
| {arg(2, X, X2)}. |
| '$parse_tokens_op'(atom(Op), Prec0, X1, Prec1, X, PrecOp) --> |
| {current_op(PrecOp, yfx, Op)}, {PrecOp =< Prec0}, |
| {Prec1 =< PrecOp}, |
| {Prec2 is PrecOp - 1}, |
| '$parse_tokens'(X2, Prec2), |
| !, |
| {functor(X, Op, 2)}, |
| {arg(1, X, X1)}, |
| {arg(2, X, X2)}. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'(end_of_file). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'('('). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'('['). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'('{'). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'(number(_)). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'(atom(_)). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'(var(_,_)). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_starter'(string(_)). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_is_terminator'(')'). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_terminator'(']'). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_terminator'('}'). |
| '$parse_tokens_is_terminator'('.'). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_is_post_in_op'(',') :- !. |
| '$parse_tokens_is_post_in_op'('|') :- !. |
| '$parse_tokens_is_post_in_op'(atom(Op)) :- |
| current_op(_, Type, Op), |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_type'(Type), |
| !. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_type'(xfx). |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_type'(xfy). |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_type'(yfx). |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_type'(xf). |
| '$parse_tokens_post_in_type'(yf). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'(Token) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces', |
| [Token], |
| !. |
| '$parse_tokens_expect'(Token) --> |
| '$parse_tokens_error'([Token,expected]). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces' --> [' '], !, '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces'. |
| '$parse_tokens_skip_spaces' --> []. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_peep_next'(Next, S, S) :- S = [Next|_]. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_error'(Message, S0, _S) :- |
| write('{SYNTAX ERROR}'), nl, write('** '), |
| '$parse_tokens_write_message'(Message), write(' **'), nl, |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'([], S0), |
| clause('$tokens'(Tokens), _), |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'(Tokens, S0), |
| fail. |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'([], _) :- !. |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'(Tokens, S0) :- Tokens == S0, !, |
| nl, write('** here **'), nl, |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'(Tokens, []), nl. |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'([Token|Tokens], S0) :- |
| '$parse_tokens_error2'(Token), |
| '$parse_tokens_error1'(Tokens, S0). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_error2'(number(X)) :- !, write(X). |
| '$parse_tokens_error2'(atom(X)) :- !, writeq(X). |
| '$parse_tokens_error2'(var(X,_)) :- !, write(X). |
| '$parse_tokens_error2'(string(X)) :- !, |
| write('"'), '$parse_tokens_write_string'(X), write('"'). |
| '$parse_tokens_error2'(X) :- write(X). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_write_string'([]). |
| '$parse_tokens_write_string'([C|Cs]) :- [C] = """", !, |
| put_code(C), put_code(C), '$parse_tokens_write_string'(Cs). |
| '$parse_tokens_write_string'([C|Cs]) :- |
| put_code(C), '$parse_tokens_write_string'(Cs). |
| |
| '$parse_tokens_write_message'([]). |
| '$parse_tokens_write_message'([X|Xs]) :- |
| write(X), write(' '), '$parse_tokens_write_message'(Xs). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Term input/output (write) |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public write/1, write/2. |
| :- public writeq/1, writeq/2. |
| :- public write_canonical/1, write_canonical/2. |
| :- public write_term/2, write_term/3. |
| |
| write(Term) :- |
| current_output(S), |
| write_term(S, Term, [numbervars(true)]). |
| |
| write(S_or_a, Term) :- |
| write_term(S_or_a, Term, [numbervars(true)]). |
| |
| writeq(Term) :- |
| current_output(S), |
| write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true),numbervars(true)]). |
| |
| writeq(S_or_a, Term) :- |
| write_term(S_or_a, Term, [quoted(true),numbervars(true)]). |
| |
| write_canonical(Term) :- |
| current_output(S), |
| write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true),ignore_ops(true)]). |
| |
| write_canonical(S_or_a, Term) :- |
| write_term(S_or_a, Term, [quoted(true),ignore_ops(true)]). |
| |
| write_term(Term, Options) :- |
| current_output(S), |
| write_term(S, Term, Options). |
| |
| write_term(S_or_a, Term, Options) :- |
| '$write_term'(S_or_a, Term, Options), |
| fail. |
| write_term(_, _, _). |
| |
| '$write_term'(S_or_a, Term, Options) :- |
| '$write_term0'(Term, 1200, punct, _, Options, S_or_a), |
| !. |
| |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, alpha, _, S_or_a) :- |
| var(Term), |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, alpha, S_or_a), |
| '$fast_write'(S_or_a, Term). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, alpha, _, S_or_a) :- |
| java(Term), |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, alpha, S_or_a), |
| '$fast_write'(S_or_a, Term). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, alpha, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| Term = '$VAR'(VN), integer(VN), VN >= 0, |
| '$builtin_member'(numbervars(true), Style), |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, alpha, S_or_a), |
| '$write_VAR'(VN, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, alpha, _, S_or_a) :- |
| number(Term), Term < 0, |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, symbol, S_or_a), |
| '$fast_write'(S_or_a, Term). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, alpha, _, S_or_a) :- |
| number(Term), |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, alpha, S_or_a), |
| '$fast_write'(S_or_a, Term). |
| %'$write_term0'(Term, Prec, Type0, punct, _, S_or_a) :- |
| % atom(Term), |
| % current_op(PrecOp, OpType, Term), |
| % (OpType = fx ; OpType = fy), |
| % PrecOp =< Prec, |
| % !, |
| % '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, punct, S_or_a), |
| % put_char(S_or_a, '('), |
| % '$write_atom'(Term, punct, _, _, S_or_a), |
| % put_char(S_or_a, ')'). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| atom(Term), |
| !, |
| '$write_atom'(Term, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, Prec, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| \+ '$builtin_member'(ignore_ops(true), Style), |
| '$write_is_operator'(Term, Op, Args, OpType), |
| !, |
| '$write_term_op'(Op, OpType, Args, Prec, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, punct, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| Term = [_|_], |
| \+ '$builtin_member'(ignore_ops(true), Style), |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, '['), |
| '$write_term_list_args'(Term, punct, _, Style, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, ']'). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, _Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| Term = {Term1}, |
| \+ '$builtin_member'(ignore_ops(true), Style), |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, '{'), |
| '$write_term0'(Term1, 1200, punct, _, Style, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, '}'). |
| '$write_term0'(Term, _Prec, Type0, punct, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| Term =.. [F|Args], |
| '$write_atom'(F, Type0, _, Style, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, '('), |
| '$write_term_args'(Args, punct, _, Style, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, ')'). |
| |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(punct, _, _ ) :- !. |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(X, X, S_or_a) :- !, put_char(S_or_a, ' '). |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(other, alpha, S_or_a) :- !, put_char(S_or_a, ' '). |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(_, _, _ ). |
| |
| '$write_VAR'(VN, S_or_a) :- VN < 26, !, |
| Letter is VN mod 26 + "A", |
| put_code(S_or_a, Letter). |
| '$write_VAR'(VN, S_or_a) :- |
| Letter is VN mod 26 + "A", |
| put_code(S_or_a, Letter), |
| Rest is VN//26, |
| '$fast_write'(S_or_a, Rest). |
| |
| '$write_atom'(Atom, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| '$builtin_member'(quoted(true), Style), |
| !, |
| '$atom_type'(Atom, Type), |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, Type, S_or_a), |
| '$fast_writeq'(S_or_a, Atom). |
| '$write_atom'(Atom, Type0, Type, _, S_or_a) :- |
| '$atom_type'(Atom, Type), |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, Type, S_or_a), |
| '$fast_write'(S_or_a, Atom). |
| |
| '$atom_type'(X, alpha ) :- '$atom_type0'(X, 0), !. |
| '$atom_type'(X, symbol) :- '$atom_type0'(X, 1), !. |
| '$atom_type'(X, punct ) :- '$atom_type0'(X, 2), !. |
| '$atom_type'(X, other ) :- '$atom_type0'(X, 3), !. |
| |
| '$write_is_operator'(Term, Op, Args, OpType) :- |
| functor(Term, Op, Arity), |
| '$write_op_type'(Arity, OpType), |
| current_op(_, OpType, Op), |
| Term =.. [_|Args], |
| !. |
| |
| '$write_op_type'(1, fx). |
| '$write_op_type'(1, fy). |
| '$write_op_type'(1, xf). |
| '$write_op_type'(1, yf). |
| '$write_op_type'(2, xfx). |
| '$write_op_type'(2, xfy). |
| '$write_op_type'(2, yfx). |
| |
| '$write_term_op'(Op, OpType, Args, Prec, Type0, punct, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| current_op(PrecOp, OpType, Op), |
| PrecOp > Prec, |
| !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, '('), |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, OpType, Args, PrecOp, punct, _, Style, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, ')'). |
| '$write_term_op'(Op, OpType, Args, _Prec, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| current_op(PrecOp, OpType, Op), |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, OpType, Args, PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, fx, [A1], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| '$write_atom'(Op, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| Prec1 is PrecOp - 1, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type1, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, fy, [A1], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| '$write_atom'(Op, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| Prec1 is PrecOp, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type1, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, xf, [A1], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| Prec1 is PrecOp - 1, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_atom'(Op, Type1, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, yf, [A1], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| Prec1 is PrecOp, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_atom'(Op, Type1, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, xfx, [A1,A2], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| Prec1 is PrecOp - 1, |
| Prec2 is PrecOp - 1, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_term_infix_op'(Op, Type1, Type2, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_term0'(A2, Prec2, Type2, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, xfy, [A1,A2], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| Prec1 is PrecOp - 1, |
| Prec2 is PrecOp, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_term_infix_op'(Op, Type1, Type2, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_term0'(A2, Prec2, Type2, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_op1'(Op, yfx, [A1,A2], PrecOp, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| Prec1 is PrecOp, |
| Prec2 is PrecOp - 1, |
| '$write_term0'(A1, Prec1, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_term_infix_op'(Op, Type1, Type2, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_term0'(A2, Prec2, Type2, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| '$write_term_infix_op'(',', Type0, punct, _, S_or_a) :- !, |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type0, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, ','). |
| '$write_term_infix_op'(Op, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| '$write_atom'(Op, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| '$write_term_list_args'([A|As], Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| nonvar(As), As = [_|_], |
| !, |
| '$write_term0'(A, 999, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type1, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, ','), |
| '$write_term_list_args'(As, punct, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| '$write_term_list_args'([A|As], Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| nonvar(As), As = [], |
| !, |
| '$write_term0'(A, 999, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| '$write_term_list_args'([A|As], Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- |
| '$write_term0'(A, 999, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type1, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, '|'), |
| '$write_term0'(As, 999, punct, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| '$write_term_args'([], Type, Type, _, _) :- !. |
| '$write_term_args'([A], Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| '$write_term0'(A, 999, Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| '$write_term_args'([A|As], Type0, Type, Style, S_or_a) :- !, |
| '$write_term0'(A, 999, Type0, Type1, Style, S_or_a), |
| '$write_space_if_needed'(Type1, punct, S_or_a), |
| put_char(S_or_a, ','), |
| '$write_term_args'(As, punct, Type, Style, S_or_a). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Term input/output (others) |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public op/3. |
| :- public current_op/3. |
| :- dynamic '$current_operator'/3. |
| |
| op(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| integer(Priority), |
| 0 =<Priority, Priority =<1200, |
| !, |
| '$op1'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator). |
| op(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| illarg(domain(integer,0-1200), op(Priority,Op_specifier,Operator), 1). |
| |
| '$op1'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| nonvar(Op_specifier), |
| '$op_specifier'(Op_specifier, _), |
| !, |
| '$op2'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator). |
| '$op1'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| findall(X, '$op_specifier'(X,_), Domain), |
| illarg(domain(term,Domain), op(Priority,Op_specifier,Operator), 2). |
| |
| '$op2'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| atom(Operator), |
| !, |
| '$add_operators'([Operator], Priority, Op_specifier). |
| '$op2'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| '$op_atom_list'(Operator, Atoms), |
| !, |
| '$add_operators'(Atoms, Priority, Op_specifier). |
| '$op2'(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| illarg(type(list(atom)), op(Priority,Op_specifier,Operator), 3). |
| |
| '$add_operators'([], _, _) :- !. |
| '$add_operators'([A|As], Priority, Op_specifier) :- |
| '$add_op'(A, Priority, Op_specifier), |
| '$add_operators'(As, Priority, Op_specifier). |
| |
| '$add_op'(',', Priority, Op_specifier) :- !, |
| illarg(permission(modify,operator,',',_), op(Priority,Op_specifier,','), 3). |
| '$add_op'(A, _, Op_specifier) :- |
| clause('$current_operator'(_,Op_specifier0,A), _), |
| '$op_specifier'(Op_specifier, Class), |
| '$op_specifier'(Op_specifier0, Class0), |
| Class = Class0, |
| retract('$current_operator'(_,Op_specifier0,A)), |
| fail. |
| '$add_op'(_, 0, _) :- !. |
| '$add_op'(A, Priority, Op_specifier) :- |
| assertz('$current_operator'(Priority,Op_specifier,A)). |
| |
| '$op_specifier'( fx, prefix). |
| '$op_specifier'( fy, prefix). |
| '$op_specifier'(xfx, infix). |
| '$op_specifier'(xfy, infix). |
| '$op_specifier'(yfx, infix). |
| '$op_specifier'( xf, postfix). |
| '$op_specifier'( yf, postfix). |
| |
| '$op_atom_list'(X, _) :- var(X), !, fail. |
| '$op_atom_list'([], []) :- !. |
| '$op_atom_list'([X|Xs], [X|As]) :- atom(X), !, |
| '$op_atom_list'(Xs, As). |
| |
| current_op(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) :- |
| clause('$current_operator'(Priority,Op_specifier,Operator), _). |
| |
| '$current_operator'( 1200, xfx, (:-)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1200, xfx, (-->)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1200, fx, (:-)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1200, fx, (?-)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (package)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (import)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (public)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (dynamic)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (meta_predicate)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (mode)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (multifile)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1150, fx, (block)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1100, xfy, (;)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1050, xfy, (->)). |
| '$current_operator'( 1000, xfy, (',')). |
| '$current_operator'( 900, fy, (\+)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (=)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (\=)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (==)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (\==)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (@<)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (@>)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (@=<)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (@>=)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (=..)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (is)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (=:=)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (=\=)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (<)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (>)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (=<)). |
| '$current_operator'( 700, xfx, (>=)). |
| '$current_operator'( 550, xfy, (:)). |
| '$current_operator'( 500, yfx, (+)). |
| '$current_operator'( 500, yfx, (-)). |
| '$current_operator'( 500, yfx, (#)). |
| '$current_operator'( 500, yfx, (/\)). |
| '$current_operator'( 500, yfx, (\/)). |
| '$current_operator'( 500, fx, (+)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (*)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (/)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (//)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (mod)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (rem)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (<<)). |
| '$current_operator'( 400, yfx, (>>)). |
| '$current_operator'( 300, xfx, (~)). |
| '$current_operator'( 200, xfx, (**)). |
| '$current_operator'( 200, xfy, (^)). |
| '$current_operator'( 200, fy, (\)). |
| '$current_operator'( 200, fy, (-)). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Logic and control |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public (\+)/1. |
| :- public once/1. |
| :- public repeat/0. |
| |
| \+(G) :- call(G), !, fail. |
| \+(_). |
| |
| repeat. |
| repeat :- repeat. |
| |
| once(G) :- call(G), !. |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Atomic term processing |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| %:- public atom_length/2. written in Java |
| %:- public atom_concat/3. written in Java |
| :- public sub_atom/5. |
| %:- public atom_chars/2, atom_codes/2. written in Java |
| %:- public char_code/2. written in Java |
| %:- public number_chars/2, number_codes/2. written in Java |
| :- public name/2. |
| %:- public regex_compile/2. written in Java |
| %:- public regex_match/3. written in Java |
| :- public regex_matches/3. |
| :- public regex_matches/2. |
| |
| sub_atom(Atom, Before, Length, After, Sub_atom) :- |
| atom_concat(AtomL, X, Atom), |
| atom_length(AtomL, Before), |
| atom_concat(Sub_atom, AtomR, X), |
| atom_length(Sub_atom, Length), |
| atom_length(AtomR, After). |
| |
| name(Constant, Chars) :- |
| nonvar(Constant), |
| ( number(Constant) -> number_codes(Constant, Chars) |
| ; atomic(Constant) -> atom_codes(Constant, Chars) |
| ; illarg(type(atomic), name(Constant,Chars), 1) |
| ). |
| name(Constant, Chars) :- |
| var(Constant), |
| ( number_codes(Constant0, Chars) -> Constant = Constant0 |
| ; atom_codes(Constant0, Chars) -> Constant = Constant0 |
| ; illarg(type(list(char)), name(Constant,Chars), 2) |
| ). |
| |
| regex_matches(_, [], _) :- !, fail. |
| regex_matches(Pattern, List, Result) :- |
| List = [_ | _], |
| !, |
| regex_list(Pattern, List, Result). |
| regex_matches(Pattern, String, Result) :- |
| atom(String), |
| regex_compile(Pattern, Matcher), |
| regex_match(Matcher, String, Result). |
| |
| regex_matches(Pattern, String) :- |
| once(regex_matches(Pattern, String, _)). |
| |
| regex_list(Pattern, [H | _ ], Result) :- regex_matches(Pattern, H, Result). |
| regex_list(Pattern, [_ | Ls], Result) :- regex_list(Pattern, Ls, Result). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Implementation defined hooks |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public set_prolog_flag/2. |
| :- public current_prolog_flag/2. |
| |
| set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value) :- var(Flag), !, |
| illarg(var, set_prolog_flag(Flag,Value), 1). |
| set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value) :- var(Value), !, |
| illarg(var, set_prolog_flag(Flag,Value), 2). |
| set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value) :- atom(Flag), !, |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(Flag, Value). |
| set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value) :- |
| illarg(type(atom), set_prolog_flag(Flag,Value), 1). |
| |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(Flag, Value) :- |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(Flag, Mode, changeable(YN)), |
| !, |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(YN, Flag, Value, Mode). |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(Flag, Value) :- |
| illarg(domain(atom,prolog_flag), set_prolog_flag(Flag,Value), 1). |
| |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(no, Flag, Value, _) :- !, |
| illarg(permission(modify,flag,Flag,_), set_prolog_flag(Flag,Value), _). |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(_, Flag, Value, Mode) :- |
| '$builtin_member'(Value, Mode), |
| !, |
| '$set_prolog_impl_flag'(Flag, Value). |
| '$set_prolog_flag0'(_, Flag, Value, _) :- |
| illarg(domain(atom,flag_value), set_prolog_flag(Flag,Value), 2). |
| |
| current_prolog_flag(Flag, Term) :- var(Flag), !, |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(Flag, _, _), |
| '$get_prolog_impl_flag'(Flag, Term). |
| current_prolog_flag(Flag, Term) :- atom(Flag), !, |
| ( '$prolog_impl_flag'(Flag, _, _) -> '$get_prolog_impl_flag'(Flag, Term) |
| ; illarg(domain(atom,prolog_flag), current_prolog_flag(Flag,Term), 1) |
| ). |
| current_prolog_flag(Flag, Term) :- |
| illarg(type(atom), current_prolog_flag(Flag,Term), 1). |
| |
| % '$prolog_impl_flag'(bounded, _, changeable(no)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(max_integer, _, changeable(no)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(min_integer, _, changeable(no)). |
| % '$prolog_impl_flag'(integer_rounding_function, [down,toward_zero], changeable(no)). |
| % '$prolog_impl_flag'(char_conversion, [on,off], changeable(no)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(debug, [on,off], changeable(yes)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(max_arity, _, changeable(no)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(unknown, [error,fail,warning], changeable(yes)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(double_quotes, [chars,codes,atom], changeable(no)). |
| '$prolog_impl_flag'(print_stack_trace, [on,off], changeable(yes)). |
| |
| :- public halt/0. |
| :- public abort/0. |
| |
| halt :- halt(0). |
| abort :- raise_exception('Execution aborted'). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % DCG |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public 'C'/3, expand_term/2. |
| |
| 'C'([X|S], X, S). |
| |
| expand_term(Dcg, Cl) :- var(Dcg), !, Dcg = Cl. |
| expand_term(Dcg, Cl) :- '$dcg_expansion'(Dcg, Cl0), !, Cl0 = Cl. |
| expand_term(Dcg, Dcg). |
| |
| '$dcg_expansion'(Dcg, Cl) :- var(Dcg), !, Dcg = Cl. |
| '$dcg_expansion'((Head --> B), (H1 :- G1, G2)) :- |
| nonvar(Head), |
| Head = (H, List), |
| List = [_|_], |
| !, |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(H, H1, S0, S1), |
| '$dcg_translation'(B, G1, S0, S), |
| '$dcg_translation'(List, G2, S1, S). |
| '$dcg_expansion'((H --> B), (H1 :- B1)) :- |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(H, H1, S0, S), |
| '$dcg_translation'(B, B1, S0, S). |
| |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(X, phrase(X,S0,S), S0, S) :- |
| var(X), |
| !. |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(M:X, M:X1, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(X, X1, S0, S). |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(X, X1, S0, S) :- |
| X =.. [F|As], |
| '$builtin_append'(As, [S0,S], As1), |
| X1 =.. [F|As1]. |
| |
| '$dcg_translation'(X, Y, S0, S) :- |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, Y0, T, S0, S), |
| '$dcg_trans0'(Y0, Y, T, S0, S). |
| |
| '$dcg_trans0'(Y, Y, T, S0, T) :- T \== S0, !. |
| '$dcg_trans0'(Y0, Y, T, _, S) :- '$dcg_concat'(Y0, S=T, Y). |
| |
| '$dcg_concat'(X, Y, Z) :- X == true, !, Z = Y. |
| '$dcg_concat'(X, Y, Z) :- Y == true, !, Z = X. |
| '$dcg_concat'(X, Y, (X,Y)). |
| |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, X1, S, S0, S) :- var(X), !, |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(X, X1, S0, S). |
| '$dcg_trans'(M:X, M:Y, T, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, Y, T, S0, S). |
| '$dcg_trans'([], true, S0, S0, _) :- !. |
| '$dcg_trans'([X|Y], Z, T, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_trans'(Y, Y1, T, S1, S), |
| '$dcg_concat'('C'(S0,X,S1), Y1, Z). |
| '$dcg_trans'(\+X, (X1 -> fail; S=S0), S, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, X1, S1, S0, S1). |
| '$dcg_trans'((X,Y), Z, T, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, X1, S1, S0, S1), |
| '$dcg_trans'(Y, Y1, T, S1, S), |
| '$dcg_concat'(X1, Y1, Z). |
| '$dcg_trans'((X->Y), (X1->Y1), T, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, X1, S1, S0, S1), |
| '$dcg_trans'(Y, Y1, T, S1, S). |
| '$dcg_trans'((X;Y), (X1;Y1), S, S0, S) :- !, |
| '$dcg_translation'(X, X1, S0, S), |
| '$dcg_translation'(Y, Y1, S0, S). |
| '$dcg_trans'(!, !, S0, S0, _) :- !. |
| '$dcg_trans'({G}, call(G), S0, S0, _) :- var(G), !. |
| '$dcg_trans'({G}, G, S0, S0, _) :- !. |
| '$dcg_trans'(X, X1, S, S0, S) :- |
| '$dcg_translation_atom'(X, X1, S0, S). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Hash creation and control |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public new_hash/1. |
| :- public hash_map/2. |
| :- public hash_exists/1. |
| |
| new_hash(Hash) :- new_hash(Hash, []). |
| |
| hash_map(H_or_a, List) :- |
| hash_keys(H_or_a, Ks0), |
| sort(Ks0, Ks), |
| hash_map(Ks, List, H_or_a). |
| |
| hash_map([], [], _) :- !. |
| hash_map([K|Ks], [(K,V)|Ls], H_or_a) :- |
| hash_get(H_or_a, K, V), |
| hash_map(Ks, Ls, H_or_a). |
| |
| hash_exists(Alias) :- |
| atom(Alias), |
| '$get_hash_manager'(HM), |
| hash_contains_key(HM, Alias). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Java interoperation |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| %:- public java_constructor0/2. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_declared_constructor0/2. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_method0/3. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_declared_method0/3. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_get_field0/3. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_get_declared_field0/3. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_set_field0/3. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_set_declared_field0/3. (written in Java) |
| %:- public java_conversion/2. (written in Java) |
| :- public java_constructor/2. |
| :- public java_declared_constructor/2. |
| :- public java_method/3. |
| :- public java_declared_method/3. |
| :- public java_get_field/3. |
| :- public java_get_declared_field/3. |
| :- public java_set_field/3. |
| :- public java_set_declared_field/3. |
| :- public synchronized/2. |
| |
| java_constructor(Constr, Instance) :- |
| Constr =.. [F|As], |
| builtin_java_convert_args(As, As1), |
| Constr1 =.. [F|As1], |
| java_constructor0(Constr1, Instance1), |
| Instance = Instance1. |
| |
| java_declared_constructor(Constr, Instance) :- |
| Constr =.. [F|As], |
| builtin_java_convert_args(As, As1), |
| Constr1 =.. [F|As1], |
| java_declared_constructor0(Constr1, Instance1), |
| Instance = Instance1. |
| |
| java_method(Class_or_Instance, Method, Value) :- |
| Method =.. [F|As], |
| builtin_java_convert_args(As, As1), |
| Method1 =.. [F|As1], |
| java_method0(Class_or_Instance, Method1, Value1), |
| java_conversion(Value2, Value1), |
| Value = Value2. |
| |
| java_declared_method(Class_or_Instance, Method, Value) :- |
| Method =.. [F|As], |
| builtin_java_convert_args(As, As1), |
| Method1 =.. [F|As1], |
| java_declared_method0(Class_or_Instance, Method1, Value1), |
| java_conversion(Value2, Value1), |
| Value = Value2. |
| |
| java_get_field(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value) :- |
| java_get_field0(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value1), |
| java_conversion(Value2, Value1), |
| Value = Value2. |
| |
| java_get_declared_field(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value) :- |
| java_get_declared_field0(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value1), |
| java_conversion(Value2, Value1), |
| Value = Value2. |
| |
| java_set_field(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value) :- |
| java_conversion(Value, Value1), |
| java_set_field0(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value1). |
| |
| java_set_declared_field(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value) :- |
| java_conversion(Value, Value1), |
| java_set_declared_field0(Class_or_Instance, Field, Value1). |
| |
| builtin_java_convert_args([], []) :- !. |
| builtin_java_convert_args([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :- |
| java_conversion(X, Y), |
| builtin_java_convert_args(Xs, Ys). |
| |
| synchronized(Object, Goal) :- |
| '$begin_sync'(Object, Ref), |
| call(Goal), |
| '$end_sync'(Ref). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Prolog interpreter |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- op(1170, xfx, (:-)). |
| :- op(1170, xfx, (-->)). |
| :- op(1170, fx, (:-)). |
| :- op(1170, fx, (?-)). |
| |
| :- op(1150, fx, (package)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (import)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (public)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (dynamic)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (meta_predicate)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (mode)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (multifile)). |
| :- op(1150, fx, (block)). |
| |
| :- public cafeteria/0. |
| :- public consult/1. |
| :- public consult_stream/1. |
| :- public trace/0, notrace/0. |
| :- public debug/0, nodebug/0. |
| :- public leash/1. |
| :- public spy/1, nospy/1, nospyall/0. |
| :- public listing/0. |
| :- public listing/1. |
| |
| :- dynamic '$current_leash'/1. |
| :- dynamic '$current_spypoint'/3. |
| :- dynamic '$leap_flag'/1. |
| :- dynamic '$consulted_file'/1. |
| :- dynamic '$consulted_import'/2. |
| :- dynamic '$consulted_package'/1. |
| :- dynamic '$consulted_predicate'/3. |
| |
| %%% Main |
| cafeteria :- |
| '$cafeteria_init', |
| repeat, |
| '$toplvel_loop', |
| on_exception(Msg, '$cafeteria'(Goal), print_message(error, Msg)), |
| Goal == end_of_file, |
| !, |
| nl, '$fast_write'(bye), nl. |
| |
| '$cafeteria_init' :- |
| retractall('$leap_flag'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_file'(_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_package'(_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_predicate'(_,_,_)), |
| assertz('$leap_flag'(no)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(call)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(exit)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(redo)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(fail)), |
| !. |
| |
| '$toplvel_loop' :- |
| current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode), |
| (Mode == off -> true ; print_message(info,[debug])), |
| '$fast_write'('| ?- '), |
| flush_output. |
| |
| '$cafeteria'(Goal) :- |
| read_with_variables(Goal, Vars), |
| '$process_order'(Goal, Vars). |
| |
| '$process_order'(G, _) :- var(G), !, illarg(var, (?- G), 1). |
| '$process_order'(end_of_file, _) :- !. |
| '$process_order'([File|Files], _) :- !, consult([File|Files]). |
| '$process_order'(G, Vars) :- |
| current_prolog_flag(debug, Mode), |
| ( Mode == off -> call(user:G) ; '$trace_goal'(user:G) ), nl, |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(Vars, Vars1), |
| '$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vars1), |
| !, |
| '$fast_write'(yes), nl. |
| '$process_order'(_, _) :- nl, '$fast_write'(no), nl. |
| |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'([], []) :- !. |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(['_'=_|Xs], Vs) :- !, |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs). |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'([X|Xs], [X|Vs]) :- |
| '$rm_redundant_vars'(Xs, Vs). |
| |
| '$give_answers_with_prompt'([]) :- !. |
| '$give_answers_with_prompt'(Vs) :- |
| '$give_an_answer'(Vs), |
| '$fast_write'(' ? '), flush_output, |
| read_line(Str), |
| Str \== ";", |
| nl. |
| |
| '$give_an_answer'([]) :- !, '$fast_write'(true). |
| '$give_an_answer'([X]) :- !, '$print_an answer'(X). |
| '$give_an_answer'([X|Xs]) :- |
| '$print_an answer'(X), '$fast_write'(','), nl, |
| '$give_an_answer'(Xs). |
| |
| '$print_an answer'(N = V) :- |
| write(N), '$fast_write'(' = '), writeq(V). |
| |
| %%% Read Program |
| consult(Files) :- var(Files), !, illarg(var, consult(Files), 1). |
| consult([]) :- !. |
| consult([File|Files]) :- !, consult(File), consult(Files). |
| consult(File) :- atom(File), !, '$consult'(File). |
| |
| '$consult'(F) :- |
| '$prolog_file_name'(F, PF), |
| open(PF, read, In), |
| stream_property(In, file_name(File)), |
| print_message(info, [consulting,File,'...']), |
| statistics(runtime, _), |
| consult_stream(File, In), |
| statistics(runtime, [_,T]), |
| print_message(info, [File,consulted,T,msec]), |
| close(In). |
| |
| consult_stream(File, In) :- |
| '$consult_init'(File), |
| repeat, |
| read(In, Cl), |
| '$consult_clause'(Cl), |
| Cl == end_of_file, |
| !. |
| |
| '$prolog_file_name'(File, File) :- sub_atom(File, _, _, After, '.'), After > 0, !. |
| '$prolog_file_name'(File0, File) :- atom_concat(File0, '.pl', File). |
| |
| '$consult_init'(File) :- |
| retractall('$consulted_file'(_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_package'(_)), |
| retractall('$consulted_import'(File, _)), |
| retract('$consulted_predicate'(P,PI,File)), |
| abolish(P:PI), |
| fail. |
| '$consult_init'(File) :- |
| assertz('$consulted_file'(File)), |
| assertz('$consulted_package'(user)). |
| |
| '$consult_clause'(end_of_file ) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- module(P,_)) ) :- !, '$assert_consulted_package'(P). |
| '$consult_clause'((:- package P) ) :- !, '$assert_consulted_package'(P). |
| '$consult_clause'((:- import P) ) :- !, '$assert_consulted_import'(P). |
| '$consult_clause'((:- dynamic _) ) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- public _) ) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- meta_predicate _)) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- mode _) ) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- multifile _) ) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- block _) ) :- !. |
| '$consult_clause'((:- G) ) :- !, clause('$consulted_package'(P), _), once(P:G). |
| '$consult_clause'(Clause0) :- |
| '$consult_preprocess'(Clause0, Clause), |
| '$consult_cls'(Clause). |
| |
| '$assert_consulted_package'(P) :- |
| clause('$consulted_package'(P), _), |
| !. |
| '$assert_consulted_package'(P) :- |
| retractall('$consulted_package'(_)), |
| assertz('$consulted_package'(P)). |
| |
| '$assert_consulted_import'(P) :- |
| clause('$consulted_file'(File), _), |
| assertz('$consulted_import'(File, P)). |
| |
| '$consult_preprocess'(Clause0, Clause) :- |
| expand_term(Clause0, Clause). |
| |
| '$consult_cls'((H :- G)) :- !, '$assert_consulted_clause'((H :- G)). |
| '$consult_cls'(H) :- '$assert_consulted_clause'((H :- true)). |
| |
| '$assert_consulted_clause'(Clause) :- |
| Clause = (H :- _), |
| functor(H, F, A), |
| clause('$consulted_file'(File), _), |
| clause('$consulted_package'(P), _), |
| assertz(P:Clause), |
| assertz('$consulted_predicate'(P,F/A,File)), |
| !. |
| |
| %%% Trace |
| trace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, on), !. |
| trace :- |
| set_prolog_flag(debug, on), |
| '$trace_init', |
| '$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch on}'), |
| nl, !. |
| |
| '$trace_init' :- |
| retractall('$leap_flag'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)), |
| assertz('$leap_flag'(no)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(call)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(exit)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(redo)), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(fail)), |
| !. |
| |
| notrace :- current_prolog_flag(debug, off), !. |
| notrace :- |
| set_prolog_flag(debug, off), |
| '$fast_write'('{Small debugger is switch off}'), |
| nl, !. |
| |
| debug :- trace. |
| nodebug :- notrace. |
| |
| %%% Spy-Points |
| spy(T) :- |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, spy(T)), |
| trace, |
| '$assert_spypoint'(PI), |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes), |
| !. |
| |
| '$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| clause('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A), _), |
| print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,already,added]), |
| !. |
| '$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| clause('$consulted_predicate'(P,F/A,_), _), |
| assertz('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)), |
| print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,added]), |
| !. |
| '$assert_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| print_message(warning, [no,matching,predicate,for,spy,P:F/A]). |
| |
| nospy(T) :- |
| '$term_to_predicateindicator'(T, PI, nospy(T)), |
| '$retract_spypoint'(PI), |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no), |
| !. |
| |
| '$retract_spypoint'(P:F/A) :- |
| retract('$current_spypoint'(P,F,A)), |
| print_message(info, [spypoint,P:F/A,is,removed]), |
| !. |
| '$retract_spypoint'(_). |
| |
| nospyall :- |
| retractall('$current_spypoint'(_,_,_)), |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no). |
| |
| %%% Leash |
| leash(L) :- nonvar(L), '$leash'(L), !. |
| leash(L) :- illarg(type('leash_specifier'), leash(L), 1). |
| |
| '$leash'([]) :- !, |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| print_message(info, [no,leashing]). |
| '$leash'(Ms) :- |
| retractall('$current_leash'(_)), |
| '$assert_leash'(Ms), |
| print_message(info,[leashing,stopping,on,Ms]). |
| |
| '$assert_leash'([]) :- !. |
| '$assert_leash'([X|Xs]) :- |
| '$leash_specifier'(X), |
| assertz('$current_leash'(X)), |
| '$assert_leash'(Xs). |
| |
| '$leash_specifier'(call). |
| '$leash_specifier'(exit). |
| '$leash_specifier'(redo). |
| '$leash_specifier'(fail). |
| %'$leash_specifier'(exception). |
| |
| %%% Trace a Goal |
| '$trace_goal'(Term) :- |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no), |
| '$get_current_B'(Cut), |
| '$meta_call'(Term, user, Cut, 0, trace). |
| |
| '$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| print_procedure_box(call, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| '$call_internal'(X, P, FA, Depth, trace), |
| print_procedure_box(exit, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth). |
| '$trace_goal'(X, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| print_procedure_box(fail, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| fail. |
| |
| print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, F/A, Depth) :- |
| clause('$current_spypoint'(P, F, A), _), |
| !, |
| '$builtin_message'(['+',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]), |
| '$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,F/A,Depth)). |
| print_procedure_box(Mode, G, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| clause('$leap_flag'(no), _), |
| !, |
| '$builtin_message'([' ',Depth,Mode,':',P:G]), |
| ( clause('$current_leash'(Mode), _) |
| -> |
| '$read_blocked'(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) |
| ; |
| nl |
| ). |
| print_procedure_box(_, _, _, _, _). |
| |
| redo_procedure_box(_, _, _, _). |
| redo_procedure_box(X, P, FA, Depth) :- |
| print_procedure_box(redo, X, P, FA, Depth), |
| fail. |
| |
| '$read_blocked'(G) :- |
| '$fast_write'(' ? '), |
| flush_output, |
| read_line(C), |
| (C == [] -> DOP = 99 ; C = [DOP|_]), |
| '$debug_option'(DOP, G). |
| |
| '$debug_option'(97, _) :- !, notrace, abort. % a for abort |
| '$debug_option'(99, _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, no). % c for creep |
| '$debug_option'(108, _) :- !, '$set_debug_flag'(leap, yes). % l for leap |
| '$debug_option'(43, print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % + for spy this |
| spy(P:FA), |
| call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)). |
| '$debug_option'(45, print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)) :- !, % - for nospy this |
| nospy(P:FA), |
| call(print_procedure_box(Mode,G,P,FA,Depth)). |
| '$debug_option'(63, G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G). |
| '$debug_option'(104, G) :- !, '$show_debug_option', call(G). |
| '$debug_option'(_, _). |
| |
| '$show_debug_option' :- |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('Debuggin options:'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('a abort'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('RET creep'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('c creep'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('l leap'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('+ spy this'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('- nospy this'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('? help'), nl, |
| tab(4), '$fast_write'('h help'), nl. |
| |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :- |
| clause('$leap_flag'(Flag), _), |
| !. |
| '$set_debug_flag'(leap, Flag) :- |
| retractall('$leap_flag'(_)), |
| assertz('$leap_flag'(Flag)). |
| |
| %%% Listing |
| listing :- '$listing'(_, user). |
| |
| listing(T) :- var(T), !, illarg(var, listing(T), 1). |
| listing(P) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(_, P). |
| listing(F/A) :- !, '$listing'(F/A, user). |
| listing(P:PI) :- atom(P), !, '$listing'(PI, P). |
| listing(T) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(T), 1). |
| |
| '$listing'(PI, P) :- var(PI), !, |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, _). |
| '$listing'(F/A, P) :- atom(F), integer(A), !, |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, F/A). |
| '$listing'(PI, P) :- illarg(type(predicate_indicator), listing(P:PI), 1). |
| |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(P, PI) :- |
| '$new_internal_database'(P), |
| hash_keys(P, Keys), |
| '$builtin_member'(PI, Keys), |
| PI = F/A, |
| functor(H, F, A), |
| '$clause_internal'(P, PI, H, Cl, _), |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(P, Cl), |
| fail. |
| '$listing_dynamic_clause'(_, _). |
| |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(_, Cl) :- var(Cl), !, fail. |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- true)) :- !, |
| numbervars(H, 0, _), |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(P, H), |
| write('.'), nl. |
| '$write_dynamic_clause'(P, (H :- B)) :- !, |
| numbervars((H :- B), 0, _), |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(P, H), |
| write(' :-'), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(B, 8), |
| write('.'), nl. |
| |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(user, H) :- !, writeq(H). |
| '$write_dynamic_head'(P, H) :- |
| write(P), write(':'), writeq(H). |
| |
| '$write_dynamic_body'((G1,G2), N) :- !, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N), write(','), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N). |
| '$write_dynamic_body'((G1;G2), N) :- !, |
| N1 is N+4, |
| tab(N), write('('), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write(';'), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write(')'). |
| '$write_dynamic_body'((G1->G2), N) :- !, |
| N1 is N+4, |
| tab(N), write('('), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G1, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write('->'), nl, |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(G2, N1), nl, |
| tab(N), write(')'). |
| '$write_dynamic_body'(B, N) :- |
| tab(N), writeq(B). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Misc |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| :- public reverse/2. |
| :- public length/2. |
| :- public numbervars/3. |
| :- public statistics/2. |
| |
| reverse(Xs, Zs) :- reverse(Xs, [], Zs). |
| reverse([], Zs, Zs). |
| reverse([X|Xs], Tmp, Zs) :- reverse(Xs, [X|Tmp], Zs). |
| |
| length(L, N) :- var(N), !, '$length'(L, 0, N). |
| length(L, N) :- '$length0'(L, 0, N). |
| |
| '$length'([], I, I). |
| '$length'([_|L], I0, I) :- I1 is I0+1, '$length'(L, I1, I). |
| |
| '$length0'([], I, I) :- !. |
| '$length0'([_|L], I0, I) :- I0 < I, I1 is I0+1, '$length0'(L, I1, I). |
| |
| numbervars(X, VI, VN) :- |
| integer(VI), VI >= 0, |
| !, |
| '$numbervars'(X, VI, VN). |
| |
| '$numbervars'(X, VI, VN) :- var(X), !, |
| X = '$VAR'(VI), % This structure is checked in write |
| VN is VI + 1. |
| '$numbervars'(X, VI, VI) :- atomic(X), !. |
| '$numbervars'(X, VI, VI) :- java(X), !. |
| '$numbervars'(X, VI, VN) :- |
| functor(X, _, N), |
| '$numbervars_str'(1, N, X, VI, VN). |
| |
| '$numbervars_str'(I, I, X, VI, VN) :- !, |
| arg(I, X, A), |
| '$numbervars'(A, VI, VN). |
| '$numbervars_str'(I, N, X, VI, VN) :- |
| arg(I, X, A), |
| '$numbervars'(A, VI, VN1), |
| I1 is I + 1, |
| '$numbervars_str'(I1, N, X, VN1, VN). |
| |
| statistics(Key, Value) :- |
| nonvar(Key), |
| '$statistics_mode'(Key), |
| !, |
| '$statistics'(Key, Value). |
| statistics(Key, Value) :- |
| findall(M, '$statistics_mode'(M), Domain), |
| illarg(domain(atom,Domain), statistics(Key,Value), 1). |
| |
| '$statistics_mode'(runtime). |
| '$statistics_mode'(trail). |
| '$statistics_mode'(choice). |
| |
| print_message(Type, Message) :- var(Type), !, |
| illarg(var, print_message(Type,Message), 1). |
| print_message(error, Message) :- !, |
| '$error_message'(Message). |
| print_message(info, Message) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{'), |
| '$builtin_message'(Message), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| print_message(warning, Message) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{WARNING: '), |
| '$builtin_message'(Message), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| |
| '$error_message'(instantiation_error(Goal,0)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{INSTANTIATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(instantiation_error(Goal,ArgNo)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{INSTANTIATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(type_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Culprit)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{TYPE ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': expected '), '$fast_write'(Type), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(domain_error(Goal,ArgNo,Domain,Culprit)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{DOMAIN ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': expected '), '$fast_write'(Domain), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(existence_error(_Goal,0,ObjType,Culprit,_Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{EXISTENCE ERROR: '), |
| '$fast_write'(ObjType), '$fast_write'(' '), write(Culprit), '$fast_write'(' does not exist'), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(existence_error(Goal,ArgNo,ObjType,Culprit,_Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{EXISTENCE ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': '), |
| '$fast_write'(ObjType), '$fast_write'(' '), write(Culprit), '$fast_write'(' does not exist'), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(permission_error(Goal,Operation,ObjType,Culprit,Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{PERMISSION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - can not '), '$fast_write'(Operation), '$fast_write'(' '), |
| '$fast_write'(ObjType), '$fast_write'(' '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'(': '), '$fast_write'(Message), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(representation_error(Goal,ArgNo,Flag)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{REPRESENTATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': limit of '), '$fast_write'(Flag), '$fast_write'(' is breached'), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(evaluation_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{EVALUATION ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), '$fast_write'(Type), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(syntax_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Culprit,_Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{SYNTAX ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(': expected '), '$fast_write'(Type), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), write(Culprit), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(system_error(Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{SYSTEM ERROR: '), write(Message), '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(internal_error(Message)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{INTERNAL ERROR: '), write(Message), '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| '$error_message'(java_error(Goal,ArgNo,Exception)) :- !, |
| '$fast_write'('{JAVA ERROR: '), |
| '$write_goal'(Goal), |
| '$fast_write'(' - arg '), '$fast_write'(ArgNo), |
| '$fast_write'(', found '), '$write_goal'(Exception), |
| '$fast_write'('}'), nl, |
| '$print_stack_trace'(Exception). |
| '$error_message'(Message) :- |
| '$fast_write'('{'), write(Message), '$fast_write'('}'), nl. |
| |
| '$write_goal'(Goal) :- java(Goal), !, |
| current_output(S), '$write_toString'(S, Goal). |
| '$write_goal'(Goal) :- write(Goal). |
| |
| illarg(Msg, Goal, ArgNo) :- var(Msg), !, |
| illarg(var, Goal, ArgNo). |
| illarg(var, Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| raise_exception(instantiation_error(Goal, ArgNo)). |
| illarg(type(Type), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| arg(ArgNo, Goal, Arg), |
| ( nonvar(Arg) -> |
| Error = type_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Arg) |
| ; Error = instantiation_error(Goal,ArgNo) |
| ), |
| raise_exception(Error). |
| illarg(domain(Type,ExpDomain), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| arg(ArgNo, Goal, Arg), |
| ( '$match_type'(Type, Arg) -> |
| Error = domain_error(Goal,ArgNo,ExpDomain,Arg) |
| ; nonvar(Arg) -> |
| Error = type_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Arg) |
| ; Error = instantiation_error(Goal,ArgNo) |
| ), |
| raise_exception(Error). |
| illarg(existence(ObjType,Culprit,Message), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| raise_exception(existence_error(Goal,ArgNo,ObjType,Culprit,Message)). |
| illarg(permission(Operation, ObjType, Culprit, Message), Goal, _) :- |
| raise_exception(permission_error(Goal,Operation,ObjType,Culprit,Message)). |
| illarg(representation(Flag), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| raise_exception(representation_error(Goal,ArgNo,Flag)). |
| illarg(evaluation(Type), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| raise_exception(evaluation_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type)). |
| illarg(syntax(Type,Culprit,Message), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| raise_exception(syntax_error(Goal,ArgNo,Type,Culprit,Message)). |
| illarg(system(Message), _, _) :- |
| raise_exception(system_error(Message)). |
| illarg(internal(Message), _, _) :- |
| raise_exception(internal_error(Message)). |
| illarg(java(Exception), Goal, ArgNo) :- |
| raise_exception(java_error(Goal,ArgNo,Exception)). |
| illarg(Msg, _, _) :- raise_exception(Msg). |
| |
| '$match_type'(term, _). |
| '$match_type'(variable, X) :- var(X). |
| '$match_type'(atom, X) :- atom(X). |
| '$match_type'(atomic, X) :- atomic(X). |
| '$match_type'(byte, X) :- integer(X), 0 =< X, X =< 255. |
| '$match_type'(in_byte, X) :- integer(X), -1 =< X, X =< 255. |
| '$match_type'(character, X) :- atom(X), atom_length(X, 1). |
| '$match_type'(in_character, X) :- (X == 'end_of_file' ; '$match_type'(character,X)). |
| '$match_type'(number, X) :- number(X). |
| '$match_type'(integer, X) :- integer(X). |
| '$match_type'(float, X) :- float(X). |
| '$match_type'(callable, X) :- callable(X). |
| '$match_type'(compound, X) :- compound(X). |
| '$match_type'(list, X) :- nonvar(X), (X = [] ; X = [_|_]). |
| '$match_type'(java, X) :- java(X). |
| '$match_type'(stream, X) :- (java(X, 'java.io.PushbackReader') ; java(X, 'java.io.PrintWriter')). |
| '$match_type'(stream_or_alias, X) :- (atom(X) ; '$match_type'(stream, X)). |
| '$match_type'(hash, X) :- java(X, 'com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.HashtableOfTerm'). |
| '$match_type'(hash_or_alias,X) :- (atom(X) ; '$match_type'(hash, X)). |
| '$match_type'(predicate_indicator, X) :- |
| nonvar(X), |
| X = P:F/A, |
| atom(P), |
| atom(F), |
| integer(A). |
| %'$match_type'(evaluable, X). |
| %'$match_type'('convertible to java', X). |
| |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % Utilities |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| '$builtin_append'([], Zs, Zs). |
| '$builtin_append'([X|Xs], Ys, [X|Zs]) :- '$builtin_append'(Xs, Ys, Zs). |
| |
| '$builtin_member'(X, [X|_]). |
| '$builtin_member'(X, [_|L]) :- '$builtin_member'(X, L). |
| |
| '$builtin_message'([]) :- !. |
| '$builtin_message'([M]) :- !, write(M). |
| '$builtin_message'([M|Ms]) :- write(M), '$fast_write'(' '), '$builtin_message'(Ms). |
| |
| '$member_in_reverse'(X, [_|L]) :- '$member_in_reverse'(X, L). |
| '$member_in_reverse'(X, [X|_]). |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| % END |
| |