blob: 26385ccf7fcb72190a4cea0d3ec93a39252dd9c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Initial continuation goal.<br>
* That is to say, this <code>Success</code> will be executed
* every time the Prolog Cafe system finds an answer.
* @author Mutsunori Banbara (
* @author Naoyuki Tamura (
* @version 1.0
public class Success extends Predicate {
/** Prolog thread that this <code>Success</code> belongs to. */
public PrologControl c;
/** Constructs a new initial continuation goal. */
public Success(){}
/** Constructs a new initial continuation goal with given Prolog thread. */
public Success(PrologControl c) {
this.c = c;
* Backtracks and returns a next clause
* after invoking the <code>PrologControl.success()</code>.
* @param engine Prolog engine
* @see PrologControl#success
public Predicate exec(Prolog engine) {
/** Returns a string representation of this <code>Success</code>. */
public String toString(){ return "Success"; }
/** Returns <code>0</code>. */
public int arity() { return 0; }