blob: c61c1c3faa2673e42545ecc327c3cd239b9c6683 [file] [log] [blame]
/* CHANGELOG by M.Banbara
- add ':- dynamic unify/3.' since unify/3 is not defined.
- rename name/2 to atom_codes/2
:- dynamic unify/3.
% Sdda3 5-Oct-86
% For use on simulator
%% To do: (look for '%%')
%% recursion - keep list of call procedures, ignore recursive calls
%% problem: doesn't work for typical procedure working on a list,
%% since the list is smaller (different) each time.
%% possible optimization: "recognize" base case & skip to it
%% follow atoms, g is 'any atom', all others unique, does it work?
%% stats - write heapused, cputime to files (as comments)
%% worst_case - handle ground terms (copy unify, modify atomic)
%% handle disjunction - needs worst_case
%% add cuts where possible to save space
%% fill in rest of built-ins
%% how to handle op?
%% Handle assert/retract? call? (If given ground terms- ok, vars- no)
%% must have ground functor, definite number of args!
% Front end for simulator use
main :-
% Does the sdda on FileName, instantiates Exitmodes to list of exit modes,
% ExitModes structure: [[Funtor/Arity, Activation, Exit], ... ],
% e.g. [[a/2, [g,X], [g,g]]
do_sdda(FileName, ExitModes, BackList, PredList) :-
read_procedures(Procs, ExitModes, Entries), % collect all procedures
write('Procedures '), nl, write_list(Procs), nl,
write('Entry points '), nl, write_list(Entries), nl,
(nonvar(ExitModes) -> % Don't mention there
(write('Declared exit modes '), nl, % aren't any
write_list(ExitModes), nl) ;
entry_exit_modes_list(Procs, ExitModes, Entries),
write('Exit modes '), nl, write_list(ExitModes), nl.
%%% !!! Hard code in read for test:
% sdda_entry(c(A,B,C)).
% a(X, Y).
% a(X, X).
% c(A,B,C) :- a(A,B).
_68,[c(_76,_77,_78)|_102]) :- !.
% For each entry point in Entries do sdda, building Known, an unbound-tail list
% Known structure: [[Name/Arity, ActivationModes, ExitModes], ...|_],
% where ActivationModes and ExitModes are lists of variables and the atom 'g'.
% 'g' represents a ground element and variables represent equivalence classes.
entry_exit_modes_list(_, _, Entries) :- % Done
entry_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, [Entry|Entries]) :-
Entry =.. [Functor|Act], % Get functor/arity & activation
length(Act, Arity), % from entry declaration
proc_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, [], Functor/Arity, Act, _), % No invoc.
entry_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Entries).
% Do sdda on procedure Functor/Arity, given activation mode Act. Instantiates
% Known to known exit modes and Act to exit modes for Functor/Arity under Act
proc_exit_mode(_, _, _, Functor/Arity, Act, Exit) :-
built_in(Functor/Arity, Act, Exit). % This is a built-in
proc_exit_mode(_, Known, _, Functor/Arity, Act, Exit) :-
look_up_act([Functor/Arity, Act, Exit], Known). % Already did this
proc_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocations, Functor/Arity, Act, Exit) :-
umember([Functor/Arity|Clauses], ProcList), % Look up definition
dup(Clauses, ClausesCopy), % Don't munge original
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations,
ClausesCopy, Act, Exits),
(Exits=[] -> fail ; true), % didn't find any => fail
worst_case(Exits, Exit), % assume the worst
dup(Act, ActCopy), % Need copy because Body
add_to_list([Functor/Arity, ActCopy, Exit], Known). % binds Act & Exit
proc_exit_mode(_, Known, _, Functor/Arity, Act, Exit) :-
write('No such procedure at compile time '),
write(Activation), nl,
all_shared(Act, Exit), % return worst possible - all shared
add_to_list([Functor/Arity, Act, Exit], Known).
% Analyze all clauses for this procedure, instantiate Exits to all exit modes
clause_exit_modes_list(_, _, _, Clauses, _, []) :-
var(Clauses), !. % No more clauses => done
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations,
[Clause|Clauses], Act, Exits) :-
eqmember([Clause, Act], Invocations), % This is a recursive
write('skipping clause exit mode for '),
write(Clause), write(' '), write(Act), nl,
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations, % call, ignore
Clauses, Act, Exits). % it
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations,
[Clause|Clauses], Act, [Exit|Exits]) :-
dup(Act, Exit), % We'll bind Exit
clause_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, [[Clause, Act]|Invocations],
Clause, Exit), % Record invocation
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations,
Clauses, Act, Exits).
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations,
[Clause|Clauses], Act, Exits) :- % Unify failed
clause_exit_modes_list(ProcList, Known, Invocations,
Clauses, Act, Exits).
% Given activation modes for this clause, return its exit modes
clause_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocations, Clause, Act) :-
(Clause = ':-'(Head, Body) ; Clause=Head, Body=true), % Decompose it
Head =.. [_|Args], % Bind the head
unify(Args, Act), % to activation
body_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocations, Body). % do the body
body_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocations, ','(Goal, Goals)) :- % Conjunction
body_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocations, Goal), % Do 1st
body_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocations, Goals). % & rest
body_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocation, Goal) :-
functor(Goal, Functor, Arity),
Goal =.. [Functor|Act],
proc_exit_mode(ProcList, Known, Invocation, Functor/Arity, Act, Exit),
unify(Act, Exit).
% Unifies Left and Right with the special case that the atom 'g' matches
% any atom (except [])
unify(Left, Left) :- !. % Try standard unify first
unify(Left, g) :- % else, is it special case
atomic(Left), !,
\+ Left=[].
unify(g, Right) :-
atomic(Right), !,
\+ Right=[].
unify([LeftHead|LeftTail], [RightHead|RightTail]) :- % or list
!, unify(LeftHead, RightHead),
unify(LeftTail, RightTail).
unify(Left, Right) :- % or structure
Left =.. [Functor|LeftArgs],
Right =.. [Functor|RightArgs],
unify(LeftArgs, RightArgs).
% Succeed if Left and Right are equivalent, i.e. they are the exact same
% with variables renamed
equiv(Left, Right) :-
equiv(Left, Right, _).
equiv(Left, Right, _) :-
Left==Right, !.
equiv(g, Right, _) :-
atomic(Right), !,
\+ Right=[].
equiv(Left, g, _) :-
atomic(Left), !,
\+ Left=[].
equiv(Left, Right, Bindings) :-
var(Left), !,
equiv_vars(Left, Right, Bindings).
equiv(Left, Right, Bindings) :-
var(Right), !,
equiv_vars(Left, Right, Bindings).
equiv([LeftHead|LeftTail], [RightHead|RightTail], Bindings) :-
!, equiv(LeftHead, RightHead, Bindings),
equiv(LeftTail, RightTail, Bindings).
equiv(Left, Right, Bindings) :-
equiv(LeftArgs, RightArgs, Bindings).
equiv_vars(Left, Right, Bindings) :-
var(Bindings), !,
Bindings=[[Left, Right]|_].
equiv_vars(Left, Right, [[AnyVar, AnyBinding]|_]) :-
Left==AnyVar, !,
equiv_vars(Left, Right, [[AnyVar, AnyBinding]|_]) :-
Right==AnyBinding, !,
equiv_vars(Left, Right, [ _|Bindings]) :-
equiv_vars(Left, Right, Bindings).
% Make a copy of Orig with new vars. Copy must be a variable.
% E.g. dup([A,s(A,B),[B,C]], New) binds New to [X,s(X,Y),[Y,Z]]
dup(Orig, Copy) :-
dup(Orig, Copy, _).
dup(Orig, Copy, Bindings) :-
var(Orig), !,
dup_var(Orig, Copy, Bindings).
dup(Orig, Orig, _) :- % Atoms, including []
atomic(Orig), !.
dup([OrigHead|OrigTail], [CopyHead|CopyTail], Bindings) :-
!, dup(OrigHead, CopyHead, Bindings),
dup(OrigTail, CopyTail, Bindings).
dup(Orig, Copy, Bindings) :-
dup(OrigArgs, CopyArgs, Bindings),
dup_var(Orig, Copy, Bindings) :-
var(Bindings), !,
Bindings=[[Orig, Copy]|_].
dup_var(Orig, Copy, [[AnyVar, Copy]|_]) :-
Orig==AnyVar, !.
dup_var(Orig, Copy, [_|Bindings]) :-
dup_var(Orig, Copy, Bindings).
% ----- Built-ins ----- %
built_in(true/0, [], []). % No change
built_in(fail/0, [], []). % No change
built_in('='/2, [X, Y], [g, g]) :-
(atomic(X) ; atomic(Y)). % Ground both if either atomic
built_in('='/2, [X, Y], [X, X]). % else bind them
built_in(/('+',2), [X, Y], [X, Y]). % No change
built_in(/('-',2), [X, Y], [X, Y]). % No change
built_in(/('*',2), [X, Y], [X, Y]). % No change
built_in(/('/',2), [X, Y], [X, Y]). % No change
built_in(/('>=',2), [X, Y], [X, Y]). % No change
built_in(/('<',2), [X, Y], [X, Y]). % No change
built_in(is/2, [X, Y], [g, Y]). % Ground result
% ----- Utilities ----- %
worst_case([], _). %% Doesn't work if any Exits
worst_case([Exit|Exits], Worst) :- %% fail to match, e.g.
unify(Exit, Worst), %% [[s(1)], [f(1)]].
worst_case(Exits, Worst).
look_up_act(_, Known) :-
!, fail.
look_up_act([Functor/Arity, Act, Exit], [[Functor/Arity, KnownAct, Exit]|_]) :-
equiv(Act, KnownAct).
look_up_act([Functor/Arity, Act, Exit], [_|Known]) :-
look_up_act([Functor/Arity, Act, Exit], Known).
all_shared(Act, Exit) :- %% Wrong
unify(Act, _, VarModesList),
bind_all(_, VarModesList),
unify(Act, Exit, VarModesList).
bind_all(_, VarModesList) :-
bind_all(Mode, [[Var, Mode]|VarModesList]) :-
bind_all(Mode, VarModesList).
bind_all(Mode, [[_, _]|VarModesList]) :-
bind_all(Mode, VarModesList).
% Adds Element to the tail of List, an unbound-tail list
add_to_list(Element, List) :-
add_to_list(Element, [_|List]) :-
add_to_list(Element, List).
% Membership relation for unbound-tail lists
umember(_, List) :-
var(List), !, fail.
umember(Element, [Element|_]).
umember(Element, [_|Tail]) :- umember(Element, Tail).
% Strict membership relation for unbound-tail lists
sumember(_, List) :-
var(List), !, fail.
sumember(Element, [AnyElement|_]) :- Element==AnyElement.
sumember(Element, [_|Tail]) :- sumember(Element, Tail).
% Membership relation for standard nil-tail lists
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X, T).
% Strict membership relation for standard nil-tail lists
smember(X, [Y|_]) :- X==Y.
smember(X, [_|T]) :- smember(X, T).
% Equiv membership relation for standard nil-tail lists
eqmember(X, [Y|_]) :- equiv(X, Y).
eqmember(X, [_|T]) :- eqmember(X, T).
% Our old favorite
concat([], L, L).
concat([X|L1], L2, [X|L3]) :- concat(L1, L2, L3).
% Pretty prints unbound-tail lists -- dies on NIL tail lists
write_list(List) :-
dup(List, NewList),
(var(NewList) -> (name_vars(NewList, 0, _),
write(NewList)) ;
write_list2(NewList, 0, _),
write('|_].'))), % write('].') to write nil tails
write_list2([H|T], NextName, NewNextName) :-
name_vars(H, NextName, TempNextName),
(nonvar(T) -> (write(','), nl,
write(' '),
write_list2(T, TempNextName, NewNextName)) ;
NewNextName = TempNextName).
name_vars(Term, NextName, NewNextName) :-
var(Term), !,
make_name(NextName, Term),
NewNextName is NextName + 1.
name_vars(Term, NextName, NextName) :-
atom(Term), !.
name_vars([TermHead|TermTail], NextName, NewNextName) :-
!, name_vars(TermHead, NextName, TempNextName),
name_vars(TermTail, TempNextName, NewNextName).
name_vars(Term, NextName, NewNextName) :-
Term =.. [_|TermArgs],
name_vars(TermArgs, NextName, NewNextName).
make_name(IntName, Variable) :-
Count is IntName // 26,
NewIntName is IntName mod 26 + "A",
build_name(Count, NewIntName, Name),
atom_codes(Variable, Name).
%name(Variable, Name).
build_name(0, IntName, [IntName]) :- !.
build_name(Count, IntName, [IntName|Rest]) :- Count>0,
NewCount is Count - 1,
build_name(NewCount, IntName, Rest).