Merge branch 'stable-3.3' into stable-3.4

* stable-3.3:
  Introduce zookeeper-refdb init step
  Bump zookeeper and netty versions
  Bazel: Format BUILD file with buildifier

Change-Id: I9a70086b400cbf873e28f892e77b67a3234ec41a
tree: 0a9b00408a44c2896860e6756c8c894a78ab25f6
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. BUILD
  4. external_plugin_deps.bzl
  5. Jenkinsfile

Gerrit Zookeeper ref-db

This plugin provides an implementation of the Gerrit global ref-db backed by Apache Zookeeper.

Requirements for using this plugin are:

  • Gerrit v3.2 or later
  • Apache Zookeeper v3.4 or later

Typical use-case

The global ref-db is a typical use-case of a Gerrit multi-master scenario in a multi-site setup. Refer to the Gerrit multi-site plugin for more details on the high level architecture.