@PLUGIN@ Configuration

Global configuration of the @PLUGIN@ plugin is done in the @PLUGIN@.config file in the site's etc directory.

File ‘@PLUGIN@.config’

Sample configuration.

[ref-database "zookeeper"]
  connectString = "zookeeperhost:2181"
  rootNode = "/gerrit/multi-site"
  transactionLockTimeoutMs = 1000

Configuration parameters

ref-database.zookeeper.connectString : Connection string to Zookeeper

ref-database.zookeeper.rootNode : Root node to use in Zookeeper to store/retrieve information

Defaults: "/gerrit/multi-site"

ref-database.zookeeper.sessionTimeoutMs : Zookeeper session timeout in milliseconds

Defaults: 1000

ref-database.zookeeper.connectionTimeoutMs : Zookeeper connection timeout in milliseconds

Defaults: 1000

ref-database.zookeeper.retryPolicyBaseSleepTimeMs : Configuration for the base sleep timeout in milliseconds of the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Zookeeper connection

Defaults: 1000

ref-database.zookeeper.retryPolicyMaxSleepTimeMs : Configuration for the maximum sleep timeout in milliseconds of the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Zookeeper connection

Defaults: 3000

ref-database.zookeeper.retryPolicyMaxRetries : Configuration for the maximum number of retries of the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Zookeeper connection

Defaults: 3

ref-database.zookeeper.casRetryPolicyBaseSleepTimeMs : Configuration for the base sleep timeout in milliseconds of the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Compare and Swap operations on Zookeeper

Defaults: 1000

ref-database.zookeeper.casRetryPolicyMaxSleepTimeMs : Configuration for the maximum sleep timeout in milliseconds of the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Compare and Swap operations on Zookeeper

Defaults: 3000

ref-database.zookeeper.casRetryPolicyMaxRetries : Configuration for the maximum number of retries of the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Compare and Swap operations on Zookeeper

Defaults: 3

ref-database.zookeeper.transactionLockTimeoutMs : Configuration for the Zookeeper Lock timeout (in milliseconds) used when acquires the exclusive lock for a reference.

Defaults: 1000

ref-database.zookeeper.sslConnection : Enable ssl for Zookeeper connection.

Defaults: false

ref-database.zookeeper.sslKeyStoreLocation : Configuration for the path to the ssl key store location.

Defaults: "./etc/keystore.jks"

ref-database.zookeeper.sslTrustStoreLocation : Configuration for the path to the local ssl trust store location.

Defaults: "./etc/truststore.jks"

File ‘@PLUGIN@.secure.config’

Sample configuration.

[ref-database "zookeeper"]
    sslKeyStorePassword = test_passw
    sslTrustStorePassword = test_passw

Configuration parameters

ref-database.zookeeper.sslKeyStorePassword : Configuration for the password to the ssl key store location.

ref-database.zookeeper.sslTrustStorePassword : Configuration for the password to the ssl trust store location.