The @PLUGIN@ plugin allows CI system to report build and test results back to Gerrit. The reports are stored per patchset and are saved onto an external database. Included with this plugin are a set of SSH and REST APIs to automate the reporting of test results. This plugin will also handle displaying of the job results on the Gerrit UI.


A typical workflow for @PLUGIN@ plugin:

  1. CI system triggers on a new patchset.
  2. CI system executes build jobs.
  3. CI system reports build job results with @PLUGIN@ ssh command or rest-api.
  4. CI system reports a combined Verfiied vote based on the results of each job using the review ssh command or rest-api.
  5. Users can view per patch job results on Gerrit UI or retrieve the results using the @PLUGIN@ rest api.

Change Screen

Visualized based on the job results info


Job Results

The job score (or value) is the result from the executed build. This score is independent of the Gerrit label (i.e. Verified) score. The reporter scores each build job and then (if given permission) scores the combined Verified vote.

less than 0Failed
greater than 0Passed

The information icon is an indicator that a job has abstained from voting (or is a non-voting job). Abstaining typically indicates that a job's score may not factor into determining the combined vote.

@PLUGIN@ configure-panels


The @PLUGIN@ job panels can be configured in the [gerrit.config] (../../../Documentation/config-gerrit.html#_file_code_etc_gerrit_config_code) file.


Field NameDescription
showJobsPanelWhether jobs panel should be displayed (default to true)
showJobsDropDownPanelWhether jobs drop down panel should be displayed (default to true)


[plugin "@PLUGIN@"]
   showJobsPanel = false
   showJobsDropDownPanel = false