Fix ErrorProne warnings

The following warnings have been fixed:

* Field name is CONSTANT_CASE, but field is not static and final
* Use grouping parenthesis to make the operator precedence explicit
* Redundant throws clause
* Constant field declarations should use the immutable type (such as
  ImmutableList) instead of the general collection interface type (such
  as List)
* This field is only assigned during initialization; consider making it
* Can be replaced with simpler, equivalent code.
* Private methods that do not reference the enclosing instance should be

Change-Id: I1099d368174e3039824167c845dd94c1aa324bbd
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
24 files changed
tree: b557c4664e3fa968b4b81f7df223dbd342831122
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUILD
  5. external_plugin_deps.bzl