The @PLUGIN@ plugin can be built in-tree in Gerrit's /plugins
The plugins/external_plugin_deps.bzl
file will need to be updated to match or contain @PLUGIN@/external_plugin_deps.bzl
git clone --recursive cd gerrit git clone "" plugins/@PLUGIN@ ln -sf plugins/@PLUGIN@/external_plugin_deps.bzl plugins/. bazelisk build plugins/@PLUGIN@
The output is created in
This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE:
set in Gerrit core in tools/bzl/plugins.bzl
To execute the tests run
bazelisk test --test_tag_filters=@PLUGIN@ //...
bazelisk test //plugins/@PLUGIN@/...
On MacOS you may need to access the docker daemon via TCP.
Run socat to expose the docker daemon socket via TCP
socat TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock
Execute the tests over TCP
bazelisk test --test_env='DOCKER_HOST=tcp://' //plugins/@PLUGIN@/...
bazelisk test --test_output=streamed //plugins/@PLUGIN@/...
If necessary increase log levels in src/test/resources/
to trace testcontainers and docker java API.
If you face issue you can trace traffic to the docker daemon using socat exposing the docker daemon via TCP.
Run socat to log diagnostics and show the traffic to the docker daemon
socat -dd -v TCP-LISTEN:2375,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock
Execute the tests over TCP
bazelisk test --test_env='DOCKER_HOST=tcp://' //plugins/@PLUGIN@/...