Certificates Validity Check utility


Check SSL Certificates expiry date and expose them as a Gerrit metrics.


The certificates-validity-checker plugin is configured in $site_path/etc/@PLUGIN@.config` files, example:

        endpoint = hostname:443
        endpoint = mail.hostname.com:993
        checkInterval = 1 day

Configuration parameters

validation.checkInterval : Frequency of the SSL certificates expiry date check operation Value should use common time unit suffixes to express their setting:

  • h, hr, hour, hours
  • d, day, days
  • w, week, weeks (1 week is treated as 7 days)
  • mon, month, months (1 month is treated as 30 days)
  • y, year, years (1 year is treated as 365 days) If a time unit suffix is not specified, hours is assumed. Time intervals smaller than one hour are not supported. Default: 24 hours

validation.endpoint : Specify for which endpoint SSL certificates expiry date should be checked and expose as a Gerrit metric. Endpoint format is : It can be provided more than once.


Currently, the metrics exposed are the following:
