Fix JAR manifest claiming it is Commons IO project

Buck has one annoying "feature": java_binary rule merges manifest entries
from dependent JARs unless input JAR possesses these entries itself [1].

Repication plugin suffers from this "feature" because this is the only core
plugin that depends on another library: Apache common-io library.

Showing the documentation for replication plugin reveals that it was written
by Apache Software Foundation and is called "Commons IO" [2]:

Name	Commons IO
Vendor	The Apache Software Foundation
Version	v2.8

[1] https://github.com/facebook/buck/issues/86
[2] https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/plugins/replication/Documentation/index.html

Change-Id: I50eb6eb3a1701e6a639a7a116fdcb535e6045c15
1 file changed
tree: a77d2457b68c22963d82aec20aedbcca54c1e11c
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUCK
  6. pom.xml