Inherit remote replication events from a common parent

The replication plugin models replication events that are directed to a
specific remote.

These are:

RefReplicatedEvent and ReplicationScheduledEvent

These events share many fields (such as project, ref, target) and this
makes sense, as they all represent the status of a ref replication to a
particular remote.

However, rather than inheriting from a common parent, most fields are
copy & pasted redundantly into each event.

Extract common fields by having RefReplicatedEvent and
ReplicationScheduledEvent inherit from a common parent.

This also opens the door for other ref-replication-based events (such as
pull-replication for example) to adhere to the same interface.

Bug: Issue 14819
Change-Id: I29da700bf6671159bd6ae29b00ef6b962ef0fcb5
4 files changed
tree: e285242ac5ff7003263b3755efc4e21013046a5d
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .mailmap
  5. BUILD