This page describes the REST endpoint that is added by the @PLUGIN@ plugin.

Please also take note of the general information on the REST API.

This API implements a REST equivalent of the Ssh rename-project command. For more information, refer to:


POST /projects/project-1/@PLUGIN@~rename HTTP/1.1
    "name" : "project-2",

to rename project-1 to project-2.

The same request is used in replica mode.

By default, if project-1 has more than 5000 changes, the rename procedure will be cancelled as it can take longer time and can degrade in performance in that time frame.

To rename a project with more than 5000 changes, the following request is needed:

POST /projects/project-1/@PLUGIN@~rename HTTP/1.1
    "name" : "project-2",
    "continueWithRename" : "true"


If rename succeeded:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If rename was cancelled due to user's intent to not proceed when the number of changes exceeds the warning limit of 5000 changes:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Same as ssh version of the command, caller must be a member of a group that is granted the ‘Rename Project’ (provided by this plugin) or ‘Administrate Server’ capabilities.