RabbitMQ Configuration

Some parameters can be configured in the standard Gerrit config file gerrit.config.

  [plugin "rabbimq"]
    amqpUri = amqp://www.foobar.com:5672
    amqpUsername = guest
    amqpPassword = guest
    amqpQueue = gerrit-queue
    amqpExchange = gerrit-exchange
    amqpRoutingKey = com.foobar.www.gerrit
    gerritName = foobar-gerrit
    gerritHostname = www.foobar.com
    gerritScheme = ssh
    gerritPort = 24918
    messageDeliveryMode = 1
    messagePriority = 0
    monitorInterval = 15000

rabbitmq.amqpUri : The URI of RabbitMQ server's endpoint. If not specified, defaults to “amqp://localhost”.

rabbitmq.amqpUsername : Username for RabbitMQ connection authentication. If not specified, defaults to “guest”.

rabbitmq.amqpPassword : Password for RabbitMQ connection authentication. If not specified, defaults to “guest”.

rabbitmq.amqpQueue : The name of queue. If specified, this queue is declared to RabbitMQ. Also the unique exchange is declated with direct type (or fanout type if rabbitmq.amqpRoutingKey is not specified). Then bind queue from this exchange. + Note that rabbitmq.amqpExchange is ignored.

rabbitmq.amqpExchange : The name of exchange. This is used when rabbitmq.amqpQueue is not specified. The named exchange is not created. It means that it would be failure if named exchange is not exist in RabbitMQ.

rabbitmq.amqpRoutingKey : The name of routing key. if not specified, defaults to the same as plugin name.

rabbitmq.gerritName : The name of gerrit(not hostname). This is your given name to identify your gerrit. This can be used for message header only.

rabbitmq.gerritHostname : The hostname of gerrit for SCM connection. This can be used for message header only.

rabbitmq.gerritScheme : The scheme of gerrit for SCM connection. If not specified, defaults to “ssh”. This can be used for message header only.

rabbitmq.gerritPort : The port number of gerrit for SCM connection. If not specified, defaults to 29418. This can be used for message header only.

rabbitmq.messageDeliverMode : The delivery mode. if not specified, defaults to 1. * 1 - non-persistent * 2 - persistent

rabbitmq.messagePriority : The priority of message. if not specified, defaults to 0.

rabbitmq.monitorInterval : The interval time in milliseconds for connection monitor. If not specified, defaults to 15000. You can specify the value more than 5000.