Merge branch 'stable-3.3'

* stable-3.3:
  FetchAction: Fix FloggerFormatString pattern flagged by error prone
  Add replication delay for asynchronous fetch calls
  Trigger indexing only for local ref updates
  Index change only for meta ref propagation
  Allow asynchronous fetch calls
  Comment the LocalDiskRepositoryManager in ApplyObject
  Fix issue with reading maxApiPayloadSize property
  Propagate FetchRefReplicatedEvent
  Send small refs as a fetch call payload
  Send ref content as a fetch call payload
  Index change upon propagation
  Propagate FetchRefReplicatedEvent upon a Ref fetch
  Always replicate changes regardless of the permissions

Change-Id: I5c4c575a5af3ed74232fd6942ddaedbc2866dae2
tree: d2b89207991c78667c65cc3002f3e5ab343556fe
  1. src/
  2. BUILD
  3. Jenkinsfile