
The owners-autoassign plugin allows to customize the selection of owners that need to be added to the attention-set. By default, Gerrit adds all reviewers to the attention-set, which could not be ideal when the list of owners automatically assigned could be quite long, due to the hierarchy of the OWNERS files in the parent directories.

The owners-api.jar libModule included in the owners' plugin project contains a generic interface that can be used to customize Gerrit's default attention-set behaviour.

owner-api setup

Copy the owners-api.jar libModule into the $GERRIT_SITE/lib directory and add the following entry to gerrit.config:

  installModule = com.googlesource.gerrit.owners.api.OwnersApiModule

Customization of the attention-set selection

The OwnersAttentionSet API, contained in the owners-api.jar libModule, provides the following interface:

public interface OwnersAttentionSet {

  Collection<Account.Id> addToAttentionSet(ChangeInfo changeInfo, Collection<Account.Id> owners);

Any other plugin, or script, can implement the interface and provide an alternative implementation of the Gerrit's default mechanism.

Example: select two random owners and add to the attention set by adding the following script as $GERRIT_SITE/plugins/owners-attentionset-1.0.groovy.

import com.googlesource.gerrit.owners.api.*
import java.util.*

class MyAttentionSet implements OwnersAttentionSet {
  def desiredAttentionSet = 3

  Collection<Account.Id> addToAttentionSet(ChangeInfo changeInfo, Collection<Account.Id> owners) {
    def currentAttentionSet = changeInfo.attentionSet.size()

    // There is already the desired number of attention-set
    if (currentAttentionSet >= desiredAttentionSet) {
      return Collections.emptyList()

    // All owners are within the attention-set limits
    if (owners.size() <= desiredAttentionSet) {
      return owners

    // Select randomly some owners for the attention-set
    def shuffledOwners = owners.asType(List)
    Collections.shuffle shuffledOwners
    return shuffledOwners.subList(0,desiredAttentionSet)

class MyAttentionSetModule extends AbstractModule {

  protected void configure() {
    DynamicItem.bind(binder(), OwnersAttentionSet.class)

modules = [ MyAttentionSetModule.class ]

NOTE: Install the groovy-provider plugin for enabling Gerrit to load Groovy scripts as plugins.