
The configuration of the @PLUGIN@ plugin is done in the gerrit.config file. auth.type must be set to OAUTH:

  type = OAUTH

Google and GitHub specific providers are configured under @PLUGIN@ section, appended with provider suffix: -google-oauth and -github-oauth:

  [plugin "@PLUGIN@-google-oauth"]
    client-id = "<client-id>"
    client-secret = "<client-secret>"
    callback = "http://localhost:8080/oauth"

  [plugin "@PLUGIN@-github-oauth"]
    client-id = "<client-id>"
    client-secret = "<client-secret>"
    callback = "http://localhost:8080/oauth"

When one from the sections above is omitted, OAuth SSO is used. The login form with provider selection isn’t shown. When both sections are omitted, Gerrit will not start.