The @PLUGIN@ plugin must be installed on all the instances and the following fields should be specified in $site_path/etc/@PLUGIN@.config
[kafka] bootstrapServers = kafka-1:9092,kafka-2:9092,kafka-3:9092 indexEventTopic = gerrit_index streamEventTopic = gerrit_stream cacheEventTopic = gerrit_cache_eviction projectListEventTopic = gerrit_project_list [kafka "publisher"] enabled = true indexEventEnabled = true cacheEventEnabled = true projectListEventEnabled = true streamEventEnabled = true KafkaProp-compressionType = none KafkaProp-deliveryTimeoutMs = 60000 [kafka "subscriber"] enabled = true pollingIntervalMs = 1000 KafkaProp-enableAutoCommit = true KafkaProp-autoCommitIntervalMs = 1000 KafkaProp-autoCommitIntervalMs = 5000 indexEventEnabled = true cacheEventEnabled = true projectListEventEnabled = true streamEventEnabled = true [ref-database "zookeeper"] connectString = "localhost:2181" rootNode = "/gerrit/multi-site" sessionTimeoutMs = 1000 connectionTimeoutMs = 1000 retryPolicyBaseSleepTimeMs = 1000 retryPolicyMaxSleepTimeMs = 3000 retryPolicyMaxRetries = 3 casRetryPolicyBaseSleepTimeMs = 100 casRetryPolicyMaxSleepTimeMs = 100 casRetryPolicyMaxRetries = 3
: Whether to synchronize cache evictions. Defaults to true.
: Maximum number of threads used to send cache evictions to the target instance.
Defaults to 4.
: Pattern to match names of custom caches for which evictions should be forwarded (in addition to the core caches that are always forwarded). May be specified more than once to add multiple patterns.
Defaults to an empty list, meaning only evictions of the core caches are forwarded.
: Whether to synchronize stream events. Defaults to true.
: Number of striped locks to use for during secondary indexes reindex. Defaults to 10
: Whether to synchronize secondary indexes. Defaults to true.
: Maximum number of threads used to send index events to the target instance. Defaults to 4.
: Maximum number of times the plugin should attempt to reindex changes. Setting this value to 0 will disable retries. After this number of failed tries, an error is logged and the local index should be considered stale and needs to be investigated and manually reindexed.
Defaults to 2.
: The interval of time in milliseconds between the subsequent auto-retries. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).
: List of Kafka broker hosts:port to use for publishing events to the message broker
: Name of the Kafka topic to use for publishing indexing events Defaults to GERRIT.EVENT.INDEX
: Name of the Kafka topic to use for publishing stream events Defaults to GERRIT.EVENT.STREAM
: Name of the Kafka topic to use for publishing cache eviction events Defaults to GERRIT.EVENT.CACHE
: Name of the Kafka topic to use for publishing cache eviction events Defaults to GERRIT.EVENT.PROJECT.LIST
: Enable publication of index events, ignored when kafka.publisher.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable publication of cache events, ignored when kafka.publisher.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable publication of project list events, ignored when kafka.publisher.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable publication of stream events, ignored when kafka.publisher.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable consuming of events from Kafka Defaults: false
: Enable consumption of index events, ignored when kafka.subscriber.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable consumption of cache events, ignored when kafka.subscriber.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable consumption of project list events, ignored when kafka.subscriber.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Enable consumption of stream events, ignored when kafka.subscriber.enabled
is false
Defaults: true
: Polling interval for checking incoming events
Defaults: 1000
: Enable the use of a shared ref-database Defaults: true
: Connection string to zookeeper
: Root node to use under Zookeeper to store/retrieve information
Defaults: "/gerrit/multi-site"
: Root node to use under Zookeeper to store/retrieve information
Defaults: 1000
: Root node to use under Zookeeper to store/retrieve information
Defaults: 1000
: Configuration for the base sleep timeout (iun ms) to use to create the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Zookeeper connection
Defaults: 1000
: Configuration for the max sleep timeout (iun ms) to use to create the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Zookeeper connection
Defaults: 3000
: Configuration for the max number of retries to use to create the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Zookeeper connection
Defaults: 3
: Configuration for the base sleep timeout (iun ms) to use to create the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Compare and Swap operations on Zookeeper
Defaults: 1000
: Configuration for the max sleep timeout (iun ms) to use to create the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Compare and Swap operations on Zookeeper
Defaults: 3000
: Configuration for the max number of retries to use to create the BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry policy used for the Compare and Swap operations on Zookeeper
Defaults: 3
: Set to true when the plugin has been applied to an already existing module and there are no entries in Zookeeper for the existing refs. It will handle update failures caused by the old refs not existing forcing the creation of the new one
Defaults: false
In addition to the above settings, custom Kafka properties can be explicitly set for publisher
and subscriber
. In order to be acknowledged, these properties need to be prefixed with the KafkaProp-
prefix and then camelCased, as follows: KafkaProp-yourPropertyValue
For example, if you want to set the
property for your consumers, you will need to configure this property as KafkaProp-autoCommitIntervalMs
NOTE: custom kafka properties will be ignored when the relevant subsection is disabled (i.e. kafka.subscriber.enabled
and/or kafka.publisher.enabled
are set to false
The complete list of available settings can be found directly in the kafka website: