blob: 12723a373e5535d7b3c91f001ac24adf80956b82 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
@PLUGIN@ Configuration
The menu entries configured by the @PLUGIN@ plugin are stored in
`$site_path/etc/@PLUGIN@.config` which is a Git-style config file.
[menuItem ""]
topMenu = Gerrit
name = Homepage
Each menu item is stored in a `menuItem` section where the menu item
URL is used as subsection name.
<a id="topMenu">
: The name of the top menu under which this menu item should be
Default is `Extensions`.
<a id="name">
: The name of menu item.
<a id="target">
: The target of the menu item link.
<a id="id">
: The ID of the menu item link.