Merge branch 'stable-2.14' into stable-2.15

* stable-2.14:
  Add support for "expires_in" field in authentication response
  Update bazlets to the latest on stable-2.14 to use 2.14.7 release API
  Replace joda-time with Java 8 API
  Format BUILD file with buildifier
  Replace Guava's Optional with Java 8 Optional
  LfsSshAuth: Check number of arguments to git-lfs-authenticate command

Change-Id: I765e15338f83a22d86125bc00ad0fe704d9e2353
tree: 8c15e6bd36c9a258ebcf5daa287177da5547bbf5
  1. src/
  2. tools/
  3. .gitignore
  4. bazlets.bzl
  5. BUILD
  6. external_plugin_deps.bzl