
The configuration of the @PLUGIN@ plugin is done in the gerrit.config file.

  [plugin "@PLUGIN@"]
    allowTopMenu = false

Note that JavaMelody Optional Parameters can be provided to gerrit.config as part of container.javaOptions parameter e.g.:

    javaOptions = -Djavamelody.log=true
  • plugin.@PLUGIN@.allowTopMenu

    Whether it is allowed to show top menu in Gerrit UI. By default true.

  • plugin.@PLUGIN@.prometheusBearerToken

    Bearer token for allowing Prometheus to query JavaMelody data through its scraper. When defined, access to the /monitoring?format=prometheus URL does not require any authentication and do not check any ACL related to the ViewMetrics global capability. Any access to the other monitoring screen and URLs will still require standard authentication and authorization checks. See JavaMelody-Prometheus configuration for more details and Prometheus documentation for how to configure the integration with Prometheus. By default undefined.


    The directory in which to store data files. Javamelody, by default, stores data under /tmp/javamelody directory but it gets wiped out upon system restart. Therefore for fresh install (or when it was just wiped out after restart) it is defaulted to GERRIT_SITE/data/@PLUGIN@. Note that, in order to preserve existing configuration through value from container.javaOptions, it has lower priority than but higher than default.

  • plugin.@PLUGIN@.http-transform-pattern Grouping pattern for HTTP requests statistics. Without groupping pattern javamelody treats each HTTP requests as distinctive therefore it is not possible to deduct overal site performance and what is more, on busy server, it may lead to issue with too many open RRD files. If not specified this parameter takes the value that allows javamelody to group all REST and GIT HTTP (incuding LFS) requests over project, account, SHA-1, Long Object Id (LFS), account etc. ids. However one can provide own regexp to cover for instance plugin extensions. Note that, in order to preserve existing configuration through -Djavamelody.http-transform-pattern value from container.javaOptions, it has lower priority than plugin.@PLUGIN@.http-transform-pattern but higher than default.