RTC connectivity

In order for @PLUGIN@ to connect to RTC instance, url and credentials are required in your site's etc/gerrit.config or etc/secure.config under the @PLUGIN@ section.



HTTP/S and network settings

There are no additional settings required for a default connectivity from Gerrit to RTC and the default JVM settings are automatically taken for opening outbound connections.

However connectivity to RTC could be highly customised for defining the protocol security level, pooling and network settings. This allows the administrator to have full control of the output pipe to RTC and the propagation of the Change events to the associated issues in a high-loaded production environment.

All settings are defined in gerrit.config under the same [@PLUGIN@] section. See below the list of the most important parameters and their associated meaning.

sslVerify : true or false. When using HTTP/S to connect to RTC (the most typical scenario) allows to enforce (recommended) or disable ( ONLY FOR TEST ENVIRONMENTS ) the X.509 Certificates validation during SSL handshake. If unsure say true.

httpSocketTimeout : <number> Defines the socket timeout in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets). A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

httpSocketBufferSize : <number> Determines the size of the internal socket buffer used to buffer data while receiving / transmitting HTTP messages.

httpSocketReuseaddr : true or false. Defines whether the socket can be bound even though a previous connection is still in a timeout state.

httpConnectionTimeout : <number> Determines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

httpConnectionStalecheck : true or false. Determines whether stale connection check is to be used. The stale connection check can cause up to 30 millisecond overhead per request and should be used only when appropriate. For performance critical operations this check should be disabled.

httpSocketKeepalive : true or false. Defines whether or not TCP is to send automatically a keepalive probe to the peer after an interval of inactivity (no data exchanged in either direction) between this host and the peer. The purpose of this option is to detect if the peer host crashes.

httpConnManagerTimeout : <number> Defines the timeout in milliseconds used when retrieving a free connection from the pool of outbound HTTP connections allocated.

httpConnManagerMaxTotal : <number> Defines the maximum number of outbound HTTP connections in total. This limit is interpreted by client connection managers and applies to individual manager instances.

NOTE: The full list of all available HTTP network connectivity parameters can be found under the Apache Commons HTTP Client 4.3.x documentation. Gerrit parameters names are the CamelCase version of the string values of the Apache HTTP Client ones.

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