
This @PLUGIN@ plugin is built with Bazel.

Clone (or link) both this plugin and also plugins/its-base to the plugins directory of Gerrit's source tree.

Put the external dependency Bazel build file into the Gerrit plugins directory, replacing the existing empty one.

  cd gerrit/plugins
  ln -sf @PLUGIN@/external_plugin_deps.bzl .

Then issue

  bazel build plugins/@PLUGIN@

in the root of Gerrit's source tree to build

The output is created in


This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE. Add the plugin name to the CUSTOM_PLUGINS and CUSTOM_PLUGINS_TEST_DEPS sets in the file <gerrit_source_code>/tools/bzl/plugins.bzl and execute:


To execute the tests run:

  bazel test plugins/@PLUGIN@:its_jira_tests

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