Bugzilla connectivity

In order for Gerrit to connect to Bugzilla,

  1. make sure that your Bugzilla instance has the XML-RPC interface enabled, and
  2. provide url, user and password to @PLUGIN@.

Checking XML-RPC availability

Assuming the Bugzilla instance you want to connect to is at http://my.bugzilla.instance.example.org/, open


in your browser. If you get an empty page without errors, the XML-RPC interface is enabled. You can continue by providing the needed Gerrit configuration.

If you get an error page saying

The XML-RPC Interface feature is not available in this Bugzilla.

the XML-RPC interface needs to be enabled. To do so, log in to the server that‘s running your Bugzilla instance, go to Bugzilla’s directory, run

./checksetup.pl --check-modules

and install the missing modules. Then re-check the XML-RPC interface availability as above.

Gerrit configuration

In order for @PLUGIN@ to connect to the XML-RPC service of your Bugzilla instance, url (without trailing “/xmlrpc.cgi”) and credentials are required in your site's etc/gerrit.config or etc/secure.config under the @PLUGIN@ section.



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