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# Supported Hooks
## Synchronous Hooks
These hooks are invoked synchronously so it is recommended that they not block.
A default timeout on the hook is set to 30 seconds to avoid "runaway" hooks using
up server threads. The timeout can be changed by setting [`hooks.syncHookTimeout`][1].
### ref-update
This is called when a ref update request (direct push, non-fastforward update, or
ref deletion) is received by Gerrit. It allows a request to be rejected before it
is committed to the Gerrit repository.
When multiple commits are pushed by direct push, this hook is called once with
the `--oldrev` being the sha1 of the current branch tip, and `--newrev` being the
sha1 of the commit that will be the new tip of the branch.
If the hook exits with non-zero return code the update will be rejected and any
output will be returned to the user.
ref-update --project <project name> --refname <refname> --uploader <uploader> --uploader-username <username> --oldrev <sha1> --newrev <sha1>
### commit-received
This is called when a commit is received by Gerrit either by direct push or by
push for review (to `refs/for/branch`). It allows a push to be rejected before
a review is created, or before the branch is updated in case of a direct push.
It is called once for each commit in the push.
If the hook exits with non-zero return code the push will be rejected. Any output
from the hook will be returned to the user, regardless of the return code.
commit-received --project <project name> --refname <refname> --uploader <uploader> --uploader-username <username> --oldrev <sha1> --newrev <sha1> --cmdref <refname>
### submit
This is called when a user attempts to submit a change. It allows the submit to
be rejected.
If the hook exits with non-zero return code the submit will be rejected and the
output from the hook will be returned to the user.
submit --project <project name> --branch <branch> --submitter <submitter> --patchset <patchset id> --commit <sha1>
## Asynchronous Hooks
These hooks are invoked asynchronously on a background thread.
### patchset-created
Called whenever a patchset is created (this includes new changes).
New patchsets do not generate this event when created as a result of merging a change
(see change-merged for this). Examples are:
* Submitting a change
* Merging a change
* Closing a change by direct push to branch
patchset-created --change <change id> --kind <change kind> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --uploader <uploader> --uploader-username <username> --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>
The `--kind` parameter represents the kind of change uploaded. See documentation
of [`patchSet`][2] for details.
### comment-added
Called whenever a comment is added to a change.
comment-added --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --author <comment author> --author-username <username> --commit <commit> --comment <comment> [--<approval category id> <score> --<approval category id> <score> --<approval category id>-oldValue <score> ...]
### change-merged
Called whenever a change has been merged.
change-merged --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --submitter <submitter> --submitter-username <username> --commit <sha1> --newrev <sha1>
### change-abandoned
Called whenever a change has been abandoned.
change-abandoned --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --abandoner <abandoner> --abandoner-username <username> --commit <sha1> --reason <reason>
### change-deleted
Called whenever a change has been deleted.
change-deleted --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --deleter <deleter>
### change-restored
Called whenever a change has been restored.
change-restored --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --restorer <restorer> --restorer-username <username> --commit <sha1> --reason <reason>
### ref-updated
Called whenever a ref has been updated.
ref-updated --oldrev <old rev> --newrev <new rev> --refname <ref name> --project <project name> --submitter <submitter> --submitter-username <username>
### project-created
Called whenever a project has been created.
project-created --project <project name> --head <head name>
### reviewer-added
Called whenever a reviewer is added to a change.
reviewer-added --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --reviewer <reviewer> --reviewer-username <username>
### reviewer-deleted
Called whenever a reviewer (with a vote) is removed from a change.
reviewer-deleted --change <change id> --change-url <change url> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --reviewer <reviewer> [--<approval category id> <score> --<approval category id> <score> ...]
### topic-changed
Called whenever a change's topic is changed from the Web UI or via the REST API.
topic-changed --change <change id> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --changer <changer> --changer-username <username> --old-topic <old topic> --new-topic <new topic>
### hashtags-changed
Called whenever hashtags are added to or removed from a change from the Web UI
or via the REST API.
hashtags-changed --change <change id> --change-owner <change owner> --change-owner-username <username> --project <project name> --branch <branch> --editor <editor> --editor-username <username> --added <hashtag> --removed <hashtag> --hashtag <hashtag>
The `--added` parameter may be passed multiple times, once for each
hashtag that was added to the change.
The `--removed` parameter may be passed multiple times, once for each
hashtag that was removed from the change.
The `--hashtag` parameter may be passed multiple times, once for each
hashtag remaining on the change after the add or remove operation has
been performed.
### cla-signed
Called whenever a user signs a contributor license agreement.
cla-signed --submitter <submitter> --user-id <user_id> --cla-id <cla_id>
[2]: ../../../Documentation/json.html#patchSet