| Plugin @PLUGIN@ |
| =============== |
| |
| This plugin allows to associate Jira issues to Git commits. |
| |
| Comment links |
| ---------------- |
| |
| Git commits are associated to Jira issues reusing the existing Gerrit |
| [commitLink configuration][1] to extract the issue-id from the commit |
| messages. |
| |
| [1]: ../../../Documentation/config-gerrit.html#__a_id_commentlink_a_section_commentlink |
| |
| Additionally you need to specify the enforcement policy for git commits |
| with regards to issue-tracker associations; the following values are supported: |
| |
| : One or more issue-ids are required in the git commit message, otherwise |
| the git push will be rejected. |
| |
| : Whenever a git commit message does not contain any issue-id, |
| a warning message is displayed as a suggestion on the client. |
| |
| : Issue-ids are linked when found in a git commit message. No warning is |
| displayed otherwise. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| [commentLink "Jira"] |
| match = (\\[[A-Z][A-Z]+-[1-9][0-9]*\\]) |
| html = "<a href=\"http://jira.example.com/browse/$1\">$1</a>" |
| association = SUGGESTED |
| |
| Once a Git commit with a comment link is detected, the Jira issue ID |
| is extracted and a new comment is added to the issue, pointing back to |
| the original Git commit. |
| |
| Jira connectivity |
| ----------------- |
| |
| In order for Gerrit to connect to Jira/SOAP-API URL and credentials |
| are required in your `gerrit.config` / `secure.config` under the |
| `[jira]` section. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| [jira] |
| url=http://jira.example.com |
| username=admin |
| password=jirapass |
| |
| Jira credentials and connectivity details are asked and verified during the Gerrit init. |
| |
| Comment configuration |
| --------------------- |
| |
| It is possible to choose which kind of Gerrit event will trigger the plugin to comment on |
| the Jira issue by adding the following in your `gerrit.config` file under the `[jira]` section: |
| |
| commentOnChangeAbandoned |
| : If true, abandoning a change adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| commentOnChangeCreated |
| : If true, creating a change adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| commentOnChangeMerged |
| : If true, merging a change adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| commentOnChangeRestored |
| : If true, restoring an abandoned change adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| commentOnCommentAdded |
| : If true, adding a comment or reviewing a change adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| commentOnFirstLinkedPatchSetCreated |
| : If true, creating a patch set for a change adds a comment to the issue if |
| the issue has not been mentioned in previous patch sets of the same change. |
| |
| commentOnPatchSetCreated |
| : If true, creating a patch set for a change adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| commentOnRefUpdatedGitWeb |
| : If true, updating a ref adds a comment to the issue. |
| |
| By default all parameters are set to true. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| [jira] |
| commentOnCommentAdded=false |
| commentOnRefUpdatedGitWeb=false |
| |
| Gerrit init integration |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| The Jira plugin comes with a Gerrit init step that simplifies the |
| initial configuration. It guides through the configuration of the Jira |
| integration and checks the connectivity. |
| |
| Gerrit init example: |
| |
| *** Jira connectivity |
| *** |
| |
| Jira URL (empty to skip) [http://jira.example.com]: |
| Jira username [admin]: |
| Change admin's password [y/N]? y |
| admin's password : ***** |
| confirm password : ***** |
| Test connectivity to http://jira.example.com [y/N]: y |
| Checking Jira connectivity ... [OK] |
| |
| *** Jira issue-tracking association |
| *** |
| |
| Jira issue-Id regex [([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)]: |
| Issue-id enforced in commit message [MANDATORY/?]: ? |
| Supported options are: |
| mandatory |
| suggested |
| optional |
| Issue-id enforced in commit message [MANDATORY/?]: suggested |
| |
| GitWeb integration |
| ---------------- |
| |
| When Gerrit gitweb is configured, an additional direct link from Jira to GitWeb |
| will be created, pointing exactly to the Git commit ID containing the Jira issue ID. |
| |
| Issues workflow automation |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| Jira plugin is able to automate status transition on the issues based on |
| code-review actions performed on Gerrit; actions are performed on Jira using |
| the username/password provided during Gerrit init. |
| Transition automation is driven by `$GERRIT_SITE/etc/issue-state-transition.config` |
| file. |
| |
| Syntax of the status transition configuration file is the following: |
| |
| [action "<issue-status-action>"] |
| change=<state-change-type> |
| verified=<verified-value> |
| code-review=<code-review-value> |
| |
| `<issue-status-action>` |
| : Action to be performed on the Jira issue when all the condition in the stanza are met. |
| |
| `<state-change-type>` |
| : Gerrit state change type on which the action will be triggered. |
| Possible values are: `created`, `commented`, `merged`, `abandoned`, |
| `restored` |
| |
| `<verified-value>` |
| : Verified label added on the Gerrit change with a value from -1 to +1 |
| |
| `<code-review-value>` |
| : Code-Review label added on the Gerrit change with a value from -2 to +2 |
| |
| Note: multiple conditions in the action stanza are possible but at least one must be present. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| [action "Start Progress"] |
| change=created |
| |
| [action "Resolve Issue"] |
| verified=+1 |
| code-review=+2 |
| |
| [action "Close Issue"] |
| change=merged |
| |
| [action "Stop Progress"] |
| change=abandoned |
| |
| The above example defines four status transitions on Jira, based on the following conditions: |
| |
| * Whenever a new Change is created on Gerrit, start progress on the Jira issue |
| * Whenever a change is verified and reviewed with +2, set the Jira issue to resolved |
| * Whenever a change is merged to the branch, close the Jira issue |
| * Whenever a change is abandoned, stop the progress on the Jira issue |