This plugin provides an automated way of detecting, managing and cleaning up (garbage collecting) the ‘dirty’ repositories in a Gerrit instance.
It has two components: gc-conductor and gc-executor.
gc-conductor is a Gerrit plugin deployed in the plugins folder of a Gerrit site. Its main function is to evaluate the dirtiness of repositories and add them to a queue of repositories to be garbage collected. This queue is maintained as a database in a postgresql server.
gc-executor is a runnable jar that picks up the repositories from the queue and performs the garbage collection operation on them. gc-executor can be deployed in the same machine that hosts the Gerrit application or in a different machine that has access to the repositories and the postgresql server holding the queue.
Instructions to build gc-conductor and gc-executor can be found in the build documentation. For configuring the two components, see the configuration file.
The plugin also provides SSH commands to help managing the repositories queue: