@PLUGIN@ Configuration

gc-conductor uses a postgresql database to manage the queue of repositories that need to be garbage collected. The following commands can be used on the postgresql database host to create the configured username/password; superuser is required:

  sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
  sudo su - postgres
  createuser -P -s -e username

File gerrit.config

plugin.@PLUGIN@.packed : Packed threshold. By default, 40.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.loose : Loose threshold. By default, 400.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.databaseUrl : Database url. By default, jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.databaseName : Database name. By default, gc.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.databaseUrlOptions : jdbc option properties to append to the database URL, example ?ssl=true&loglevel=org.postgresql.Driver.DEBUG. Empty by default.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.username : Database username. By default, gc.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.password : Database password. By default, gc.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.threadPoolSize : Thread pool size. By default, 4.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.expireTimeRecheck : Time before a check is considered expired. By default, 60s.

GC executor

GC executor is packaged as a runnable java jar. The build documentation details the steps to build gc-executor.jar. Once built, gc-executor.jar is deployed to the node charged of doing the garbage collection (GC) process.

The configuration can be passed to the gc executor jar by using:

  java -DconfigFile=/path/to/config_file.config -jar executor.jar

File gc.config

The file gc.config is a Git-style config file that controls several settings for gc executor. The contents of the gc.config file are cached at startup. If this file is modified, gc executor needs to be restarted in order to be able to use the new values.

Sample gc.config:

  javaHome = /opt/gerrit/jdk8
  javaOptions = -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:8788,server=y,suspend=n
  javaOptions = -Xms1g
  javaOptions = -Xmx32g
  javaOptions = -XX:+UseG1GC
  javaOptions = -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=2000
  executors = 2
  pickOwnHostOnly = false
  delay = 0

  databaseUrl = jdbc:postgresql://same_host_as_plugin:5432/
  databaseName = testDb
  databaseUrlOptions = ?ssl=true
  username = testUser
  password = testPass

  packed = 40
  loose = 400
  repositoriesPath = /path/to/repositories
  startTime = Sat 22:00
  interval = 1 week

Section jvm

jvm.javaHome : Location of java. By default /opt/gerrit/jdk8

jvm.javaOptions : Options to pass along to the Java runtime. If multiple values are configured, they are passed in order on the command line, separated by spaces.

Section core

core.executors : Number of executors. By default, 2.

core.pickOwnHostOnly : Whether to pick repositories added to queue from same host only or not. By default, true.

core.delay : minimal delay in seconds a repository must be in queue before it can be picked. By default, 0.

Section db

db.databaseUrl : Database URL. By default, jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/.

db.databaseName : Database name. By default, gc.

db.databaseUrlOptions : jdbc option properties to append to the database URL. For example, ?ssl=true&loglevel=org.postgresql.Driver.DEBUG. Empty by default.

db.username : Username to connect to the database. By default, gc.

db.password : Password associated to that username. By default, gc.

It is important to note here that the parameters used in this section should be the same used in gerrit.config to define the database settings.

Section evaluation

This section allows to configure dirtiness evaluation for a list of repositories.

evaluation.packed : number of pack files in a repository for it to be considered dirty. By default, 40.

evaluation.loose : number of loose objects in a repository for it to be considered dirty. By default, 400.

evaluation.repositoriesPath : path to the repositories to be evaluated for dirtiness. By default, /opt/gerrit/repos.

evaluation.startTime : start time to define the first execution of the repositories dirtiness evaluation. Expressed as <day of week> <hours>:<minutes>. By default, disabled.

This setting should be expressed using the following time units:

  • <day of week> : Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
  • <hours> : 00-23
  • <minutes> : 00-59

evaluation.interval : interval for periodic repetition of dirtiness evaluation. By default, disabled.

The following suffixes are supported to define the time unit for the interval:

  • h, hour, hours
  • d, day, days
  • w, week, weeks (1 week is treated as 7 days)
  • mon, month, months (1 month is treated as 30 days)

If no time unit is specified, days are assumed.

GC execution

Executors can be started/stopped using gcctl.sh script.

  /opt/gerrit/gc-conductor/gcctl.sh {start|stop|restart|status|check}

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