OWNERS File Syntax

Owner approval is based on OWNERS files located in the same repository and top of the merge-to branch of a patch set.


lines      := (SPACE* line? SPACE* EOL)*
line       := "set" SPACE+ "noparent"
           |  "per-file" SPACE+ globs SPACE* "=" SPACE* directives
           |  "include" SPACE+ (project SPACE* ":" SPACE*)? filePath
           |  comment
           |  directive
directives := directive (SPACE* "," SPACE* directive)*
directive  := email
           |  "*"
globs      := glob (SPACE* "," SPACE* glob)*
glob       := [a-zA-Z0-9_-*?.]+
comment    := "#" ANYCHAR*
email      := [^ @]+@[^ #]+
project    := a Gerrit project name without space or column character
filePath   := a file path name without space or column character
ANYCHAR    := any character but EOL
EOL        := end of line characters
SPACE      := any white space character
  • An OWNERS file can include another file with the “include filePath” or “include project:filePath” line. When the “project:” is not specified, the OWNERS file's project is used. The included file is given with the “filePath”.

  • If the filePath starts with “/”, it is an absolute path starting from the project root directory. Otherwise, the filePath is added a prefix of the current including file directory and then searched from the (given) project root directory.

  • per-file globs = directives applies each directive only to files matching any of the globs.

  • A ‘glob’ does not contain directory path.

  • The email addresses should belong to registered Gerrit users.

  • The * directive means that no owner is specified for the directory or file. Any user can approve that directory or file.


  # a comment starts with # to EOL; leading spaces are ignored
set noparent  # do not inherit owners defined in parent directories
include P1/P2:/core/OWNERS  # include file core/OWNERS of project P1/P2
include ../base/OWNERS  # include with relative path to the current directory
per-file *.c,*.cpp = c@g.com,cpp@g.com  # special owners of .c and .cpp files
per-file *.c = x@g.com  # .c file owners are c@g.com and x@g.com
abc@g.com  # default owner, not for *.c and *.cpp files
xyz@g.com  # another default owner, not for *.c and *.cpp files
per-file README:*  # no specific owner for the README file