| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| q() { "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; } # cmd [args...] # quiet a command |
| gssh() { ssh -p 29418 -x "$SERVER" "$@" 2>&1 ; } # run a gerrit ssh command |
| mygit() { git --work-tree="$REPO_DIR" --git-dir="$GIT_DIR" "$@" ; } # [args...] |
| |
| # plugin_name |
| is_plugin_installed() { gssh gerrit plugin ls | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q "^$1$"; } |
| |
| set_filter_rules() { # [rule]... |
| git config -f "$GERRIT_CFG" --unset-all plugin.events.filter |
| local rule |
| for rule in "$@" ; do |
| git config -f "$GERRIT_CFG" plugin.events.filter "$rule" |
| done |
| gssh gerrit plugin reload events |
| } |
| |
| cleanup() { |
| wait_event |
| (kill_diff_captures ; sleep 1 ; kill_diff_captures -9 ) & |
| } |
| |
| # > uuid |
| gen_uuid() { uuidgen | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | xxd -p; } |
| |
| gen_commit_msg() { # msg > commit_msg |
| local msg=$1 |
| echo "$msg |
| |
| Change-Id: I$(gen_uuid)" |
| } |
| |
| get_change_num() { # < gerrit_push_response > changenum |
| local url=$(awk '$NF ~ /\[NEW\]/ { print $2 }') |
| echo "${url##*\/}" | tr -d -c '[:digit:]' |
| } |
| |
| create_change() { # [--dependent] branch file [commit_message] > changenum |
| local opt_d opt_c |
| [ "$1" = "--dependent" ] && { opt_d=$1 ; shift ; } |
| local branch=$1 tmpfile=$2 msg=$3 out rtn |
| local content=$RANDOM dest=refs/for/$branch |
| |
| if [ -z "$opt_d" ] ; then |
| out=$(mygit fetch "$GITURL" "$branch" 2>&1) ||\ |
| cleanup "Failed to fetch $branch: $out" |
| out=$(mygit checkout FETCH_HEAD 2>&1) ||\ |
| cleanup "Failed to checkout $branch: $out" |
| fi |
| |
| echo -e "$content" > "$tmpfile" |
| |
| out=$(mygit add "$tmpfile" 2>&1) || cleanup "Failed to git add: $out" |
| |
| [ -n "$msg" ] || msg=$(gen_commit_msg "Add $tmpfile") |
| |
| out=$(mygit commit -m "$msg" 2>&1) ||\ |
| cleanup "Failed to commit change: $out" |
| [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo " commit:$out" >&2 |
| |
| out=$(mygit push "$GITURL" "HEAD:$dest" 2>&1) ||\ |
| cleanup "Failed to push change: $out" |
| out=$(echo "$out" | get_change_num) ; rtn=$? ; echo "$out" |
| [ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo " change:$out" >&2 |
| return $rtn |
| } |
| |
| review() { gssh gerrit review "$@" ; } |
| |
| submit() { # change,ps |
| local out=$(review "$1" --submit) |
| local acl_err="one or more approvals failed; review output above" |
| local conflict_err="The change could not be merged due to a path conflict." |
| |
| if echo "$out" | grep -q "$acl_err" ; then |
| if ! echo "$out" | grep -q "$conflict_err" ; then |
| echo "$out" |
| echo "User needs ACLs to approve and submit changes to $REF_BRANCH" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| get_open_changes() { |
| curl --netrc --silent "$REST_API_CHANGES_URL/?q=status:open" |
| } |
| |
| mark_change_wip() { # change |
| curl --netrc --silent \ |
| --data "message=wip" "$REST_API_CHANGES_URL/$1/wip" |
| } |
| |
| mark_change_ready() { # change |
| curl --netrc --silent \ |
| --data "message=ready" "$REST_API_CHANGES_URL/$1/ready" |
| } |
| |
| mark_change_private() { # change |
| curl --netrc --silent \ |
| --data "message=private" "$REST_API_CHANGES_URL/$1/private" |
| } |
| |
| unmark_change_private() { # change |
| curl -X DELETE --netrc --silent --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ |
| --data '{"message":"unmark_private"}' "$REST_API_CHANGES_URL/$1/private" |
| } |
| |
| # ------------------------- Event Capturing --------------------------- |
| |
| kill_diff_captures() { # sig |
| local pid |
| for pid in "${CAPTURE_PIDS[@]}" ; do |
| q kill $1 $pid |
| done |
| } |
| |
| setup_diff_captures() { |
| ssh -p 29418 -x "$SERVER" "${CORE_CMD[@]}" > "$EVENTS_CORE" & |
| ssh -p 29418 -x "$SERVER" "${PLUGIN_CMD[@]}" > "$EVENTS_PLUGIN" & |
| } |
| |
| capture_events() { # count |
| local count=$1 |
| [ -n "$count" ] || count=1 |
| |
| # Re-create the fifo to ensure that is is empty |
| rm -f -- "$EVENT_FIFO" |
| mkfifo -- "$EVENT_FIFO" |
| |
| head -n $count < "$EVENT_FIFO" > "$EVENTS" & |
| sleep 1 |
| ssh -p 29418 -x "$SERVER" "${PLUGIN_CMD[@]}" > "$EVENT_FIFO" & |
| sleep 1 |
| } |
| |
| wait_event() { |
| # Below kill of CAPTURE_PID_HEAD is a safety net and ideally we wouldn't |
| # want this kill to stop CAPTURE_PID_HEAD, rather we want it die on its |
| # own when the 'head' in capture_events() captures the desired events. The |
| # delay here must ideally be greater than the run time of the entire suite. |
| (sleep 120 ; q kill -9 $CAPTURE_PID_HEAD ; ) & |
| q wait $CAPTURE_PID_HEAD |
| q kill -9 $CAPTURE_PID_SSH |
| q wait $CAPTURE_PID_SSH |
| } |
| |
| |
| result_event() { # test type [expected_count] |
| local test=$1 type=$2 expected_count=$3 |
| [ -n "$expected_count" ] || expected_count=1 |
| wait_event |
| local actual_count=$(grep -c "\"type\":\"$type\"" "$EVENTS") |
| result_out "$test" "$expected_count $type event(s)" "$actual_count $type event(s)" |
| } |
| |
| # test type [expected_count] |
| result_type() { result_event "$1 $2" "$2" "$3" ; } |
| |
| # ------------------------- Usage --------------------------- |
| |
| usage() { # [error_message] |
| cat <<-EOF |
| Usage: $MYPROG [-s|--server <server>] [-p|--project <project>] |
| [-r|--ref <ref branch>] [-g|--plugin <plugin>] [-h|--help] |
| |
| -h|--help usage/help |
| -s|--server <server> server to use for the test (default: localhost) |
| -p|--project <project> git project to use (default: project0) |
| -r|--ref <ref branch> reference branch used to create branches (default: master) |
| --approvals <approvals> approvals needed for submit (default: --code-review 2) |
| --plugin-cmd <cmd> event streaming command for plugin (default: <plugin> stream) |
| --core-cmd <cmd> event streaming command for core (default: gerrit stream-events) |
| EOF |
| |
| [ -n "$1" ] && echo -e '\n'"ERROR: $1" |
| exit 1 |
| } |
| |
| parseArgs() { |
| SERVER="localhost" |
| PROJECT="tools/test/project0" |
| REF_BRANCH="master" |
| APPROVALS="--code-review 2" |
| CORE_CMD=(gerrit stream-events) |
| PLUGIN_CMD=(events stream) |
| while (( "$#" )) ; do |
| case "$1" in |
| --server|-s) shift; SERVER=$1 ;; |
| --project|-p) shift; PROJECT=$1 ;; |
| --ref|-r) shift; REF_BRANCH=$1 ;; |
| --approvals) shift; APPROVALS=$1 ;; |
| --plugin-cmd) shift; PLUGIN_CMD=($1) ;; |
| --core-cmd) shift; CORE_CMD=($1) ;; |
| --help|-h) usage ;; |
| --verbose|-v) VERBOSE=$1 ;; |
| *) usage "invalid argument '$1'" ;; |
| esac |
| shift |
| done |
| |
| [ -n "$SERVER" ] || usage "server not set" |
| [ -n "$PROJECT" ] || usage "project not set" |
| [ -n "$REF_BRANCH" ] || usage "ref branch not set" |
| } |
| |
| readlink -f / &> /dev/null || readlink() { greadlink "$@" ; } # for MacOS |
| MYDIR=$(dirname -- "$(readlink -f -- "$0")") |
| MYPROG=$(basename -- "$0") |
| |
| source "$MYDIR/lib_result.sh" |
| |
| parseArgs "$@" |
| |
| TEST_DIR=$MYDIR/../target/test |
| rm -rf -- "$TEST_DIR" |
| mkdir -p -- "$TEST_DIR" |
| TEST_DIR=$(readlink -f -- "$TEST_DIR") |
| |
| REST_API_CHANGES_URL="http://$SERVER:8080/a/changes" |
| GITURL=ssh://$SERVER:29418/$PROJECT |
| echo "$REF_BRANCH" | grep -q '^refs/' || DEST_REF=refs/heads/$REF_BRANCH |
| git ls-remote "$GITURL" | grep -q "$DEST_REF" || usage "invalid project/server/ref" |
| |
| q git init -- "$REPO_DIR" |
| GIT_DIR="$REPO_DIR/.git" |
| FILE_A="$REPO_DIR/fileA" |
| |
| EVENTS_CORE=$TEST_DIR/events-core |
| EVENTS_PLUGIN=$TEST_DIR/events-plugin |
| EVENT_FIFO=$TEST_DIR/event-fifo |
| EVENTS=$TEST_DIR/events |
| GERRIT_CFG="/gerrit.config/gerrit.config" |
| |
| trap cleanup EXIT |
| |
| # We need to do an initial REST call, as the first REST call after a server is |
| # brought up results in being anonymous despite providing proper authentication. |
| get_open_changes |
| |
| RESULT=0 |
| |
| # ------------------------- Individual Event Tests --------------------------- |
| GROUP=visible-events |
| set_filter_rules # No rules |
| setup_diff_captures |
| |
| type=patchset-created |
| capture_events 3 |
| ch1=$(create_change "$REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || exit |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" 1 |
| # The change ref and its meta ref are expected to be updated |
| # For example: 'refs/changes/01/1001/1' and 'refs/changes/01/1001/meta' |
| result_type "$GROUP $type" "ref-updated" 2 |
| |
| type=change-abandoned |
| capture_events 3 |
| review "$ch1,1" --abandon |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" |
| |
| type=change-restored |
| capture_events 2 |
| review "$ch1,1" --restore |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" |
| |
| type=comment-added |
| capture_events 2 |
| review "$ch1,1" --message "my_comment" $APPROVALS |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" |
| |
| type=wip-state-changed |
| capture_events 4 |
| q mark_change_wip "$ch1" |
| q mark_change_ready "$ch1" |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" 2 |
| |
| type=private-state-changed |
| capture_events 4 |
| q mark_change_private "$ch1" |
| q unmark_change_private "$ch1" |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" 2 |
| |
| type=change-merged |
| events_count=4 |
| # If reviewnotes plugin is installed, an extra event of type 'ref-updated' |
| # on 'refs/notes/review' is fired when a change is merged. |
| is_plugin_installed reviewnotes && events_count="$((events_count+1))" |
| capture_events "$events_count" |
| submit "$ch1,1" |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" |
| # The destination ref of the change, its meta ref and notes ref(if reviewnotes |
| # plugin is installed) are expected to be updated. |
| # For example: 'refs/heads/master', 'refs/changes/01/1001/meta' and 'refs/notes/review' |
| result_type "$GROUP $type" "ref-updated" "$((events_count-1))" |
| |
| # reviewer-added needs to be tested via Rest-API |
| |
| out=$(diff -- "$EVENTS_CORE" "$EVENTS_PLUGIN") |
| result "$GROUP core/plugin diff" "$out" |
| |
| kill_diff_captures |
| |
| # ------------------------- Filtering ------------------------- |
| |
| GROUP=restored-filtered |
| set_filter_rules 'DROP classname com.google.gerrit.server.events.ChangeRestoredEvent' |
| |
| ch1=$(create_change "$REF_BRANCH" "$FILE_A") || exit |
| type=change-abandoned |
| |
| capture_events 3 |
| review "$ch1,1" --abandon |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" |
| |
| type=change-restored |
| capture_events 4 |
| review "$ch1,1" --restore |
| # Instead of timing out waiting for the filtered change-restored event, |
| # create follow-on events and capture them to trigger completion. |
| review "$ch1,1" --message "'\"trigger filtered completion\"'" |
| result_type "$GROUP" "$type" 0 |
| |
| exit $RESULT |