RabbitMQ Configuration

Some parameters can be configured using config files.


To setup a publisher that just publish stream events to a specific exchange on a specifc RabbitMQ host you create a config file at $site_path/data/@PLUGIN@/site. File extension must be .config. Connection to RabbitMQ will be established for each files. If no config files are located in this directory no connection with this type of publisher will be established.

If @PLUGIN@.config exists in $site_path/data/@PLUGIN@, it is loaded at first. It means that this is default for all config files, including the events-broker API config file.


To make specific configurations for the events-broker API you do those in $site_path/data/@PLUGIN@/broker/broker.config. You can use the same configuration options as the other configs with the additions of queuePrefix, durable, exclusive and autoDelete that decides queue properties. The event-broker API use its own publisher that is separate from the previously mentioned publisher.


If amqp..password is specified in $site_path/etc/secure.config. This password is used when trying to connect to amqp with username = .

  [amqp "guest"]
    password = guest

File format

    uri = amqp://localhost
    username = guest
    password = guest
    name = exchange-for-gerrit-queue
    deliveryMode = 1
    priority = 0
    routingKey = com.foobar.www.gerrit
    name = foobar-gerrit
    hostname = www.foobar.com
    scheme = ssh
    port = 29418
    listenAs = gerrituser
    interval = 15000
    failureCount = 15
  • amqp.uri

    • The URI of RabbitMQ server's endpoint.
  • amqp.username

    • Username for RabbitMQ connection authentication.
  • amqp.password

    • Password for RabbitMQ connection authentication.
  • amqp.queuePrefix

    • If set the queues that store the messages of the the subscribed topics will be named prefix + ‘.’ + topic, otherwise the queues will get a random name decided by RabbitMQ. Only used in broker.config.
  • amqp.durable

    • Make queues persistant on disk. So they stick even after a restart of RabbitMQ. Only used in broker.config and is only used if amqp.queuePrefix is specified.
  • amqp.exclusive

    • Make the queues only usable by their declaring connection. Only used in broker.config and is only used if amqp.queuePrefix is specified.
  • amqp.autoDelete

    • Make the queues automatically deleted when their last consummer stop subscribing. Only used in broker.config and is only used if amqp.queuePrefix is specified.
  • exchange.name

    • The name of exchange.
  • general.publishAllGerritEvents

    • Will publish gerrit stream events to configured exchange automatically if enabled, defaults to true.
  • general.enableBrokerApi

    • Enable the RabbitMQ Broker API, defaults to false.
  • message.deliveryMode

    • The delivery mode. if not specified, defaults to 1.
      • 1 - non-persistent
      • 2 - persistent
  • message.priority

    • The priority of message. if not specified, defaults to 0.
  • message.routingKey

    • The name of routingKey. This is stored to message property. If not specified, defaults to the type of the Gerrit event (e.g. “patchset-created”, “change-merged”).
  • message.publishConfirm

    • Enable reliable publishing with acking when a event is published.
  • gerrit.name

    • The name of gerrit(not hostname). This is your given name to identify your gerrit. This can be used for message header only.
  • gerrit.hostname

    • The hostname of gerrit for SCM connection. This can be used for message header only.
  • gerrit.scheme

    • The scheme of gerrit for SCM connection. This can be used for message header only.
  • gerrit.port

    • The port number of gerrit for SCM connection. This can be used for message header only.
  • gerrit.listenAs

    • The user of gerrit who listen events. If not specified, listen events as unrestricted user. This is not applicable for the RabbitMQ broker API.
  • monitor.interval

    • The interval time in milliseconds for connection monitor. You can specify the value more than 5000.
  • monitor.failureCount

    • The count of failure. If the command for publishing message failed in the specified number of times in succession, connection will be renewed.

Default Values

You can change the below values by specifying them in config file.

Bold is String value.

gerrit.listenAsUnrestricted user