
This @PLUGIN@ plugin is built with Bazel.

Clone (or link) this plugin to the plugins directory of Gerrit's source tree.

Put the external dependency Bazel build file into the Gerrit /plugins directory, replacing the existing empty one. The rabbitMQ broker implementation depends on events-broker which is linked directly from source with the same ‘in-tree’ plugin structure.

  cd gerrit/plugins
  git clone ""
  rm external_plugin_deps.bzl
  ln -s @PLUGIN@/external_plugin_deps.bzl .

Then issue

  bazel build plugins/@PLUGIN@

in the root of Gerrit's source tree to build

The output is created in


This project can be imported into the Eclipse IDE. Add the plugin name to the CUSTOM_PLUGINS set in Gerrit core in tools/bzl/plugins.bzl, and execute:


Use RabbitMQBroker Api with multi-site or another setup with custom Gerrit events

To make events-rabbitmq able to deserialize events from the rabbitMQ queues, every event type needs to be registered before. This means that every plugin that needs to register its own event types needs to load before events-rabbimq. Gerrit load plugins lexicographically based on the names of the jars of the plugins. So in the case of multi-site you could rename replication.jar to 0-replication.jar. Do not forget to re-point any symlinks.

  mv gerrit/plugins/replication.jar gerrit/plugins/0-replication.jar