@PLUGIN@ Configuration

File ‘gerrit.config’

[plugin “@PLUGIN@”] maxAge = 20 returnLimit = 10000 storeUrl = jdbc:h2:~/gerrit/db/ urlOptions = DB_CLOSE_DELAY=10 copyLocal = true

plugin.@PLUGIN@.maxAge : Specify the maximum allowed age in days of the entries in the database. Any entries that are older than this value will be removed on server startup. When not specified, the default value is 30 days.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.returnLimit : Specify the max amount of events that will be returned for each query. When not specified, the default value is 5000.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.storeDriver : Specify the driver of the database. When not specified, the default driver is org.h2.Driver.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.storeUrl : Specify the path to the directory in which to keep the database. When not specified, the default path is jdbc:h2:~/db/.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.localStorePath : Specify the path to the directory in which to keep the back up database. When not specified, the default path is <gerrit_site>/events-db/.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.storeUsername : Username to connect to the database, not defined by default. This value can also be defined in secure.config.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.storePassword : Password to connect to the database, not defined by default. This value can also be defined in secure.config.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.urlOptions : Options to append to the database url.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.maxTries : Maximum number of times the plugin should attempt to store the event if a loss in database connection occurs. Setting this value to 0 will disable retries. When not specified, the default value is 3. After this number of failed tries, events shall be stored in the back up database until connection can be established.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.retryTimeout : Amount of time in milliseconds for which the plugin should wait in between event storage retries. When not specified, the default value is set to 1000ms.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.connectTimeout : Interval of time in milliseconds for which the plugin should try to reconnect to the database. When not specified, the default value is set to 1000ms.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.copyLocal : To keep a copy of the backup database once main database connection is restored, set to true. The file will be copied to the same location as the backup database with a timestamp appended. Note that the copied file will not be deleted and must be removed manually. When not specified, the default value is set to false.

plugin.@PLUGIN@.evictIdleTime : Interval of time in milliseconds after which an idle database connection is evicted from the connection pool. When not specified, the default value is set to 60000ms.