Apache Kafka Configuration

Some parameters can be configured using Gerrit config file.

Sample config

[plugin "@PLUGIN@"]
        bootstrapServers = localhost:9092

All the Apache Kafka properties configuration needs to be defined in gerrit.config using a lower camel-case notation.

Example: bootstrapServers correspond to the Apache Kafka property bootstrap.servers.

See Apache Kafka Producer Config for a full list of available settings and the values allowed.

Default Values


Additional properties

plugin.@PLUGIN@.groupId : Kafka consumer group for receiving messages. Default: Gerrit instance-id

plugin.@PLUGIN@.pollingIntervalMs : Polling interval in msec for receiving messages from Kafka topic subscription. Default: 1000

plugin.@PLUGIN@.numberOfSubscribers : The number of consumers that are expected to be executed. This number will be used to allocate a thread pool of a suitable size. Default to 6. This is to allow enough resources to consume all relevant gerrit topics in a multi-site deployment: batchIndexEventTopic streamEventTopic, gerritTopic, projectListEventTopic, cacheEventTopic, indexEventTopic

plugin.@PLUGIN@.sendAsync : Send messages to Kafka asynchronously, detaching the calling process from the acknowledge of the message being sent. Default: true

plugin.@PLUGIN@.topic : Send all gerrit stream events to this topic (when sendStreamEvents is set to true). Default: gerrit

plugin.@PLUGIN@.sendStreamEvents : Whether to send stream events to the topic topic. Default: false

Gerrit init integration

The @PLUGIN@ plugin provides an init step that helps to set up the configuration.

*** events-kafka plugin

Should send stream events?     [y/N]? y
Stream events topic            [gerrit]: gerrit_stream_events
Should send messages asynchronously? [Y/n]? y
Polling interval (ms)          [1000]: 3000
Number of subscribers          [6]: 6
Consumer group                 [my_group_id]: my_group_id