The events-gcloud-pubsub plugin is configured by adding a plugin stanza in the gerrit.config
file, for example:
[plugin "events-gcloud-pubsub"] numberOfSubscribers = 6 subscriptionId = instance-1 gcloudProject = test_project privateKeyLocation = /var/gerrit/etc/secured_key.json
: GCloud project name
: Conditional. This value identifies the subscriber and it must be unique within your Gerrit cluster to allow different Gerrit nodes to consume data from the stream independently. It can be omitted when gerrit.instanceId
is configured, otherwise it is mandatory. Default: gerrit.instanceId
value (when defined) See also: gerrit.instanceId
: Path to the JSON file that contains service account key. The file should be readable only by the daemon process because it contains information that wouldn’t normally be exposed to everyone.
: Optional. The number of expected events-gcloud-pubsub subscribers. This will be used to allocate a thread pool able to run all subscribers. Default: 6
: Optional. Send messages to GCloud PubSub asynchronously, detaching the calling process from the acknowledge of the message being sent. The drawback of the enabling the sendAsync parameter is that the broker would only return the status of the successful invocation of the message send operation and not the actual status received by the broker. This means that when sendAsync is enabled ‘broker_msg_publisher_failure_counter’ metric is not incremented when message send failure occurs. Default: true
: Optional. The approximate amount of time (on a best-effort basis) Pub/Sub waits for the subscriber to acknowledge receipt before resending the message. Default: 10
: Optional. Maximum time in seconds to wait for the subscriber to connect to GCloud PubSub topic. Default: 10
: Optional. Name of the GCloud PubSub topic for stream events. events-gcloud-pubsub plugin exposes all stream events under this topic name. Default: gerrit